//chapter 5//

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(A/n) I just reread the last chapter, and I apologize how horrible the ending was, geez I didn't even realize how bad it was. Anyway, sorry for the wait, but here is the 5th chapter. (Warning this chapter is going to be pretty short  and kind of a filler because I'm pretty sure I have writers block r.i.p me)

All that could be heard in the apartment inhabited by Yoongi and Jimin were soft clicks of a keyboard and the occasional click of a mouse.
The small cursor surfed across the page, following what Yoongi was reading.

Once again Yoongi felt as if he had failed Hoseok. Oh yes, it was not the first time he felt like this. Before Yoongi was in love with Jimin, he was in love with Hoseok Yoongi never admitted that he still had small feelings for hoseoks but that love was slowly fading away the more he fell in love with Jimin, the bright boy with a angelic voice and breathtaking smile.

Once Yoongi and Jimin started dating Hoseok's aura completely changed, he became more distant and seemed as if he was striped of all happiness, little did Yoongi know that he was.
Yoongi was his last source of happiness, or at least knowing he stood a small chance when Yoongi was single was.

Yoongi, and how clueless he was,(THE SHADE I JUST ACCIDENTALLY THREW OMG) just thought that Hoseok was jealous of how much more time Jimin and Yoongi would have together, you know, in a friend way. Boy was he wrong.

After doing a little more research Yoongi closed the laptop and sighed. He decided he would talk to Hoseok the next morning.

He tiptoed to his room, being sure not to make a sound as he slid into bed next Jimin but noticed something not right. Yoongi slowly and gently pulled the covers off of Jimins half exposed chest. He gasped at what he saw.

Located just below Jimins collarbone was a small hickey, barely noticeable, how yoongi even saw it confused himself. He was in full out panic mode but then kept on repeating that Jimin wouldn't do that and that he probably gave it to him. But still in the back of his mind he knew he didn't give Jimin that hickey.

Yoongi slid down into bed and slipped into sleep.

(A/n) THIS CHAPTER IS SO SHORT IM SORRY!! I am definitely going to get the next chapter out this week preferably by Friday, because I have a formal I need to go to r.i.p. sorry if this chapter is disappointing but hopefully the next chapter will be a bit better💖.
See you doods later

have this ^^ Isn't my bias so handsome?

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have this ^^
Isn't my bias so handsome?

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