3//A Fallen Soldier

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It's now Cali, Frankie and Dani's turn to do their speeches.

Cali volunteered to go first out of the three of them. She's stepping up to the pulpit with a look of guilt and regret on her face.

"Luca was the older brother that I had been missing in my life since I was 11. When my brother Grayson died, I didn't know what to do but there was one person who stood by my side through it all and that was Luca. He was one of Grayson's best friends and he was like a second brother to me from when I was born."

I can still remember when Grayson died. Luca, Frankie, Louis and Jay were complete messes for months. I was just as bad at first because at the time, Grayson was my boyfriend. He was my first boyfriend, first love and first kiss. He still has a special place in my heart but Nate is the one that I was always supposed to be with.

"It's because of Luca's kindness that I have my incredible family: my husband; my sisters; my brothers; and a little baby boy who will be born in 8 months time."

I think everyone noticed that Cali choked when she said the word 'brothers'. Cali only ever had 3 people that she considered to be her brothers: Grayson, Luca and Nate and now 2 of them are dead. Cali never considered Drew as her brother, he was her best friend and her inspiration. She said it felt weird to her.

Frankie and Dani both wanted to give shorter speeches since it is really hard on them. Luca was an important person in the lives of every person in this room, he was an amazing person and I can already tell he is seriously missed and he will be missed for a long time.

Frankie is stood with Drew behind Dani, sobbing into Drew's chest. Dani is clearing her throat so I'm guessing she's going first.

"Luca took care of me. He took me in and looked after me when my parents disowned me for being a lesbian. He always said 'If your family doesn't accept who you are, they aren't your real family' and I couldn't agree more. He was always there for me and we can all only hope to be as amazing as he was one day."

Dani turns around and gives Frankie a reassuring smile that says, 'you can do this'. Frankie gives her a small smile back as she walks up to say her piece.

"Luca Wilson was my childhood best friend and as we grew older, he eventually became my brother. He was never creeped out or annoyed that one of his best friends ended up marrying his older brother, like most people would be. He loved it and he also loved me and Drew's daughter Hayley. She's only 7 but I'm just happy that she gets to grow up with some real memories of him. Luca always treated me, Dani and Cali as much like sisters as he did Lena and Anna."

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