//chapter 7//

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(A/n. AHHHH I'm so so so so so so so so sorry it took me this long to update!! But school just finished for me and I can now update a looooot more)

Hoseok drove away the smile instantly leaving his face as he saw through his rear view mirror a shocked Yoongi just standing next to the now vacant parking spot. He felt... bad. He sighed and just kept on driving out of the parking lot and onto the busy streets of Seoul.


Yoongi was absolutely shocked. He indeed heard what Hoseok said and was frozen. All he could hear were his own cloudy thoughts, Telling him that he was useless, that he did not deserve to have Hoseok in his life after what he had let him experience.

The image of Hoseok lifting up his sleeves to reveal all of the scars made him break down. Yoongi fell to his knees and held his head in his hands. No tears fell but it was as if he was breaking into thousands of pieces.

It was him.

He was the reasons for the petals,

For the cuts.

It was him.

It was all his fault Hoseok was broken.

And he knew it now.

He too was broken.


Yoongi soon made his way to his apartment, through all of the city traffic, all he could think about was Hoseok. He wanted to help.

But he loved Jimin.

He walked up the stairs not wanting to face anyone else, which he most likely would if he had taken the elevator. Griping the railing tight he continued his journey to the 5th floor.

Almost out of breath he reached the destination. He slowly unlocked the door.

(A/n my heart is literally beating super fast rn, and you're about to find out why)

To his horror he saw Jimin shamelessly moaning underneath a man, not known to Yoongi, sucking at his neck, just enough to make him look untouched.

Yoongi stared in anger at the boy who was kissing down Jimins exposed upper body.

He ripped the man off Jimin and threw him to the ground.

"Taehyung!" Jimin screamed.

"Taehyung. Huh?" Yoongi growled lowly as he chuckled.
"Oh yeah. Don't think that little love bite of yours went unnoticed, Jimin" Yoongi said sarcastically as he got close to Jimin's face, fear evident in the younger's eyes.

"Oh." Yoongi breathed out as he spun around on his heals.
"And what to do with you? Taehyung, was it?" Yoongi said looking Taehyung straight in his eyes, his fists visibly balled, and veins from his arms and wrists bulging out.

Taehyung was terrified to say the least.
Taehyung grabbed his clothes and sprinted out of the apartment, mumbling incoherent apologies.

Yoongi turned back to Jimin.
"Care to explain?" Yoongi hissed.

"I-I um- thought you were coming home later today Y-yoongi." Jimin stuttered out.

"Oh so that makes it any better? You were going to do it behind my back? And I wouldn't have found out huh? Oh wow what a great excuse Jimin!" Yoongi yelled in his face.

Yoongi scoffed.
"I want you out. I'm leaving and you better have all of your shit together when I get back."
"B-but I live here too" Jimin croaked out.

"Oh really? Who pays all of the rent? Who gets all of the food? Hm? Oh wait! It's me." Yoongi said sarcastically.
"Now I want you out of my apartment I'll be back and if your not out by that time we're going to have some serious problems" Yoongi said as he walked to the front door.

"Oh wait I forgot something" Yoongi walked up to Jimin and grabbed his left wrist and slid off the promise ring he had given Jimin.

Jimin stood in silence as he looked at Yoongi in shock.

"This was expensive" yoongi whispered to Jimin as he slid it into his pocket and walked out of the door.

(A/n Sup my doods. I'm actually realllllly sorry it took so long to update. The last week of school is very stressful and thank god that hell is over. I hope you have a nice summer!💗💖)

 I hope you have a nice summer!💗💖)

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