//Chapter 9//

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——>IMPORTANT!! This is Hoseok's experience after he drove away<——
He speed down the road, running red lights, making crazy turns all while sitting calmly with an expressionless face. He felt like crying, he felt like screaming. He felt broken.

Yoongi said he understood no he didn't understand. It almost made Hosoek laugh,he would never. He isn't going through the pain  that Hoseok experiences every single second of the day. All of the pain Yoongi had was that he didn't get his goodbye kiss from Jimin.

It made Hosoek feel sick.
Hoseok felt everything, every cut, every scratch, every tear. He was hurting, he was broken.Shattered.

While Hoseok was on the floor, clawing at his burning throat Yoongi was probably with Jimin, every cut another kiss the couple shared, every tear they fell deeper in love.

Why wasn't he enough?

Why would he never be enough?

He stayed quiet as he slowly exited his car, completely aware of all of the soft petals that floated to the ground as he walked, the petals that once clung to his pants now falling to the ground.
He reached for his door knob, slowly turning it he closed the door and locked it.

Then it happened

He broke down.

He was sobbing, tears flew down his face as he was screaming for it to stop. Everything was closing in around him.


That's all hoseok felt. All of the times he held it in, it all crashed down on him like a tsunami, all he heard was his screaming. He felt as if he was on fire. He was now begging for it to stop.

He needed it to stop.

He was clawing at his arms, leaving bright red marks.He screamed as the pain in his throat increased. The blood stained petals fell far from gracefully into his shaking hands. The immense amount of blood staining them a bright crimson red.

He was gasping for air, the flower petals choking him as he inhaled. He was sobbing uncontrollably as he lay there begging for all of the pain to leave him. Struggling to breathe so he just stayed there on the ground crying.

Soon enough He shakely used the hard wood floor to get himself up onto his feet. He stumbled his way into the bathroom, his body burning more and more with each step. He needed it to go away.

Each step he took he let out a small cry. Pain shot though his body as he took a small step into the bathroom, he fell to the floor.

He let a pained scream escape his lips as he felt the cold tile hit his knees. He now sit there criss cross with his hands cradling his head. The pain was over whelming, every inch of his body was begging to be set free from this seemingly never ending pain.

"Maybe I should" Hosoek thought as he looked at his prescription getting the growing urge to grab it

His tear filled eyes looked at the bottle and he smiled.

He grabbed the bottle with a smile on his face and he swiftly opened it. The smile never leaving his face as still the tears fell down his face. He piled up the small pills in his hand.
With one quick motion he shoved them into his mouth.

He let out a tearful laugh.

"I can finally be free"

Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've actually posted a chapter. I'm not in the best state of mind right now(lmao I've been crying a l o t and this chapter made me cry m o r e) but I want to thank everyone who has read this book. I've reached a milestone I only ever dreamt of. Knowing that people actually are genuinely liking and reading my book makes me beyond happy. Thank you  so so sooooooo much!! LOVE YOU ALL SO SO SO SO MUCH💖💗💞 (also I got tickets to go see Day6 in Philadelphia HMU if your going too)

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