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I'm currently sat in a church attending Luca's funeral. Since it's a gang leader's brother-in-law's funeral, there are a lot of gang members here.

Looking at the pulpit, I can see Zac Edwards getting ready for his speech. Zac is one of our best hackers and I have never once seen him cry. Until now. He was Luca's boyfriend and they were both super happy together.

Luca and Zac looked great together too. They were both really muscular with tanned skin but Zac was about 3 inches taller than Luca. Luca was tall, at 6'5" but Zac is a giant compared to me. He is 6'8" but I'm only 5'11". Zac's pale blue eyes compliment his messy blonde hair but Luca had piercing emerald green eyes and jet black hair, evidence of our Italian roots.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zac Edwards. We're here to celebrate the life of my boyfriend Luca Wilson, not to mourn his death."

The words coming out of Zac's mouth almost make me feel slightly happy.

"Anyone who knew Luca, knew what true happiness feels like. Luca Wilson was the kind of person that automatically made you feel happy and smile just by being around."

At this point, Zac is in tears. Luca's death took a toll on all of us but Zac was definitely affected the most. Me and Luca were inseperable most of the time but he had a special bond with Zac.

"Today would have been his 22nd birthday and just 2 weeks ago, he was telling me how he wanted to spend the day with his family. His brothers Drew, Nate and Caleb; his sisters Cali, Frankie, Dani and Lena; his niece Hayley; myself and, most importantly to him, his twin Anna and her kids Marco and Addison. Luca loved his family more than anyone else I've ever met. He left home to be with his twin when their parents kicked her out 6 years ago and he basically raised his younger brother Caleb even before that. Luca always protected and loved me and I loved him more than he ever realised. He wasn't just my boyfriend, he was also my best friend, I'll never forget Luca Wilson."

Zac leaves the pulpit crying and I can see his younger sister Avery is going over and trying to comfort him. Key word TRYING. Zac looks at me and I can see the sadness and pain he's trying to hide. No one else can see it but I recognise that look, it's the same look I've been wearing for the past week since I woke up.

Before I can stop myself, I raise my hand and wave at Zac to come over here. He walks over, all the time with a look on his face that says, 'I don't want to do this' but I'm returning with a look that says, 'Should I care?'.

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