5//Lost Brother

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It's Lena and Drew's turn to do their speech now and Lena's stepping up first. She looks worse than Caleb did when I was in the hospital. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying and her long black hair is scooped up in a messy ponytail, she obviously doesn't care what she looks like today. Her eyes aren't their normal bright green color, they look dull and lifeless.

"Luca was my favorite brother. Sorry Drew, Nate and Caleb but it's true. It was always hard to not love Luca. When he loved someone, he always protected them and treated them better than our parents had ever treated him or any of us, especially after they kicked Anna out when her and Luca were 15 and he followed with Caleb." Lena is about to crack. I can see in her eyes, she's on the brink of tears.

Lena is the strongest person I know and I've never seen her cry before but I can tell this is the last straw for her. Lena and Luca were always really close. After Zac and the boys' speeches, we're all a bit more upset than we know Luca would want us to be. I'm silently sobbing into Nate's shirt and Addison and Marco are cuddled together in his lap, both crying and trying to comfort each other.

"Luca was Caleb's father figure after that day, he supported him and the rest of us with our decisions. Especially Anna. When we all found out who Nate was we were all shocked and angry at first, except Luca. He always supported their relationship and he could see that they truly loved each other and that Nate would sacrifice his life to protect our sister. He definitely threatened Nate a lot over the years but deep down they had a mutual respect for each other as they both had one common goal, to protect Anna, and because of their goal they became great friends. My little brother was one of the most important people in my life."

I can only sit and watch as Lena takes a step back and Drew takes a step forwards. They immediately grab each other as Drew pulls Lena into a hug filled with so much passion and love, I almost forget we're at Luca's funeral. Almost. The one thing that manages to pull me back into reality is the sound of sobbing that fills the air. Drew's eyes meet mine and I notice something that seems rare today, he hasn't cried. Drew was always the one that protected us all, the one that never showed his emotions. He practically raised me, Luca and Caleb since our parents were always away on business.

"When our parents told us they were having another set of twins, Lena was over the moon to have new siblings and I was really happy to be having a little sister, but not so much a brother. I changed my mind straight away when they were born. That day I looked into Luca's eyes and something inside of me changed, I saw someone that needed protection so I decided to give it to him."

This is one thing that I know is true. Drew always told us how, that day, something changed inside of him and he swore to himself that he would protect his family no matter what happened.

"When Anna, Luca and Caleb left our parents' house because they kicked Anna out, me and Lena let Caleb and Luca stay with us while Anna went to stay with Nate. Without any of that happening, I wouldn't have Frankie and Hayley in my life. I will never forget or stop loving my little brother. We'll all miss you Luca."

This is the moment I hit my breaking point. I don't know how I've lasted this long without completely breaking down but I have. Luca was close with a lot of people and every person in this room meant something special to him, but I was his twin and we always had an unbreakable bond. I don't have to last much longer since we're about half way through the funeral now, I just want to go home and cry.

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