13//The Truth

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Unknown's POV

I'm glad today for the first time in a long time. First I killed Lucien James, then I blackmailed Jessamine into leaving Cooper and Nova when Cooper's dying.

The Gray Hawks were my family until every single one of them sided against me. They all blamed me for the multiple times that darling Copper attempted suicide. I mean, how am I supposed to know if the girl has issues? It's
not my fault.

Nate Gray was one of my best friends, until he betrayed me and got with the enemy. Liliana James. We don't get along and we haven't for years but there was a time when we all had a beautiful friendship. Copper Chase, Grayson Meadows, Nate Gray, Liliana James, Alex Gray, Lucien James and me. I can still remember those days. The days before I was contaminated by the darkness and taken over by the revenge. I know I'll see them all again, it's only a matter of time.

Liliana was my other best friend, for years we were inseparable but eventually we grew apart. We were together every second of every day, no matter what but our friendship ended after 14 years of memories. We were 15 when we grew apart, it was after her and Nate got together but before she got pregnant. The thing about Lili is that it would be Grayson, not Nate, who's with her now if he hadn't died.

Grayson is my other secret. He's still very much alive and so are his parents. Calla would love to see her family again after 11 years but if Nate and Liliana are still together, I won't let that happen.

Calla was always like another little sister to me until everything happened with her family's 'deaths' and I was kicked out of the Gray Hawks just before they arrived and my sister was patched in so I never really saw them after they moved into the compound.

I am Jamie Chase and I killed Lucien James.

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