//chapter 11//

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Yoongi woke up, papers sprawled out across the bed, he didn't relize how late it was until he looked at the small cube alarm clock that was crammed into a corner of his messy nightstand.
He looked down at himself, he was wearing his clothes from the day before. Feeling gross and disgusting, he went to the shower, not caring that he would be extremely late to work. He would just make up a lame excuse like there was traffic or something.

He stripped of his clothes and walked into the shower. He turned the water on and felt the warm water rush over his body. His thoughts wondered aimlessly until they brought him to Hosoek.He wondered if hoseok would even come to work today. After what happened he wouldn't want to either.

After his somewhat long shower yoongi dried himself off and grabbed the first thing he could off of the hangers and put it on, a black hoodie with black ripped jeans. He brushed his wet hair and left it. He wasn't in the mood to style it today.

Yoongi's softly walked into his bedroom to gather his work things, he half expected to see Jimin curled up in all of the blankets, smiling back at him with his beautiful, angelic smile. Yoongi sighed and looked down. He felt a tear slide down his cheek.

Quickly wiping the tear away he rushed to the bed and bunched his stuff together, bringing it to the counter he set it down, grabbing his bag and shoving the paper inside. The  messy papers stuck out of the bag, but yoongi didn't seem to care.
Yoongi looked like a mess, everyone in the building knew it as he loaded the elevator with 2 other employees.
Someone he only knew as BamBam and another tall male he believed was named Jae. The other two looked at yoongi with concern. He looked horrible.

Jae tapped Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi looked up at the male, who towered over him. With a somewhat intimidated tone he whispered "Yes?"

"Are you ok Yoongi?" Jae asked with a concern laced tone. Obviously worried about the older.

Yoongi quickly looked down
"Im fine" he whispered.

"If you say so yoongs" Jae chuckled "but if you do need anyone to talk to I'm here ya know" Jae said reassuringly.

"I'll keep that in mind" Yoongi said as he walked out of the elevator. "Bye" he whispered as he heard the door close shut behind him.

Yoongi walked down the plain corridor littered with all types of awards and trophies. He loooked at them and admired them,maybe one day he could get one of his own.(yoongi x trophies is the realest ship in the game,sorry I don't make the rules I only follow them)

The sound of the door opening echoed off the walls of the empty office door. Yoongi sighed as he sat down. Hosoek wasn't going to be there today. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, trying to make up a reasonable reason to call hoseok. He gave up and hesitantly clicked Hoseok's  name in his contacts, he quickly pressed the call icon, before he could regret it.

The call rung and rung for what seemed like hours, the called ended and Yoongi clicked the call button again, and again, and one more time before he stood up, worry flowed through his. He burst through the door and speed to the desk at the end of the hallway.

He slammed his hands down a bit to hard and the receptionist let out a small squeak. "Yes mr.Min" the petite male said as he composed himself.

Yoongi's breathing was uneven as he let out a breathy response "do you have any idea where Hosoek is?"

"Oh... you haven't heard?" The receptionist asked fiddling with his ring.

"What" Yoongi asked urgently "I haven't heard what?" Yoongi said a bit harshly.

"Mr.Jung is in hospital... he's in critical condition, they don't know is he'll survive. Mr.Min, I'm greatly sor-"

Yoongi's face went pale. "I have to go, check me out Jungkook" Yoongi did firmly.

"Yes mr.Min" Jungkook replied quickly.
Wow guys it's crazy, I'm happy that I'm somewhat off the schedule I was in, where I'm like super motivated then write like a 200 word chapter, that I'm not quite happy with then leave you guys for like a month or two with no updates. I'm happy with this chapter, which is pretty new and I want to let you guys know that this book is sadly coming to an end but I hav another book idea that I'm suuuper excited for sO lEts dO tHiS.

B y e.

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