//Chapter 6//

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(A/n) I gOt oUT oF wRitErs bLocK wHiLe wRitInG tHis¿ wAt??

Hoseok was the first to work today which surprised him because Yoongi was hardly ever late. Suddenly the door swung open and revealed a panting Yoongi with half done hair and jumbled outfit. Yoongi shuffled over to his desk and tiredly slumped himself down in his chair.

Hoseok could not help but let out a small breath at how cute Yoongi looked with messy hair. His heart raced but he was able to hold back the lump in his throat. He turned around and continued his work.

"I know" was all that left Yoongi's mouth. His back still turned to his computer.

"W-wha- I don't know what you mean Yoongi" Hoseok replied slowly trying to hide the obvious fact that he did, in fact know what Yoongi was hinting at.

"Don't ask stupid Hoseok" Yoongi hissed "you know what I'm talking about" He said as he slowly turned to face Hoseok.

"The petals Hoseok... I know."

Hoseok's face went pale he tried to speak but nothing came out.

"Listen Hoseok, please just tell me what's wrong" Yoongi pleaded. Looking into Hosoek's sparkling eyes.

"No" Hoseok choked out

"I-I can help Hobi, I know what to do" Yoongi said grabbing Hoseok's hand.

"No" Hoseok repeated this time louder.

"I looked it up I know what's wrong I know what to do" Yoongi rambled on.

"Yoongi I said no, drop it" Hoseok said a bit to aggressively.

"Please Hoseok I-"

"ITS YOU OK?" Hoseok screamed as he cut
Yoongi off.
"YOU ITS ALL YOU" Hoseok pointed to his chest
"THE FLOWERS THEY ARE ALL YOU" he pulled up his sleeves and pointed to his scars "YOU,YOONGI ALL OF IT" tears poured out of his eyes "I'M DYING BECAUSE OF YOU" He sobbed as he stormed out of the office leaving Yoongi stunned.

Hoseok let out muffled sobs as he ran down two flights of stairs and into the parking lot. He took his keys from his pocket and unlocked his car. He got in and locked the door hastily. Once he entered the safe oasis of his car he screamed and cried as he hit his head against the steering wheel.

Yoongi raced down the stairs and out into the parking lot not long after Hoseok, all it took was a worried Namjoon to come out from his office next door and ask Yoongi what happened. Yoongi pushed pass him and proceed to run after Hoseok.

He sprinted into the parking lot already at a loss for breathe. He saw Hoseok get into his car and through the windows saw him screaming and banging his head against the steering wheel.

Yoongi took no time to sprint to the bright green car and start banging on the window.


To Hoseok Yoongi's yells where filtered out as he cries were louder. He mumbled 'go aways' as he heard Yoongi furiously bang on the glass.
He knew he was in no condition to drive so he just sat there Crying, and clawing his hair, stuck with his own demons in the cramped car.

Without warning the flowers started to fill his windpipe, the petals spurred out over his lap, and onto the floor.

The taste of blood and salty tears filled Hoseok's system, he had never had it this bad, He realized that he was fading quicker than everyone thought, he was in his last months.
The sound of louder sobs filled the car,Hoseok cried more. He knew no one would miss him when he did pass, everyone would brush off his death like a little bug. He was utterly alone.

Yoongi repeatedly hit the window and only did he stop when he saw Hoseok turn slightly to the window.

Hoseok looked up to Yoongi as he hiccuped.
He gave his best eye smile and said, hopefully loud enough for Yoongi to hear.

"I'm glad you're happy"

(A/n)Oof this book is like 1000000 times more angsty than I thought it would be. WELL GET STRAPPED IN KIDS CUZ THERES MUCH MORE TO COME. And hopefully I can get the next chapter out quickly. (For the people who actually take time to read this, thank you, I will give you a gift; in the next chapter we find out who gave Jimin that hickey ;>)

 (For the people who actually take time to read this, thank you, I will give you a gift; in the next chapter we find out who gave Jimin that hickey ;>)

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