//Chapter 4//

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//Pretty long chapter :)//
The familiar parking lot of the towering Bighit Entertainment building greeted Hoseok and his brightly colored car as it parked in its assigned parking spot. A decrease in the sound of the engine signaled that Hoseok could exit his car. He held his laptop tightly to his chest, his beats resting on this neck like a scarf.
Yoongi snapped his head back as he heard the door of his shared office open.
"Ah. Hoseok" He smiled.
"Nice to see you" Hoseok replied.

Hoseok set his things down on his desk as he slumped into his expensive leather spinnie chair. He did a quick swirl and returned to his original position, putting on a serious face.

Soon enough Hoseok drifted off into thought. 'Maybe I can ditch this job as a song writer and become a idol. Geez there's no way, besides I have no talent... I'm sure yoongi would make it though.' Hoseok scoffed at his eternal thoughts and  once again returned to his work.
"Hey Hobi?"

"Yes Yoongi?"

"Why were you at the hospital on Sunday?"

Hoseok froze

"Oh um you know just a regular check up" Hoseok managed to get out with out stuttering, although he was not completely lying.

"Hoseok I know you are lying, I can tell by your voice, please tell me." Yoongi said turning his chair to look at Hoseok.

Yoongi's gaze meet Hoseok's worried one and Hoseok felt the the familiar feeling in is stomach as he stared back into Yoongi's beautiful eyes.

"I-I- I have to go" Hoseok stood up and was about to run to the bathroom but he was stopped by Yoongi.Yoongi's grip was tight around Hoseok's wrist as Hoseok tried to slip from his grasp. (Yep. You know it. I just did that. Ahh the classic k-drama wrist grab)

"Hobi" Yoongi whispered while loosening his grasp.

"Yoongi please let me go" Hoseok choked out holding back the petals. Yoongi slowly brought his hand down brushing it against Hoseoks and let out a defeated sigh as he fell back into his chair.

Hosoek ran to the bathroom but quickly enough for some petals dropped behind him as he coughed into his hand. Hoseok repeated the dreaded process and soon enough flushed the toilet.

The door for the stall creaked open and Hoseok made his way to the mirror mumbling incoherent curses under his breath as he fixed his hair. Just as he was about to leave Yoongi popped out from behind the door.

"Hoseok... what are these" Yoongi whispered as he held up some of the petals that could not make it into the bathroom.

"I-I" Hoseok stuttered.
"I can't tell you" Hoseok said, dropping his scared gaze to his shoes

"Forget it" Yoongi replied coldly and walked back to their office.
The small room was suffocating the two males, the air thick with tension. The rest of the day went on like this, no words were exchanged and the only thing that reminded them that there was another person was the small glances they stole at each other.

Soon enough it was time to leave. Normally would stay later and work on their collaboration project, but they both knew now was not the time. So they both got home, early.

(Yoomin ahead)

Yoongi open the door to his apartment.

"SURPRISE" Jimin yelled as he launched himself into Yoongi's arms.

"Hey babe" Yoongi wispered into Jimin's shoulder.

"Heeey yoongi, baby, what's wrong?" Jimin cooed while littering kisses over his face.

"It's Ho- nevermind Jimin im fine I'll work it out with him tomorrow" Yoongi replied.
It was now 1:00 and Yoongi could not sleep. He was so worried about Hoseok and it crushed him that Hosoek did not trust him.

He got up and went to the kitchen, just outside of their bedroom. He grabbed his laptop and quickly did a google search.

'Coughing up flower petals'

He clicked the first link that came up.

'Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals.'

Heeeeey guys, sorry if you don't like Yoomin, Tbh I don't really know where this story is going but I have a couple scenarios I can make this book have. Also I'm debating on having a sad ending. Well idk nothing is really set in stone but I'll try to get a plan down before everything gets all out of place

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