8//Thank You

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I know it's hard for Caleb to be here. Luca practically raised him and he was the only person except me and the murderer to see Luca's body that day. I could hardly recognise him but the one thing that made me recognise him was the fact he was wearing a chain with part of a star around his neck. We all have them and we wear them every day because Luca bought them for us about a month after our parents kicked me out; he said they were to symbolise our bond being unbreakable and that no matter what happened we would always be there for each other.

Caleb struggled through these past 2 weeks but he came out alive and stronger than ever, just like the rest of us. I know a huge part of why Caleb struggled is because it was his birthday when I was in the hospital. Cali told me he refused to celebrate it or even acknowledge it because he didn't have me or Luca there with him. Ever since he was a little kid, Caleb has always been emotionally and sometimes physically attached to Luca and him not being here anymore probably took a huge toll on his mental health.

Cali has been an amazing help to me since I woke up last week by comforting both myself and Caleb even though she was also really close with Luca herself and I could tell she was constantly on the verge of tears the whole time but she stayed strong.

I was doing some work a few weeks before Luca died, trying to track one of Nate's clients and I found something incredible. Cali has been really closed off to everyone since she was 9 and her dad and brother, Grayson, were in a car crash on their way home from Grayson's soccer training. They both died on the scene and she suffered severe depression for 10 years but Luca and Caleb were both by her side constantly the whole time.

"I can still remember the day nearly 11 years ago when Luca brought home Cali Meadows, his best friend Grayson's younger sister. I was only 9 at the time but I knew straight away something was wrong. I looked into this vulnerable girl's eyes and I could see pain and regret but I fell in love at that moment. Luca saw how I looked at her and he recognised it was the same way that Drew looked at his girlfriend Frankie. The only problem was that our parents didn't approve. When they were on school they didn't get on with Cali's parents and those feelings carried on well into their adult lives. Luca was the one that convinced our parents not to get involved in me and Cali's relationship. The surprising part was the fact that they actually listened to him. Both Anna and Luca were always formidable forces that you couldn't stop. Luca had this ablility to be able to convince anyone to do anything for him but Anna isn't as calm or collected as Luca always was. She uses her flexibility and agility to hurt people who are in her way using brute force. I almost feel bad for the person that murdered Luca. ALMOST, but not quite. They will have to put up with Anna's unstoppable temper. When she finds them, and she will find them, they won't live for more than a few seconds afterwards. Thank you everyone."

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