Chapter 13

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Caitlyn P.O.V

"You've been across the bridge," Amar began as we walked across the small limestone bridge closing the gap between the water and land. "Have you seen Juliet's Balcony?"

I shook my head. "Juliet as Romeo and Juliet?" I asked.

He nodded. "You've read it?"

"No." I expalned. "Well.. I read about ten pages and then stopped because I was bored."

Amar smiled as the wind blew through his dark jet black hair.

"Well...the jist is, Romeo came from the Montague family and Juliet came from the Capult family. Those two families have had a feud going on for many years and they despised each other. Romeo spots Juliet at a dance and instantly falls for her. However at the end, Juliet thinks Romeo is dead and kills herself to die with him. When he wakes up he sees her dead and kills himself in turn." Amar rambled.

"Wow." I muttered astonished by the romantic tragedy.

"I think it's overrated." Amar chuckled.

The morning was cool and fresh. I could smell the ocean from the shore and the air was light and smelled like fresh peaches in the distance the sun hung high on the baby blue clear sky unchanging and warm on my skin without being too hot. It was in the mid 60's and a beautiful day. I loved weather like this.

However my lasting anxiety kept me from completely enjoying myself. I was afraid that something might happen to me or Amar, just like Vernea and Daniel had said.i'm in danger and so is everyone around me.

I shouldn't be doing this... my conciense tugged at my sense of reason.

Amar and I ended walking many places. He showed me the beach took me to eat, and even walked me down the cobblestone streets. It was when we were walking beneath a stone canopy with grapevains wrapped around it that he looked down at me.

"Are you ready to see the balcony?" he asked.

I nodded, he pointed ahead looking determined as we began to walk faster.

"As we pass by look at the balcony that has the crowd of tourists looking up at it."

As we passed by, I peered up at the stone balcony holding my hand up over my head to keep the sun from getting in my eyes. There was a beautiful stone balcony with a barrier made of small stone pillars that was cracking beneath the unforgiving elements. It was dark and small, but big enough for a person to gaze out into the sky from. I could imagine Juliet there looking up at all of the stars and counting them.

"I bet she was on the balcony often." I muttered,

Amar smiled,

"I wonder what would have happened if she had fallen off." He pondered his smile fading.

We both looked down for a second both contemplating the same question. Then after a long pause I looked up and answered the lingering question.

"She would have never met her Romeo."

When we walked through the doors to the villa I squeeled with glee. Aaron was standing in the kitchen, talking to Vernea with a serious look on his face.Lamia stood nearby but I didn't care. All I saw was Aaron and I was surprised he was even there.

"Aaron" I exclaimed dashing over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist like a monkey.

He didn't hug back completely but he did wrap a single arm around me tugging me closer against his warm side. I curled close to him never wanting to let go. I allowed myself to close my eyes and inhale the familiar scent of fresh bread and laundry detergent that always lingered around him.

"....Daniels gone."

Vernea's voice echoed in my ears for a minute. I slowly took my face from Aarons shirt to look up at her. Amar, Aaron even Lamia looked up in shock. That was when I realized I hadn't seen or even hearf from Daniel all that morning.

"What?" Aaron exclaimed looking closely at Vernea.

"Daniels gone." I asked.

Vernea looked at me somenly a sliver of helplessness within her ocean blue eyes. She sighed and started pacing.

"He wasn't up at the crack of dawn like he usually is this morning so I decided to look for him. He wasn't in the hosue. I assumed he'd gone out for a bit but he hasn't come back." She explained.

"He could be doing something important Verea" Aaron stated crossing his arms.

She met his eyes and scoffed.

"He isn't like you Aaron he doesn't disaperar for days on ed. He's usually gone for a few hours. Just because your brothers, doesn't mean you're the same person."

I looked up at Aaron not knowing what to say. He looked perplexed but something in his eyes seemed different from the rest of him. There was a glimmer in his pupils that made him seem like he knew more that he was hiding something from the rest of us. I knew that look in his eye.

It was knowing.

I smacked his shoulder not hard enough to hurt him but at least hard enough to get his attention. His arm jolted then he looked down at me. he seemed to tower over my small frame all this time.

"You know something" I muttered trying to sound breath and crossing my arms. I didn't know why I was so suddenly afraid of him. Maybe it was just that he was so big and I just hit him but even I know deep down that he would never hurt me... would he?

That's when I realized I didn't trust Aaron as much as I thought I did.

He raised a brow at me.

"Caitlyn what makes you think I know something? Do you not trust me?" he asked turning towards me. everyone had their eyes on me.

He didn't look angered but instead he looked some what hurt. I swallowed hard. What was I thinking? Of course I could trust Aaron. That glimmer in his eyes could have meant anything. I stepped back a bit and bowed my head.

"I'm sorry... I just had a funny feeling" then I met his eyes again. "I'm sorry Aaron. You know I trust you."

"You had a funny feeling."he repeated my words and then shook his head in irration and rolled his eyes not looking at just me nut all of us. "No one can believe what I say can they? I'm going to find Daniel weather or not," he paused. And took my arm gently. We made eye contact "And I know you were out wondering today... I told you to stay inside where its safe I expect you to listen."

I wanted to nod but I instead gave him a disgusted look and pulled my arm from his hand. He couldn't talk to me like I was some perpetual five year old and he was my father. He didn't do anythingmore then gave me a stern look. Something had changed on Aaron or he had something else on his mind that was affecting his actions.

I didn't know what it was but it was making me starting to miss our last vist ,

He did not even give me a goodbye as I watched as he walked out onto the balcony obscured from the rest of the city by tress that did not fully block the view but shrouded it slightly. His wings lifted from his back and lifted him into the sky.

It was then that I noticed faint scars within the feathers.

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