//Chapter 3//

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Hoseok groaned as his alarm blared loudly in his ears. Patting around his nightstand, in the process managing to knock over the empty cup that he left from two nights ago. His fingers grazed his phone as he turned off the alarm.

The uninviting coldness of the wooden floors greeted Hoseok's feet as he got up. He stood up and doing a little tap dance to get his feet used to the coldness of the floor, he made his way to the bathroom (please tell me I'm not the only one who does this, I feel like I sound crazy writing it down).

Hoseok once again got a quick cold rush through his body when he stepped on the marble tiles of the bathroom. He quickly tiptoed to the shower and opened the tinted door.

The knob slowly turned to hot and water spewed out on Hoseok's hand. Out of reflex Hoseok retracted his hand as the cold water dripped off the side of his hand as he slowly wiped his hand on his clothes from the day before, he fell asleep before he could change.

The clothes fell to Hoseok's sides. He used his foot to kick them across the small bathroom creating a path for him to walk to the shower. Again his hand made its way to the water, the water was warm.

Almost immediately after getting in the shower Hosoek was reminded of his actions the night before. The semi-fresh cuts stung under the intense heat of the water. A hiss reflexively slipped past his lips as he slowly tried to get used to, once again, the excessive burning feeling all up his arm.

The shower finished almost as quickly as it started. The bathroom was now clear of any clothes and Hoseok was getting dressed. He grabbed at many of the millions of long sleeve shirts he own. 'Hmmm' Hoseok thought, I'll switch it up today and he grabbed a grey long sleeve complemented by a oversized sweater and black ripped jeans.

 'Hmmm' Hoseok thought, I'll switch it up today and he grabbed a grey long sleeve complemented by a oversized sweater and black ripped jeans

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(Bitch my husband be lookin like a hole damn meal)

Hoseok swiped up his car keys and phone, along with his work laptop and beats. He swiftly opened the door and locked it behind him, running down the stairs at full speed making his way to the car garage.

Hoseok's green car stood out amongst the other dark colors that flooded the large car garage.
He unlocked his car and slowly but surely made his way out of the car garage and onto the main roads, leading him to his work building.

'Off to work I go, hopefully Yoongi doesn't ask why I completely ignored him last night.' Hoseok sighed and kept on driving.

sup doooods!
Chapter 3 is out.
Ok I'm sorry this chapter sucks and it's suuuuuuuuper short but the next chapter will be better, I promise and it will have a Hoseok and Yoongi interaction.
Btw if you want to see a story idea I have then look at my other book (Random stuff) and comment if you would like me to write it!
Have a great rest of your day!!!⭐️

Hanahaki | j.hs x m.yg ✔️Where stories live. Discover now