11//The Grays

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The next day...

Going to Luca's funeral yesterday was something I wasn't ready for. After I refused to do my speech, my parents pretty much disowned me a second time. I'm starting back work at the office today since I've been off for two weeks and I only have a few months before I'll have to stop again for a while.

I found out some news a couple of weeks ago and there are a few things I'm scared of. I just want Nate to be happy about it but I don't know if he will be. I also have no idea how the twins will react to the news but something tells me they won't be very happy with it.

Anastasia's POV

When Nate called and told me about what's happened to his fiancé, me, Khloe and Jaxon decided that now is the best time to carry out something we've been planning for about 3 years now. We've never met the twins but Nate calls us all the time and they're all he ever talks about. He asked us to come down and visit for a few days but we decided it would be a good time to move closer to them. Lillia loves Nate and it will be good for her to have some friends her own age since she didn't really have any at home in Corsington.

The whole 18 hours it took to get us to Brooklyn, I've been driving with Jason and Lillia on the backseat and Khloe is sat next to me in the passenger seat texting her boyfriend Mason. Jax has been trying to teach Lillia who Anna, Addison and Marco are since the last time we saw them, it was the week before Daniel died and I was about 6 months pregnant.

Anna's POV

I've decided to tell Nate the news so I'm trying to find him now. I've looked in our room, Addison's room, Marco's room and the living room. I'm currently on my way t the kitchen since I know the kids will want lunch as it's 1pm now.

I walk in and see Nate and Addison standing behind the counter and Marco sat on the counter playing with flour while Addison is helping Nate to bake cookies. I quickly take my phone out of my back pocket and take a picture of them all together.

"Nate can I talk to you for a second?" my normally strong voice barely comes out as a whisper and I know he can tell something's wrong

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"Nate can I talk to you for a second?" my normally strong voice barely comes out as a whisper and I know he can tell something's wrong.

We leave the room and I lead him upstairs and down the hallway towards our bedroom where I'm keeping my surprise.

I stop him just as we get to our bedroom door and block his view.

"Anna what's wrong." Nate's voice is laced with concern.

"I have a surprise for you but I'm not sure how you're going to take it."

"You know I'll accept anything you tell me. I love you Anna."

I open the door and turn to face him. I notice he looks around before his eyes land on a box that's wrapped up and sat on the edge of the bed. He walks over and picks it up, his confused expression locked onto my worried one.

He starts to unwrap it and as soon as he realises what it is, his face immediately breaks out into a huge smile.

"Really?" he's on the verge of tears at this point and I can only nod in reply, tears beginning to blur my own vision.

He pulls me into a hug and starts spinning me around the room.

"I guess you're excited then?" I laugh as Nate eventually puts me back on the ground.

"Of course I am. This is the best news ever but I think we should go back downstairs before the twins ruin our kitchen." Nate's reply makes me smile but I do agree with him that they're probably going to ruin the kitchen if we leave them alone for much longer.

When me and Nate finally get back into the kitchen Addison and Marco have finished making the cookie dough and Marco is putting blobs of it on to a baking tray while Addison has started to put the bowls and spoons into the sink.

"You guys cleaned up and finished helping your dad with the cookies?"

"Yeah mommy. Marco did most of it though."

I look at Nate and both of our expressions have the same joy and shock in them.

"Mommy, daddy why are you looking at Addi like that?"

"Me and mommy are really proud that Addison just said a full sentence without stuttering."

"Really daddy did I?"

"You did baby girl come and give daddy a hug."

Addison runs over and jumps onto Nate, overjoyed that she can finally talk. He does the same thing to Addi that he was doing to me a few minutes ago; he lifts her up and spins her around while she's squealing with excitement.

After a few minutes of us talking and laughing while the cookies are in the oven, the doorbell rings. I notice Nate sneakily check his phone before he goes to answer the door. Is he expecting someone?

I hear my phone vibrate from where I left it next to the oven and go to check it. I notice that I have 3 texts from Frankie and 2 from Drew.

Hey Anna are you and Nate still bringing the kids over to see Hayley later. - Frankie

Anna? - Frankie

Anna please reply. Zac is coming over with Charlie and Avery and he said he has big news for us. - Frankie

Frankie's freaking out since you're not replying to her texts. Can you please text her back asap? - Drew

I quickly type a reply for Frankie and Drew before I hear an alarm go off, signalling the cookies are done. I take the tray of cookies out of the oven and hear the twins squealing in delight behind me when they smell the freshly baked cookies.

"You two can eat one cookie each while I go and find your dad."

I laugh as they both run towards the tray and grab a cookie each. They both run to the kitchen table and sit eating their cookies and laughing to each other.

"Nate don't forget we have to be at Frankie and Drew's in an hour!"

As I walk into the living room, I hear a familiar squeal. "Anna!"

I notice the three people stood talking to Nate have now stopped and are looking at me, all smiling.

"Anastasia! Jaxon! Khloe!"

"Anna!" Anastasia and Khloe squeal at the same time.

That's when I notice the little head poking out from behind Khloe's leg.

"Lillia?" I remember Nate telling me about Anastasia's daughter Lillia and I know for a fact that Khloe and Jax don't have kids.

Jax turns around and picks up the little girl.

"Yep this is my beautiful niece Lillia Gray." Jax sounds so happy to be talking about her.

"Addison and Marco are in the kitchen with cookies if you want to go get one."

Both Jax and Lillia's faces light up at the mention of cookies and immediately Jax starts to walk in the direction of the kitchen, still holding Lillia in his arms.

"So, how come you guys are here?" I ask Khloe and Anastasia as soon as Jax and Lillia are out of earshot.

"We -" Anastasia starts to speak but Khloe cuts her off.

"Holden sent us away. It's getting tough for him to keep an eye on everyone so he decided we could come here and help Nate with stuff."

1278 words!!! This is the longest chapter so far. It would have been longer but I cut it so that I could release it sooner.

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