//chapter 10//

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T w o  u p d a t e s  i n  t w o 
d a y s ? ?
"I can finally be free"
Now all he had to do was wait. The pills would do their work in just a little time. So Hoseok waited. A mixture of laughing and crying could be heard bouncing off the bathroom walls. Until a striking pain went through Hoseok's stomach. He screamed out in pain grasping his pulsing torso.

Another burst of pain shot through Hoseok's Head, knocking him to the floor. He let out a blood curtailing scream. He lowerd his head towards the floor, hands still hugging his lower body.

Suddenly he started to vomit. He sat up, his stomach doing flips, all of its contents splashed to the floor. (I just gaged writing this I'm so sorry) he clamped his hand over his mouth but he felt its flowing though his fingers. (IM SORRY)Yet it didn't stop there,another wave of nausea rushed over him.

Scooting to the toilet furiously he violently grasped the sides of the bowl,vomiting,once hoseok saw the blood in the full toilet bowl panic started to set in. What was he thinking? He never took it this far despite how much he thought he wanted it. He didn't anymore. He wanted to live.

What about yoongi? Hosoek thought, how could Hoseok ever think of leaving him like this? He Loved Yoongi with all of his heart, how did he never think of how much hurt Yoongi would feel if his best friend commuted suicide? Hoseok began to feel salty tears sliding down his face. Then came the petals, this time though, there was more blood than petals.

He panicked, trying to make himself stop throwing up. He looked around at the bathroom floor stained with his own vomit. He clawed his way into the back pocket of his jeans. He took out his phone and quickly called 911.

The operator on the other end almost immediately picked up. All she heard on the other end was crying.

"This is 911, what is your emergency" she said calmly.

Hoseok was crying like crazy at this point "I-I swallowed s-some pi-pills. I- I- i- tried to k-kill my-s-self" hoseok stoped abrubtly as he let out a sob.

"Sir I need you to calm down, can you tell me how many pills you swallowed"
She replied, very calmly trying to let her tone show she was there for Hoseok.

"I- uh- I don't k-know 10, t-they were sm-small" hoseok said the pain worsing

"Sir our teams are on their w-" she was cut off by Hosoek's scream

"HELP PLEASE IT HURTS SO BAD. Please... please... I need him please help me"Hosoek screamed ,sobbing,the pain was unbearable it shot thought his body all the way from his head to his feet it was all pain, more pain than before, so much more.

"I want it to go away" he sobbed to the operator "make it go away" he whispered into his phone.

"Sir,yes I know it hurts but I need you to stay awake, can you do that for me?"
She asked more than politely, still with a calm and soothing voice.

"Yes" hoseok replied his vision starting to get blurry. He felt so tired now. He fought back but it was so hard.

"Sir I need you to keep talking with me ok?" She asked.

"Ok" Hosoek replied quietly.


"What is your name,sir?"

"Hoseok" he replied his eyes feeling very heavy,His whole body aching.

I'm sorry

"Ok Hoseok, how old are you."

"25" Hoseok said fighting back the
overwhelming feeling of tiredness.

I never told you how much I loved you

"Hoseok I really need you to stay awake for me ok? The ambulance will be there in any minute now."

"Ok... my password is 99187..."
Hoseok's eyes closed. He tried to speak again, he couldn't.it was no use.

Im so sorry.

A loud crash rang though the apartment. That's all Hosoek heard before he completely blacked out.

Wow, I did it, I did 2 updates basically(not really) updates in a row. YAY! Thank you to the people who commented super nice things on the last chapter (you know who you are 💜) don't worry this isn't the end, I still have to do Yoongi's part w i n k w o n k. This is a fairly long chapter and for some reason I'm like really inspired today (?) well this isn't the last you'll see of me and be prepared for the next chapter (hopefully soon)

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