Chapter 20

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Aaron P.O.V

The garnet table runner stretched across the granite table making almost a pathway between Lamia and Aaron as each one sat on the opposite side of the table completely oppiste each other. Aaron had meant to avoid Lamia however she was doing everything she could to attract his attention. Not even the beautiful greek artwork stretching along the walls and bodering the skylight above them could distract him away from her vicious attempts. Making eye contact, liking her lips at him when no one was looking, tugging the table runner just enough for him to notice. The connection the table runner made between them sickened Aaron and with a scoff he slowly rolled it up and placed it beneath his chair so there was no connection between the two of them any longer. However this wasn't his main concern at all. He was concerened about Caitlyn and he couldn't think clearly with Lamia agitating himm from across the table. He needed to focus. He knew Lamia didn't care about Caitlyn all she cared about was finding a way to get Aaron alone.

The history between them made Aaron feel sick,

But what made Aaron feel even more sick was the absence of Caitlyn.

"Do you know anything what could have possibly happened to her?" Aaron asked Verena not only trying to find a distraction away from Lamia but also trying to focus on finding where Caitlyn went.

Vernea looked sickly almost worried as Aaron was. Aaron could feel her absence starting to drain him. He had already began to break out in a cold sweat on his forehead. She shook her head regretfullu.

"I hadn't seen her all that night since her room is on the other side of the villa."

Aaron sighed in defeat. He suddenly had the urge to hit something to blame this all on someone just to get his anger off his chest. He knew having someone to blame wouldn't bring Caitlyn back anytime soon, but it would at least ease his thoughts slightly. He scanned the room and his eyes came to a rest on the Latian middle eastern man who they call Amar across the room who was eyeing his serpent of a sister curiously. Aaron felt his skin start to boil as he stood not taking his eyes from him.

"You" Aaron's voice quaked though he dident even have to yell. "You were out with her. You caused this. If she would have just stayed here safe maybe this wouldn't have happened."

Like Aaron wanted him to do he expected Amar to rise, puff out his chest like most pompous charactes do and stomp over to Aaron to try to put him in his place even though he knew it was if not mostly than partly his fault that Caitlyn was gone, but to Aaron's surprise Amar bowed his head in guilt.

"It was not wise of me to do that and I apologize greatly." He lifted his head once again."But I will do anything to help bring her back. If this is partially my mistake then I must stay loyal to that and mend it."

Aaron raised his brows at Amar then let his shoulders slump in instant relief. Between Abbey Tyrus and the other angels he had experienced these past few days he had grown tired of fighting but had grown so used to it that he automatically prepared for it. He nodded at Aaron gratefully and then sank back into his chair.

"Thank you Amar," Aaron said. Then he did the one thig he had been avoiding since they all sat down. He narrowed his eyes at Lamia.

"If I found out you had anything to do with this I'll-"

"Youwill not do anything"

A thick Italian accent intrurrepted him. Aaron looked up. Marissa made her way down the staircase her he;;s making a rukus against the granite tile. She was dressed in a royal blue dress tied with a brown braided belt and the frabric reminded Aaron of the way the waves in the ocean moved. Aaron gulped. He'd known Marissa just as long as Daniel had yet it baffled him each time he saw her. He didn't know wheather he should despise her or or welcome her. Knowing how important she was to Daniel made him want to accept her but Aaron almost blamed Marissa for what had happened to him centuries ago. He needed someone to blame always.

She cameto a rest beside her brother and her sister. Amar pressed his hand into her back reassuringly and stood. Lamia gave Aaron a biting stare flicking her tongue out like a snake where no one was watching.

"You care fot your lover and I care for my sister." Marrisa stated firmly moving within close proximity to Lamia. "if you threaten her in any way I will not help youand netiher with Amar-"

Aaron looked to Amar who nodded sternly.

That was another thing about Marissa that urked Aaron. She was naïve always defending the wrong person. He understood that Lamia was Marrisa's sister but was that really a good reason to let such a creature like Lamia get away with anything she wanted? Aaron groaned in anger and pointed at Lamia his anger growling by the second.

"I will not tolerate that drakanina!" Aaron roared. He could feel his palms starting to get clammy.

"Aarron..." Verneas soothing voice came from beside him pouring fromher mouth like warm water. "This is having an affect on you. You should rest."

"I don't need rest!" Aaron found himself almost growling throwing his hands in the air in both defeat and disgust. "I need to do something! I need all of you to do something! But no one ever wants to do anything but me..." he felt his voice falter. A lump came up his throat and he beagan to do something he hadn't done for ages and ages. He began to cry. "I need them back..."

How week of me Aaron thought in self deprecation realizing how inapprpiate of a time it was to start crying. He had always tried to be so strong for Caitlyn, for himsef, for redemption but he couldn't handle it anymore. As they stared t him in awe he lost his pride bawling in front of people for the fist time in forever. He didn't want to cry but he needed to let out almost a thousand years worth of pain. He leaned against Vernea for support and when he looked down at her he saw her eyes were glassey too.

"We have to find the," Aaron's voice shook but still kept it's strength.

Vernea nodded firmly

"I promise you we will."

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