Chapter 10

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Aaron P.O.V

"That's not bad, Aaron. Actually that's perfect," Dev muttered her arms crossedas she stared out into the distance studying the force field that only her and Aaron could see.

Aaron always thought the way force fields looked was beautiful. The colours that pass through them mauve pink gold seem to reflect across the night sky. He does not like the life he lives but he is granted the luxury of seeing beautiful things that cannot be seen by the mortal eyes.

"it's the strongest one I know." He answered

Crickets were chirping behind them. Aaron felt a sting in his shoulder then slapped the mosquito away scowling.

Dev chuckled.

"Not an outdoors person, Aaron?" she asked turning her back to the forcefield and toward the magnificent shelter that they'd set up.

Dev was right. Aaron hated the outdoors. However the shelter they'd built looked more like a green place than a small figure for them. Hammocks made of leaves were strung between the branches of the redwood trees overhead. There was a campfire within the heart of their set up that Aaron didn't dare step near. Abbey had built gates surrounding the entire area which he guarded carrying around a torch and puffing out his chest like he was some professional boxer. Aaron rolled his eyes. He'd never liked Abbeys pompous attitude. However he was thankful that Abbey was good at what he did in Heaven.

Blaire was laying in her hammock. Flipping through the pages of what looked like a paper book. Dev went and sat by the fire, looking deeply into it as if she could see something within its sweltering depths. Aaron then realized how tired he was. He looked to the side at one of his wings. It was slowly healing but it needed a few more days. He let out a sigh and made his way over to the hammock just underneath Blair's once he was comfortable he looked up at the her hammock.

"What you reading Kiddo?" he asked her. He was the most comfortable with blair out of all of them.

"Don't call me kiddo!" she exclaimed. "I turned 10,573 just a few weeks ago. I'm not a cherub anymore.!" Then she threw the book down to him,,

Aaron chuckled and shook his head then picked it up off his chest and looked at the cover. There in big bold letters read the word superman. Next to it was a drawing of a tall muscular man with his hair slicked back and one stray curl hanging over his blue eyes. He wore a ridicoulus looking red capeand a suit with a huge "S" on the front.

"I've never seen this before" he begsn. Flipping through the pages "What's this thing called.?"

"I think I heard Abbey call it a comic book." Blair explained. At the sound of his name Abbey looked over his shoulder and gave her a conderscending look. Aaron shot one right back at him. When he went back to patrolling. Blair began talking again. "There are many kinds about all different superheros. He told me mortals collect them."

The book smelled of must and plastic. Still Aaron enjoyed reading some of the things in it and looking at the well drawn pictures. When he came to one of the pages he squinted his eyes to read one of the bubbles in the dark and found himself complementing it.

It read. 'did you ever wonder boys how it would feel to fall from a great distance and be crushed to a pulp?'

Aaron thought about it and wondered what it would feel like, what this so called 'superman' was talking about. But then he realszed he didn't have to wonder. He already knew.

Aaron awoke to the book lying on his face. He could hear birds chirping. Slowly he removed the book that he'd used to sleep and gently set it on the ground next to his hammock. The sky was all cloudy and Aaron could feel a light drizzle coming down. The only person awake but him was Abbey.

He took the time he had to think about his visit with Caitlyn last night. Then he remembered how she had mysteriously healed the scars on his cheeks. He bit his lip. If she had a healing power like he suspected she did that would just make her soul even more desirable to outside enemies. It would be a gift and a curse to her a healing power hasn't happened for centuries.

The second she crossed his mind he grew melancholy on the inside. He was being ungrateful with his desires. He was lucky he'd even gotten to see her at all. Still his heart ached to feel her healing touch on his face again, her arms around his neck, her lips against his. He wanted to be with her and show her how he really felt about her every single day. But right now, visiting her too frequently was dangerous let alone touching her. That's why he'd been so sparing about it last night. He didn't want...

He couldn't lose her again. He couldn't let them find out.

Suddenly a sonic boom echoed through the brush. They all got up from where they were. Blair and Dev waking up immediately. They had all of their weapons in there hands

"What the hell was that?" Dev asked.

Aaron peered through the brush. Something was burning. He gritted his teeth although he knew he had to go see where it what it was.

"I'm about to find out." He replied then gripped his blade and ran through the trees.

Before he knew it, he was standing over a pair of burning wings, the flames creating discolartion rings around the feathers so he could no longer identify who that might be. He felt appalled by the sight, yet found himself leaning in closer. He felt the texture and confirmed they were indeed wings.

He bit his lip. He had to tell the others.

An angel rarely fell from grace unless some sort of munity was commited in heaven. Aaron had been the last angel to fall from Heaven ages ago, though they hadn't taken his wings. Not like this. Aaron began to sweat as he realized that whatever happened in Heaven was most likely bigger than anything that happened before.

He sighed and rose then came out from the trees,

"I..." he began scanning all of there faces. Abbey looked almost... knowing. "I think an Angel just lost its wings."

Moments Earlier.

"Please!" Daniel cried, tears running down his cheeks as he fell to his knees and begged, "I had no idea! I didn't know she was there!"

The angel before him one of the newest council members whose name he couldn't remember was holding the heavenly sword used only to remove an Angel's wings. Daniel could feel his heart racing. He had fallen before, though he had kept his wings. He knew this would be his punishment if what he had done before happened again, but he was unaware he'd done anything wrong. He had not sought after her. In fact when they'd touched hands, he realized who she was and he'd began avoiding her. Maybe it hadn't been enough.

"I'm sorry Daniel.." the angel sighed. "But these were the orders the council was given by the archangels. They were not able to give it to us directly due to the obvious reasons, but after consulting many others they believed this was the right thing to do."

"Why should they have a say? They're just like you and me! they've sinned just like the rest of us!" Daniels voice echoed.

"Daniel I'm sorry" then the angel raised the sword high in the airas if decapting someone.

Daniel quickly fillted his eyes around knowing this was the last time he'd ever get a glimpse at heavens beauty. Then pain stung through his back the worst pain he'd ever experienced. As he cried out he fell back, straight through the clouds. He tried to grab onto something, but there was nothing to grab but the clouds. He plummented to earth, his detatched wings falling beside him.

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