//chapter 1//

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-Present Time-
"Look Hoseok, it's been 6 months and your condition is worsening as every second passes. Please at least consider the surgery" Dr.Park lectured as he handed Hoseok a  pamphlet.

Hoseok quickly snatched the small booklet from his hands and hastily shoved it into his pocket as he made his way to the door out of the small room.All of Dr.Park's lectures these days would go in one ear and out the other, for Hoseok knew what he would say.
Hoseok knew he was slowly dying a slow and painful death. But the surgery meant losing the feelings for the person on the opposite end of the one sided love. Yoongi was all Hoseok lived for and he was scared of what his life would be without the feelings he had tworads the older male.

The walls of the large hospital building became all to familiar to Hoseok as he slowly made his way out of the almost maze like corridors and into the longed for parking lot. A sigh managed to slip past his lips as he once again thought about the man that made his heart ace.

Then as expected his stomach began to churn. He stoped for a split second before slapping his hand over his mouth and quickly sprinting to his car.

Hoseok fumbled with his keys as he struggled to open his car with one hand. Time was running low for Hoseok as the flower petals quickly made their way up his esophagus.

Soon enough he was on the side of the parking lot hunched over, hands on his knees, gaging and coughing up several flower petals. Tears fell down his flushed face as he excessively dry heaved. This lasted for several minutes before he slowly collected himself. Finishing off with a couple brushes of his shirt he got up and started walking to his car.

Hoseoks breath caught in his throught. In the distance he saw him, Yoongi. Hoseok looked closer, he was with jimin.

All of Hoseoks nightmares came alive when Yoongi turned around.Yoongi smiled wide and hoseok could have passed out on the spot when he saw that beautiful gummy smile.

Hoseok gave a weak smile back and quickly ran back to his car, not caring that he never gave a proper hello to yoongi. Once He was in the safety of his car he let out a choked cry as he coughed up the remainder of the petals.

Hoseok slowly looked out his window and saw yoongi give a light shrug and return his attention back to Jimin. To hoseok it looked like Jimin had a brace on his ankle.

Yoongi's was helping Jimin get across the parking lot, Jimin's hand snaked around Yoongi's waist. They slowly limped slowly toward the hospital completely unaware of the man having a break down in a car only a couple meters away.

new book who dis
So this is basically... I'm not gonna do a schedule for any of this because I literally have no idea when I will be able to write. I may do one in the future but idk. My goal is at least 1 chapter in 2 weeks, or maybe even more, again idk.
But aaaaaaaanyway
I (j)hope you enjoyed this chapter and dOnt foRgEt tO liKe aNd suB- *Cough*

But aaaaaaaanywayI (j)hope you enjoyed this chapter and dOnt foRgEt tO liKe aNd suB- *Cough*

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//555 words//

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