14//Here Comes The Sister

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Anna's POV

I think everyone is shocked after what Cooper said. Drew's face says exactly what he's thinking and it isn't good. He's really mad at Frankie.

"Stop calling my wife Francesca."

Okay, that was unexpected. He's scarily calm about all of this since he just found out his wife of 8 years and girlfriend of 3 before that has a 13 year old daughter with another man that he never knew about.

I watch the exchange, mesmerised as Cooper ignores Drew's words completely.

"I will call Francesca by her name thanks mate."

I can tell straight away Drew got really angry at that comment and I guess my senses were right since he jumps out of his seat and immediately lunges at Cooper.

Nate and Jax leap into action straight away and pull the two off each other. Frankie stands between them, Cooper fighting against Nate's hold and Drew fighting Jax's.

Frankie's POV

Seeing Nate and Jaxon having to hold back Drew and Cooper makes me remember why I kept them apart. Both are short tempered and neither deal well with rivalry.

I knew Drew would be upset I hid Nova from him but I had no choice. Nova and Jessamine were both in danger so I told Cooper to hide them somewhere and tell no one except his family, including me. I didn't have any contact with them again for the four years they stayed away from the club and when they came back I offered to help Cooper to look after Nova but I just offered as a friend since no one knew who I really was.

I never wanted to hurt anyone by keeping this a secret but I had to do it to protect my family from enemy clubs. I always knew that Drew would have to find out about Cooper and Nova at some point but I wanted to control when it happened. Now Cooper is dying and since there's nothing that I can do to change that, I have an idea of what I can do to thank him for everything that he's done.

I can see in the corner of my eye that Cooper and Drew seem to have calmed down now so before they start to fight again I quickly pull out my phone and text Anna.

Hey A. Can you and Nate get Cooper and Nova out of here before Drew kills someone.

I get a reply from her almost instantly.

Sure. You owe me an explanation though.

I quickly text Anna back.


I put my phone away quickly and look across the room to Anna. She nods and stands up, walking over to where the boys are still stood in the centre of the room.

She leans up so she can whisper in Nate's ear and after a minute they both nod then separate before Nate lets go of Cooper.

"We're going now. Everyone come to ours tomorrow for a little get together. Sirena and Holden are on their way from Corsington now anyway. They'll be here soon so we have to get guests room ready for them and the kids." Nate gives a reason for them leaving and I'm not sure if it's true or not but I go with it.

"We'll take Jump and Nova with us as well since we have the room and they're both comfortable with the Grays." Anna gives a valid reason to take Jump and Nova with them like we planned.

Anna's POV

As we leave Frankie and Drew's apartment, we can still clearly hear the yelling. A few moments after Jaxon closes the door, everyone else comes out with Caleb holding Hayley.

"Mommy and Daddy will be ok right Aunt Cali?" Poor Hayley, she's innocent in this but her parents are constantly going to be yelling at each other.

We all climb into the cars and head home but when we get back I can see a group of people stood on the doorstep.

I automatically think it's an enemy of the Hawks so I look towards Nate and we nod at each other. I reach forwards and open the glove compartment, grabbing two of the guns that we keep in there.

I throw one of the guns to Nate, keeping one for myself and we both nod and get out of the car as quietly as possible.

I hear a bang and see a glint of silver coming from the group on our doorstep. They fired a warning shot.

I point my gun in the direction of the doorstep and shoot.

Something doesn't seem right when I hear a voice from the darkness, "Damn Anna you can still shoot."

Me and Nate look at each other and speak at the exact same time.

"Sirena? Kiara?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2018 ⏰

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