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Nate wanted to make sure that I would be alright while he does his speech so me and the twins are currently sat with Zac and his sisters Avery and Charlie. I'm sat with Zac's arm around me as we are comforting each other. Charlie is sat with Marco on her lap as he is playing with her hair and Addi is sat on Avery's lap cuddling into her. Looking up to where Nate is stood, about to start his speech, as his eyes catch mine and we give each other a small smile.

"Luca was the only member of his family that still accepted me and Anna's relationship once they had found out about the gang. Drew, Lena and Caleb were always rightfully nervous but eventually they accepted me. Without Luca's help I wouldn't be a part of Anna, Marco and Addison's lives. My kids wouldn't know their dad and Anna would be raising them on her own. Sometimes I blame myself for Nate's death, I think that if I had never fallen in love with Anna and gotten her pregnant then none of this would have ever happened. Luca wouldn't have left home or joined the gang to protect her."

I can only sit here stunned as he talks. Is this what he really thinks of himself? Nate might be a lot of things but a murderer definitely isn't one of them. I look around at my family, my eyes meeting theirs, and I nod at them, alerting them that we need to do something. I can tell just by looking at her that Lena has an idea.

"Me and Dani wouldn't have met if that never happened Nate." Lena stands up and tells him the simple truth.

"Lena would still be forced to hide her sexuality from her family and I would still be lonely." Dani stands up to support her wife.

"I would have been brought up by monsters who only think about themselves." Caleb.

"I wouldn't have my amazing family and I would probably still be locked away in my room grieving Grayson." Cali.

"I would have never found someone better at my job than me but could still make me fall in love with them." Zac.

"I wouldn't have grown closer to my siblings or found the love of my life." Drew.

"I wouldn't have a family, especially my husband and daughter." Frankie.

"I wouldn't have the most amazing family in the world." Hayley.

"My brother would have never been happy." Avery.

"Zac would still boast about being the best and whine about how unfair life is because he doesn't have a boyfriend." Charlie.

"Me and Addison wouldn't have our daddy." Marco.

"Nate, everyone here loves you as much as they loved Luca. We're not just here for Luca today, we're here for each other and that includes you. We're all family and family support and care for each other." I manage to choke out the words between sobs.

"We awl wove you daddy!" Addison is the one person in my life that never fails to make me smile and that's even true today.

We all sit down as Nate smikes warmly at everyone before going back to his speech.

"Thank you everyone. Luca Wilson wasn't just my brother or my best friend. He was both. We had a bond similar to the one that my father had with his brother before they both died. He was my second in command and we would die for each other."

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