9//Love And Loss

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Avery and Charlie are Zac's little sisters and pretty much Luca's as well. Luca had a lot of people he considered to be his family but none more than Charlie Edwards. From the day they met, Charlie and Luca were inseperable and I know she's the perfect person to be doing a speech right now.

"Luca wasn't just my twin's boyfriend, he was my best friend too. I loved him as much as I love my brother and my sister. They both mean the world to me and I can only ever hope that they will love me nearly as much. I can remember the first time I met Luca like it only happened a few minutes ago. It was the day we had just transferred to a new school in the middle of the school year. Me and Zac were both only 12 but because of our high IQs and photographc memories, we were both freshmen. I had the first 3 lessons with Zac but my fourth I had alone so when I got there I had no idea where to sit and ended up sat next to this guy who kept staring at me and looked like he was trying to get enough courage to talk to me. When he finally did, his words shocked me. He said, "Your brother's really cute" and I just sat there in shock for a minute before he asked me for Zac's number. I guess you could say I set up the cutest couple that anyone in this room had ever seen and I'm definitely going to take all the credit."

Avery was different. I never knew how she met Luca, she never talks about it. She was going through a tough time when she was 8 and the only one that knew anything about it was Luca. For some reason they would talk to each other in private all the time and I'm not the only one that noticed. When we were younger, Zac and Charlie would always come to me and ask if I knew anything about what was going on. I told them that I didn't every time and one day Zac just snapped. He ran over to the table where Avery and Luca were sitting before he started accusing Luca of taking advantage of his sister. This was around 4 years ago so me and Luca were 18, Zac and Charlie were 16 and Avery was 12 and Avery has barely said a word to me, Charlie or Zac since. Especially these last two weeks since I found Luca on the street.

"Luca was the only person I could talk to about everything that went on in my childhood, even when I couldn't talk to my older siblings Zac and Charlie. Luca understood that as an eight year old I was struggling to stay afloat in school whilst juggling that and my condition. I suffer from an eating disorder that means I eat constantly but I never gain any weight, which everyone knows about. But there's something that no one ever knew about. From the time I was 7 years old to when I had just turned 15 I suffered from severe depression and PTSD. My PTSD was brought on when I was attacked as a 10 year old when I was walking home from school and my depression was triggered by constantly being left alone as a child. Luca understood that I didn't want Zac and Charlie to know about my condition and he helped me through it. He got in touch with a friend of his mom's that became a psychologist once she'd finished university and booked me appointments to talk to her. He came to every appointment, three times a week, for the entirety of the seven years that I went and that's why I love Luca Wilson."

I feel for Avery. I really do. It takes a lot of courage to get up on that podium and talk about something you've kept secret for more than half your life to a room filled with both your closest friends and family and people who are complete strangers to you. I'm scared though. It's my turn next.


We all turn around at the sound of the door closing and that's when I see them. The eyes I haven't seen in more than 6 years.


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