Chapter 24

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"No" Aaron shouted without thinking he lunged at Lamia with a strength and speed that he swore wasn't even known to angels.

Aaron was expecting Lamia to bite him attack him, perhaps devour him like she did to others helpless youthful souls but all she did was let out a cry In defeat. Aaron knew this wasn't like her from their history together. He pushed the thought out of his mind, trying to forget the souls of the ones he cared about that she took, both blood and spirt...

Suddenly Aaron was knocked back a few feet by a force that was almost as strong as he was. Landing on his side, he pushed his fluffy disheveled hair away from his face to see who had pushed him. The sunlight behind him shadowed his silhouette, but Aaron knew just by the way his body was shaped and his stance that it was Amar, his fist balled up as he looked down at Aaron with anger. Aaron also recognized the usual features that a vampire such as Amar would have the sudden purple circles around his eyes and the glowing, almost liquid gold irises that stared back at him with pure fury. Amar's lips were parted slightly exposing the small fangs that Vampires only grew when they were either hungered or voilatile.

"You will not touch my sister." Amar barked.

Feeling a sudden spark of heat in his chest, Aaron got up. He was so angry that he swore he could feel his own veins in his forehead throbbing. He was infuriated that over there just a few feet away sat Daniel rocking Marissa back and forth as she looked up at him in pain and remose. He was angry at Amar for being so ignorant to the point where he couldn't see what his sisters true intentions were even when it was right in front of his eyes. Aaron almost growled and stepped towards him grabbing his wrists and violently pinning him to the ground. To keep his legs in place,Aaron locked his calves under them so that Amar's legs were locked between the back of Aaron's thighs and calves.

"Let me go before I rip my teeth into your neck and ultimately cause you to fall all over again!" Amar shrieked flailing beneath Aaron, but he was too weak.

Aaron wasn't afraid even though he knew that it was Amar even drank just a little bit of Aaron's blood it would cause the change. Since vampires and angels didn't mix, Aaron would ultimately became a vampire and be stripped of his Angelic reputationas if he hadn't already had been, maybe that was why Aaron wasn't scared because he had nothing to lose anyways. However the fact that Lamia had just completely runined their chances of getting Caitlyn back by stricking Marissa which would ultimetly kill her if they didn't hurry  and Amar encouraging it made Aaron want to rip both of them to shreds. It also vexed Aaron that after Daniel his own brother had spent centuries in a melancholy state over his loss of Marissa and now he was proberly going to go through it again.

Aaron wasn't so sure.

"I will when you stop deending your sister for the terrible things she has done!" Aaron yelled back nose to nose with Amar.

"She is my sister!" Amar exclaimed still wriggling around and trying to break free.

"That doesn't make the things she does okay! You know that Amar, you are more wise than her! If we keep her alive on this earth these things will keep happening1 don't you see? Your sister is dying! Marissa is dying!"

Amar's annoyance suddenly begins to fade from his face slowly until it settled into a very sorrowful state. He craned his neck over, though Aaron didn't let him go since he did not trust him right now. Amar sighed shrugged his shoulders and looked back up at Aaron. That was one thing about Amar he gave in easily.

"You are right..." Amar weeped bowing his head. Now Aaron thought that was the time to let go. He could see the appeasement in Amar's eyes. Slowly, Aaron rose and extended a hand to Amar. Amar did not take it. Instead Aaron watched as he extended his arms beneath him and pushed himself up from the Earth seemingly taller and more muscular than before.

Aaron leaned in quickly yet quietly. Lamia was still crackling like an asylum patient and Aaron knew that if they didn't do something soon, she would stike again. "We have to kill her. I have to-"

"No"Amar interrupted holding up his hands. Aaron say that Amar's eyes were glassy with unfallen tears. "If anyone will do it, then it will be me."

Even though Aaron did not trust Amar something with the way Amar was moving made Aaron want to trust him. Almost robotically. Aaron nodded, then followed closly behind Amar as he walked stiffly over to his sister. Aaron felt guilty about the events that were made to be together so much that they were bound to be together, so much that they were bound by blood. He would not falter though he knew what needed to be done, had to be done.

For Caitlyn.

For Marissa,

For all the good left in this parallel.

"Brother join me so we can vanquish them, finally. I will have my wretched sister's soul that I have been craving since we were all fathomed and soon perhaps the wrench by the name of Caitlyn Ivory Young! She will be mine, the purest of them all. The brighetsest of all the lights!" Lamia rejoiced sickingly through her arms in the air spinning with glee and giggling as she turned back to Amar, her fangs were very evident and her red eyes that came with her dominant nature showing.

As a Greek idol of darkness anda devourer of soulds she was one of the darkest most malicious figures. Touched by the Greek Goddess Hera herself, Lamia had once been a very enlighting character and a beautiful one. But since the wretched hera touched her soul for vengeance Lamia gad been feeding on the souls of children and those of pure hearts.

What inflamed Aaron the most was that she had mentioned Caitlyn,she mentioned taking her soul.

"Sister I can not.." Amar began his eyes heavy with guiltand despair.

"Why not brother? This realm could be ours!" Lamia responded with sudden dismay,

"I can not..."

As Amar's hands curled around both sides of Lamia's throat her eyes changed from confusion to fear. She could resit all of them but when it came to her own brother she was about as powerful as a dead fallen leaf from an Autumn tree crumpled by those who have stepped over it.

"Amar!" she chocked out in shock starting to hyperventilate.

"I am sorry sister." Amar's words were layered in tears.

"I am better than I was!" Lamia lied and even though Aaron felt sorry for Amar he couldn't help but scoff.

For a second Amar's eyed lit up and there was so much hope within his movements that Aaron swore he almost saw him loosen his grip on Lamia's throat. However as his hands began to glow with a burgundy essence that cause Lamia's skin to crack open like glass revealing the leaking darkness beneath her beautifully terrible face all Amar did was muster a simple response.

"One may smile and smile and be a villain."

As Lamia's skin cracked open more and more her dark soul leaking out of her and onto the ground dissipating onto thin air as it touched the Earth she let out one last shriek and finally let go of life leaving the air more clear and less pungent.

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