//chapter 2//

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VERY IMPORTANT EDIT// i just got on this acc again to put a little trigger warning// self harm, it was immature of me to leave this out because past me really didn't get it did she, im sorry if this triggered anyone in the past. also this book is terrible please stop reading it, i was so immature and didn't realize how insensitive i was being. STOP NOW YALL THIS BOOK SUCKS

Hoseok drove a bit faster as he choked back the flower petals. The pain was unbearable as he made countless turns to get himself home. Some petals found their way out and onto Hoseok's lap. White petals littered across his car floor.

The last left turn Hoseok took got him to the place he longed to see, his small apartment building located in the outer parts of Seoul. He quickly put the car in park, and got out.

Hoseok quickly ran up to his door swiftly unlocking it. He struggled to take his shoes off, supporting himself with his other hand. After what felt like an eternity to Hoseok he managed to get them off. He ran up the stairs (fAsteR tHan sOnIc) and made his way into that bathroom his socks slightly slipping on the cold tiles.

Hoseok hobbled over to the toilet and emptied the petals previously trapped inside his lungs. Salty tears made their way down his face as the small petals danced around in the toilet bowl. He had gripped the sides of the toilet for support, his knuckles turning white due to how hard he grasped on to the bowl.

Hoseok stayed their coughing for several minuets before he sat up and was greeted by a pounding headache. Grasping his head he made his way to his bedroom.

A large squeaking noise was heard as he plopped himself down on his inexpensive bed.Hoseok rolled onto his stomach and let out a muffled sigh.

'This needs to stop' Hoseok thought to himself.
'Imagine how your family would react Hoseok." He told himself

Using his elbows to get him out of the position he was in he slowly sat upright. Hoseok's hands made their way on his face. A grumble made its way out of his mouth as he dragged his hands down his tear stained face.

'Maybe it really is time to let go' Hoseok pondered.
The silence was broken "I cant" Hoseok said as he stood up.

The small compartment was located in Hoseok's desk, All the way in the back on the top drawer closest to his door. In this drawer contained Hoseok's saving grace and worse nightmare. The razor. Taken from a small insignificant pencil sharpener, breed his nightmares and sleepless nights.

Slowly Hoseok's hand reached for the small blade.

Hoseok was numb he no longer felt it. No tears fell as he slowly glided the blade across his tanned skin.

"One" Hoseok counted
"Your never going to be good enough for Yoongi" He said as he coughed up a single petal.
"Two" Hoseok winced slightly.
"Your such a disappointment"
"You'll never be anything"

Hoseok's mind started to get fuzzy. He slowly set down the blade and grabbed a tissue. He hissed as he slowly ran the tissue over his bloody wrists. Now he felt it, the pain, he longed for it. It made him forget the pain he felt in his heart, but it would always come back around, and Hoseok would always give in to his painful habit.

"Why do I even try anymore" Hoseok said out loud as he cupped his hands over his face. A sigh left Hoseok's lips.

As he limped back to his bed after the short trip to his desk he wondered what Yoongi was thinking about. Realization hit him hard when he remembered that he was at the hospital with jimin, his true love.

White petals slipped out of Hoseok's mouth as he laid on his bed.

IM SO SORRY OT TOOK THAT LONG TO UPDATE!! I'm really trying to update as soon as I can! And I just want to clear up that this story does have a storyline and it's not just gonna be pure angst(like it is rn) stay tuned!

A/NIM SO SORRY OT TOOK THAT LONG TO UPDATE!! I'm really trying to update as soon as I can! And I just want to clear up that this story does have a storyline and it's not just gonna be pure angst(like it is rn) stay tuned!

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