//Chapter 12//

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(I didn't reread this at all so sorry for any mistakes feel free to correct me)
Yoongi drove like a madman all the way to the hospital. He pulled into the somewhat crowed parking lot and speed into a open spot. He quickly turned his car off and slammed the door shut. Yoongi sprinted through the parking lot and into the Lobby he ran up to the front desk.

"Hoseok, Jung Hoseok I need" yoongi sucked in a breath "I need to see him"
Yoongi said pleadingly to the woman at the front desk who had her hair neatly pinned back in a elegant side bun. "Now" Yoongi begged "right now"

The women looked at her computer, "I'm going to need some identification sir" she said "after that you should be ab-"

Yoongi practically threw his identification at her. "I need to see him right now hurry, it's an emergency" yoongi said a tears now streaming down the males face.

She handed back Yoongi's ID and he snatched it away from her hand. "Room 127" the women said as yoongi bolted by.

Yoongi ran up the flight of stairs heaving as he ran down the hallway, tears falling down his face as he dodged doctors and other people walking down the hall. His heart was beating even faster as he saw the number 127 plastered on one of the mint colored doors.

Yoongi stood in front of the door. His face red from crying and his limbs shaking from exhaustion. He pushed the door open and ran up to the bed. There lay Hoseok.

Yoongi droped to his knees and held Hoseok's hand. He sobbed into the boys shoulder, muffled cries leaving his trembling lips. Yoongi was shaking uncontrollably, sobbing. He then felt a small squeeze on his hands.

He looked up with tear stained eyes to see Hoseok staining back at him with a weak smile. Hoseok still shone as bright as the sun even in his condition.

"Yoongi" Hoseok coughed "don't cry, my love" Hoseok said weakly, his voice cracking with each word. Yoongi griped onto Hoseok hand. "Hoseok I-I'm so sorry I should have seen, I should have help, i-i" Yoongi started sobbing again, this time harder. "I d-d-don't love Jimin, Hoseok I-I love you" yoongi cried out

Hoseok smiles weakly "I love you too yoongi but it's to late now."

"Wha-what do you mean it too late, Hoseok, I love you you love me, it's all done we are happy?" Yoongi cried into Hoseok "we are happy now Hosoek, right"

Hoseok wipeed a stray tear that fell down his face, no yoongi it's too late" Hoseok stoped and broke into a coughing fit. Blood splattered across his chest and the flower peatals floated down to the side of the bed. Yoongi grabed hosoeks the side of Hoseok's face and tried to calm him down. Blood was all over Yoongi's hands but he was to focused on the man next to him to care. Hoseok calmed down a bit and explained between coughs "Yoongi, the peatals have done their work, I'm gone."

"No, no you are not Hosoek, I swear don't do this" Yoongi's voice cracked as he sobbed to Hosoek.

"Yoongi I need you to promise me-" Hosoek stoped to cough, blood covering the hand he used to block the cough with. "I need you promise me that you will be happy when I'm gone"

"No Hoseok stop, your not leaving" yoongi said as he felt the hot tears continue down his red cheeks. "YOUR NOT LEAVING ME HOBI" Yoongi screamed as he grabbed Hoseok's hand tightener.

"Yoongi, baby, look at me."Hoseok said his voice trembling. Yoongi looked up into his lovers eyes "I will always love you, no matter what, no matter when don't you ever forget that. I will love you till the end of time Yoongi, don't you ever think for one second that I am not by your side, every step of the way I will be there for you." Hoseok wipes his falling tears "you gave me strength to live now I give it to you, dear. Follow your dreams yoongi, don't let anyone stop you." Hoseok coughed out.

"I love you more than life itself" Hoseok whispered
"Goodbye my love"


so yeah


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