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Looking into my brother's eyes, all I can see is pain, shock and terror. Pure terror.

Luca was my twin brother but as I am sitting here in the middle of the street, staring at his lifeless body, all I can think about is how everyone is going to react to the news.

As I'm sitting here, just staring at Luca's body, I can hear footsteps approaching behind me. Nate taught me enough that I can tell it's a man, probably in his late teens or early twenties and about 6'4".

I slowly turn around and as soon as I can see who it is, the tears start to flow.

"Anna, what the hell happened here?" as I'm sobbing into my little brother's shirt, he remains the voice of reason as he is comforting me.

"It's all my fault Caleb. He was innocent. You all were."

"ANNA!" I can hear my brother's worried voice, then all I can see is black.

*** 1 week later... ***

I wake up in an unfamiliar room with 7 all too familiar faces staring at me. Cali, Caleb, Drew, Lena, Nate, Marco and Addison.

"Caleb Matthew Wilson!" I try to yell but it just comes out as a whisper.

"What Anna?" his voice sounds like he hasn't slept in days and his face looks like it too.

"You look horrible."

"Seriously? You've been passed out in the hospital for a week and you're saying stuff about me?"

"Well, yeah."

"Can you talk about something else?"

"Whatever. I get why you called Drew, Lena and Cali but why are Nate and the kids here?"

"Nate's your fiance, genius and those two are your kids."

"I love you Anni and no matter what I'm gonna be here for you. Me and you together forever, remember?" my fiance Nate always knows what to say to me when I don't know what to do and even if it was really sweet of my siblings for bringing Nate here but I'm seriously annoyed that they brought the twins.

"Before you say anything, Addison and Marco are way too stubborn to let us leave them with Frankie and Dani when you're in the hospital." my sister seriously knows how to read my mind sometimes.

"Thanks Lena." I manage to whisper to her. "How did you know I was going to say that?"

"It's my thing little sis."

I just lay there for a minute, looking and smiling at my big sister. I love her and all but she's crazy, especially when she's planning something with Drew.

"We get it Anna, you love Lena. But, we all know I'm your favourite sibling." of course Drew says something stupid, right on cue. He always trys to cheer me up by being his obnoxious self. Two can play at that game brother.

"Who are you kidding Drew? You're definitely not my favourite."

"So, am I your favourite?"

"No Caleb, you're not my favourite."

"Boys, stop fighting. You both know who her favourite sibling is."

"Who's my favourite then Lena?"


I immediately start crying when Lena said that and I can't stop.

I don't cry.

I haven't cried since my parents kicked me out 5 and a half years ago. I was only 16 and they didn't like that I was pregnant. They told me I had to get out and that my siblings weren't allowed to see me or talk to me anymore. Luca and Caleb both walked out of there with me that day and none of us ever went back. They both stayed with Lena and Drew at their house and I moved in with Nate at his apartment.

*** 1 week later...***

Today is Luca's funeral. I never thought I'd be going to my twin brother's funeral on our 22nd birthday but sometimes unexpected things happen.

"Mommy?" great, now the kids are here.

"Hi baby."

I turn around to see Marco stood there on his own. He is staring at me and he looks really worried. "What's wrong?"

"Daddy said you are sad and I wanted to make you happy again."

"You're adorable baby. Come and give mommy a kiss."

Marco and Addi are both like Luca. They can make someone happy by just being in the room, even when they think being happy is impossible. That's what we'll all miss about Luca. Because someone murdered my twin brother in cold blood, I have to spend my 22nd birthday at his funeral instead of celebrating with him and the rest of our family.

Who killed Luca? What happens at the funeral? Will Anna ever be happy again? You'll have to keep reading to find out.

The next few chapters will be quite short as they are about each person that was closest to Luca through their speeches at the funeral. If you want to skip these chapters, Chapter 9 is where the drama of this story really starts to set in. Chapter 10 is the last chapter of the funeral though.

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