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"Ok." I reply to them, slightly skeptical but I don't voice that thought just in case Anastasia or Khloe get offended by it.

"So, do you guys want to come to Frankie and Drew's place with us later?" I think Nate can sense the uncertainty I'm feeling and I'm really glad that he changed the subject.

Anastasia looks at Khloe questioningly before she replies with, "Sure, why not?"

"Ok we have to leave in 10 minutes." I tell everyone before turning to Nate. "Can you get the twins ready, I need to grab some things from our room and text Cali real quick."

"Sure babe." Nate replies before kissing my forehead and leaving the room.

I run up the stairs and into me and Nate's room. I grab my bag, putting in my purse before looking for the box that I showed Nate earlier.

I quickly pull my phone out and reply to a text Cali sent me earlier before putting my phone into my bag as well.

I need to tell everyone something. Where and when can I meet you? Cx

Everyone except Lena and Dani will be at Frankie's in ten minutes. X - Anna

See you there. Cx

I pick up my bag and head back towards the kitchen. As I enter the room, I see Addison, Marco, Lillia, Jaxon and Khloe sat around the kitchen table laughing at something Jaxon's doing and Anastasia and Nate stood at the sink washing up some plates while talking. From what Anastasia said before, I have a feeling some other Grays will show up out of the blue soon.

10 minutes later...

When we arrive at Drew and Frankie's apartment building, me and Nate get the twins out of our car as Anastasia pulls up next to us and Jaxon gets Lillia out of their car. Passers by give us strange looks as the 8 of us walk towards the building's entrance.

When we get to the apartment, we knock and Hayley lets us in before running over to join her parents who are sat on a couch in the living room. I look around the room and notice all the people.

On one couch are Drew and Frankie, with Hayley sat in Drew's lap, as well as a man and teenage girl that I vaguely recognise but I can't remember where from.

On the other couch are Zac, Avery, Charlie and Caleb, with Cali sat in his lap. Anastasia and Khloe walk over to the man and hug him before sitting on the floor in front of him while the twins and Lillia sit in the large armchair near the door to the room. Me, Nate and Jaxon go to sit on the floor in front of the armchair and when we're all sat down, Frankie speaks.

"I have some news but it's kind of good and mostly bad so anyone else can go first."

Zac stands up and gets ready to speak. Looking at him, his eyes look tired and he has obviously been crying.

"I got a call today."

"What call?" Frankie asks curiously.

"The call that makes me and Luca legally parents."

I immediately jump up and run towards Zac, engulfing him in a hug and letting him cry on my shoulder.

I know this is hard for Zac. He's had Luca by his side since he was a 12 year old and Luca was a 15 year old prospecting at the Grays' club.

Me and Zac sit back down and Cali speaks up.

"Well Zac and Caleb have something in common."

"What do I have in common with him Cal?" Zac asks whilst drying the last of his tears.

"You're both going to be dads soon."

This time Caleb stands up from the couch, holding on to Cali and he spins her around in the middle of the room.

When Caleb and Cali go to sit down, Nate stands up to speak.

"That makes 3 of us boys."

Anastasia and Khloe run over to Nate and Khloe jumps on him. I smile knowing that my family has loads of happy moments together and that we have such a big family.

I notice Frankie starts to get uncomfortable when Nate and the girls go to sit back down and the man next to her stands up.

Frankie's POV

Breathe Frankie. Breathe. I can't help but feel nervous about sharing my darkest secret with my family. I hadn't seen Cooper or Nova in years but when they appeared on my doorstep yesterday, I had to listen to why he showed up after this long. The thing is Nova knew exactly who I was so Jess has obviously slipped up somewhere.

I never told Drew or anyone else about my history with Cooper and Nova and I always knew it would come back to haunt me one day but not like this.

I look to the other side of the room and I notice Anna looking at me curiously. She knows something's wrong and she's trying to figure out what.

I notice everyone else is looking at Cooper and realise I have to save him.

"You all remember Jump and Nova from the club?"

Anna's eyes snap up to meet mine and so do Charlie's. Anna knows that I had a crush on Jump when I was younger and Charlie's the only one who knows the full story.

"I'm here after so long because I have lung cancer. They've given me three weeks to live and Jess left me. I came to Frankie because she's important to both me and Nova. Nova isn't Jessamine's daughter but she is mine so I want her to have the best life with her family and that's all of you. You're all a part of the Gray Hawks even if you're not in Corsington anymore. There's something that we've not been honest about with you all though, and it's quite terrible that this is how you all find out. Just know that you can't hate Nova or Frankie for this and Drew, I hope you protect my daughter like your own. The thing that we've been keeping from you all is that Nova is Frankie's daughter. We dated for a while when we were younger and when Nova came along, we were both excited but Frankie thought she'd made a mistake when her parents threatened to disown her for being pregnant at 14 so I took Nova when she was born and Frankie was still always there until I met Jess and she told her to stay away from our family so for the past 10 years, Frankie and Nova have been apart because of Jess."

At this moment, I know everyone feels betrayed since I didn't tell them and I can feel at least four pairs of eyes glaring at me so I do the thing that any sane person would. I run out of there.

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