Boy band

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Dalton finished off with an acoustic version of Dominoe by Jessie J. He was definitely born to be a musician. "Thank you so much. Good night everybody!" He jumped off the stage and went to talk to Katrina and her 'friends'. I watched as she twirled her hair around her finger, trying to casually flirt with Dalton. But unlike most guys, he didn't fall into her trap. He took a quick picture with them and then walked away. Then I realized he was heading straight towards me.

His face brightened as he met my gaze and I could feel my cheeks turning red. "Hey Lilliana, fancy meeting you here." I couldn't help it, I giggled. "Well this is my uncle's restaurant, and considering I told you that I was going to be here, I wouldn't be too surprised if I were you." "You didn't say what restaurant you were going to." I raised my eyebrows. "How many places in Kauia have live entertainment on a Thursday night? I'm pretty sure we are the only one." He raised his hands in surrender. "Fine, I'll admit that I expected to see you here. So what did you think?"

I didn't want to sound obsessed with his voice, but I didn't want him to think I disliked his singing. "Honestly?" He nodded, looking worried. "You were amazing!" He looked relieved. "Why didn't you tell me you could sing? And your guitar playing was sick!" His blue-green eyes met my chocolate brown eyes. "When I knew that you didn't know who I was, I wanted to keep it that way. So many people want to be my friend just because I'm famous and I didn't want that to happen with you."

"Look Dalton, I think it's great that you're famous, but I will always be your friend because of who you are inside. That is if you want to be my friend." I looked up at him quizzically. "Of course I do." He shot a heart warming grin. "I want to thank you for the songs you sang today." He rolled hIs eyes. "It wasn't that good. And I couldn't help but notice how you reacted to 'Drops of Jupiter'. I'm so sorry if I offended you or something." I turned serious. "You didn't offend me, don't worry. It's just that that song was one of me and my dad's favorite songs to sing to." His comforting arms pulled me in once again. "Well I hope I did the song justice." He whispered into my ear. "You did, and I could feel my dad watching you sing." He looked like be was about to cry but then he covered it up. I released myself from his grasp and pulled him to a nearby table.


Dalton's p.o.v.:

"So pretty boy, how does it feel to be famous?" Liliana asked. I secretly really liked it when she called me pretty boy, but I wasn't going to tell her that. "It's overwhelming at times, but mostly a rush." By the look in her eyes, I could tell she really cared what I has to say. That was one of the things I loved about her, I mean liked. "Do you ever get lonely being away from your family?" That was a question that I answered in every

interview. "I actually live with my dad, so I'm not completely alone. And whenever I'm working I have the boys with me, and they are the greatest friends you could ever ask for." She looked confused. "The boys? You mean like your backup band?" Dangit, I didn't mean to say the boys, but I said that answer so much it was automatic. "Actually, I'm in a boy band." She stared at me. "What?!"

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