No matter how long it takes

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Fletch had guided Jac over to the sofa in her office and they were now sat facing each other, their hands intertwined. Fletch stroked her knuckles gently with his thumb and looked into her beautifully coloured eyes.
"Why did you run away from me? Talk to me, I want to understand. Please Jac, let me help you." He pleaded desperately. A sad, ashamed look drowned her eyes as she bit back the tears.
"I- er I," She took in a sharp breath and tried again. "I'm sorry, I can't do this." Jac muttered and ran towards the door, wincing in the process at the fast movements.

"Jac don't go." Fletch was up and had shot to her side immediately, grabbing her elbow to stop her from continuing her escape. Her face was scrunched up in a grimace and her eyes were shut.
"Let go of me Fletcher." She grumbled through gritted teeth. His hand dropped to his side and she carried on across the office, her shoes squeaking with every step.
"Please Jac." He tried again and this time she turned back to face him, hearing the hurt in his voice.

"I have a job to be doing, now get out of my way." She said in a cold tone.
"No you don't, your shift finished ten minutes ago." Damn he's good at this, she thought. "I have four kids Jac, you should know I'm used to people trying to outsmart me." He stepped aside, freeing up her path out of the office. "Fine, go. If that's what you want. But you will talk to me, I'll make sure of that." Jac waited until he had finished talking and strode out of the room. He followed silently and stood outside the office, watching her walk away. She was walking towards the main entrance when Fletch called out to her, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Jac stopped sharply in her tracks and turned on her heels.
"Shut it Fletcher." She snapped as she walked back past him in the direction of the crèche, his smirk growing bigger as she approached him. She carried on past him, wanting to slap him at the same time as kiss the life out of him. Stop it Naylor, she scolded herself.

Later that evening, Jac and Emma were sat watching Tangled on the sofa when the door bell rang. Jac lifted her daughter off of her lap and gently placed her on the sofa beside her and went to go and answer the door. Behind the door stood Fletch and his two youngest children.
"Hi." He grinned as she rolled her eyes. The woman stepped back, allowing them to come into the house and watched as the children ran into the living room to join Emma. Jac walked the few steps over and shut the living room door and went back to Fletch who was stood in the hallway.
"Do you make a habit of dropping into people's houses uninvited?" She said in a bored tone.
"Nope, just you." He grinned again. "We have some talking to do. And you can't run away this time." She raised an eyebrow and led him into the kitchen.

Jac flicked the kettle on to boil and they sat at the table. "So?" She looked expectantly at him.
"So..." He returned. "Why did you run away from me the other day?" She looked down at her lap as she always did, avoiding his eyes. "Jac?" He pushed.
"I can't marry you Fletch." She said sadly.
"Why not?" He was half expecting her to say she was already secretly married or something.
"Because you'll get hurt. By me." She mumbled.
"No, Jac. Get this into your pretty little head will you? I love you, I want you to be mine, you could never hurt me. I love you way too much." He had now placed his hands on her shoulders and was rubbing her collar bones with his thumbs gently.

Gingerly, he leaned forward and brushed his lips against hers, expecting her not to respond or push him away but she didn't. Jac pulled his lips in to a passionate kiss, her hands snaked their way around his waist and were now grabbing his shirt in her fists. Their lips still attached, he scooped her up and put her on his lap, holding her close.
"Ewwwwww!" A child's voice screeched from the doorway. The couple pulled back but kept their foreheads together and chuckled. They slowly turned to find Ella stood their covering her eyes.

"Oi you, come here Missy." Fletch gestured over to his daughter. She ran over to the couple and he kissed her head. Jac surprised them both and scooped the child up and pulled her into her lap. "We're becoming a human jenga tower." Fletch laughed making Ella giggle. At that moment, both Emma and Theo can charging into the room and tried to bundle on top as well.
"Oi careful you lot." Fletch laughed. "Come on, get off. You've got to be careful not to hurt Jac remember."
"Oh no, I'm fine." She said, knowing that Fletch had only said it to get them to leave them alone. In return she got a playful glare which made her chuckle. The kids all slid off their parents anyway and ran off to go back to their film.
"Ah peace and quiet again. I get you all to myself now Ms Naylor." He snuggled into her neck, tickling her with his beard. He then looked back up to her, his face suddenly serious. "We don't have to get married just yet if you aren't ready you know? I'll still love you. No matter how long it takes."

"Thank you." She whispered. "I love you too but yes please, let's wait for a bit yeah?"
"Okay." He whispered and went back to tickling her collar bones with his beard, making her giggle like a teenager.

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