Chapter 2

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Aaron's P.O.V

Aaron's walk to the council room was not an enjoyable one. Unlike all other angels, Aaron had something to be guilty about. Aaron was probably the one angel in all of the Heavens and down on Earth that was self conscious.all angels were beautiful on the inside and out and they knew it but they were humble about it at the same time. Aaron however always had the weight of his world on his shoulders based on the looks other angels gave him as he strode through the stone hallway, the heavenly light outside not even blinding him.

Aaron knew what it was all about. It was about his relationship with Caitlyn. She was human and to all the other angels that was a savage act. Never in history other than when the Nephilim were first made had angels courted humans. During the Coman eara it was acceptable. Now it was an unthinkable act only committed by dark angels.

Dark angels like Cass,

Aaron finally stopped in front of the wooden French doors with the golden knobs that led to the council room. Aaron took one last look around seeing all of the glances he was getting from angels of all types: Messenger, artists, scribes, missionaries. A female in a grey tank top and black cargo pants that were perfectly tucked into combat boots raises a brow at him. Aaron sighs.

All angels were perfect indeed. But they weren't heavenly impeccable beings... or at least they didn't look it. They all dressed and looked extremely gorgeous humans. It wasn't out of the ordinay to see an angel strutting around in sweetpants and a baggy t shirt. Angels were perfect yet human like beings. Aaron scoffed. Human society had made angelic society take a disgustin turn. How a race of imperfect humans could affect a race of god like beings, Aaron didn't know.

Aaron pushed open the door and looked all around the round wooden conference table. None of the Archangels were there which were odd. Instead the council room was inhabitated by not Archangels but equally skilled beings.

First was devon a female scribe with almost lace like creamsicle orange wings. She wasn't just a scribe however. She wrote poetry which only a few scrives in heaven still wrote. She had dark straight hair, vinalla eyes and olive skin. She hated the sound of her name so she had everyone call her Dev instead.

Next to her was Abbey a male scholr. He was proberly one of the smartest angels in heaven and he had been chosen to guard the gate while Vernea was gone. Verna was usually the one who protected the gate from any evil beings that might just be lurking just outside of heaven. Aaron had faith that someone else was covering for Abbey while he was in the meeting. Abbey had golden blonde hair and a muscular build though he was still skinny and not too burly. His eyes were chartreuse and he was dressed in a maroon long sleeved shirt, black jeans and converse sneakers. In a way he reminded Aaron of Daniel though Abbey was much more mature.

Tyrus was one of the Elders though he didn't look to be a year over twenty three. That's how angels aged. They might look nineteen years old but they could actually be millons of years old. Aaron himself had lost track of how many years he'd aged a long time ago but he knew he was born just before the common era started. Tryus had tousled dark hair and a carefully groomed beard that the must trim each night. His skin was ghostly white and his eyes were filled with knowledge. Their burgunday depths seemed to analyze everything in the room.

And finally there was Blair. She had always been the different one out of the group. Her hair was a dark purple that she had dyed it the first time she visited Earth when she was able to get her hands on some hair dye. Aaron questioned how many bocies of it she brought back with her. She was a young yet wise angel. Her eyes were the colour of hazel mixed with a bright vibrant gold combined to make a brilliant orange colour. Her skin was milky white. She looked only to be about in her mid teens...only about ten thousand years old. Very young for an angel.

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