Chapter 4

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Aaron P.O.V

Aaron fled outside the other angels behind him. They all had their different weapons . Aaron with his misericode sword and Tyrus's glowing bow and sheath of arrows. Abbey with his trident, Blair with her tomahawk and Dev with her morning star. The chaos among them was awful. Dark angels of all types were attacking other angels, throwing some of them against the golden bricks that was the road until they broke away and the angels fell to Earth. Other angels were suffering much worse and having their wings ripped off from their backs, thous losing their divinity. Aaron shuddered at the thought of losing his wings. An angel losing it's wings is like a bull losing it's horns.

Aaron turend to the group of angels behind him

"Abbey was anyone guarding the gate?" Aaron asked looking at Abbey, who shook his head.

Abbey hadn't even gotten someone to watch the gate? Aaron thougth to himself. He had to refrain from smacking his palm against his forehead. What do humans call that...'facepalm?;'

Aaron sighed.

"I will get to the gate and close it. Blair I need you to guard the tower. They'll definetly want in here. Dev I need you to get injured seraphs medical attention." Aaron instructed

"On it," Dev said. "I know where the witch docter lives over by the gate. Are you sure you can handle the gate? It's a long way over there."

Aaron already knew that the gatewas all the way on the other side of Heaven. Going over there with all the other dark angels... and whatever else could bet there in his way was like a death wish. But someone had to do it and all of the Atchangels were absent at the moment. Aaron was the next best choice around here even if everyone ignoed it.

"Yes Ill'l be fine/" Aaron repleid.

Blair noded at him and she stepped foreward and gave him the farewell that all of Aangelic society had been using for eons. Noth of them pressed their index finger and middle finger to their mouth then pressed their fingers together. Blair's fingers were cold as they did this both of their wings started to glow.

"Blair come on," Dev shouted. Blaire gave him one last grin and jogged to the tower. It was a shame.Aaron knew she probably wouldn't make it. She was so young.,, and this was just too much for her. Aaron didn't think himself better than anyone, he just knew that such a young being would falter.

Aaron pushed the sad thought fromhis mind and began running then sprinted into a jump that had has his wings carrying him into the air. As he flew he sheathed his sword and brought out his blow a dark angel flew just a few yards away from him. Hurling balls of fire down at screaming seraphs. He pulled out an arrow and aimed and when the Aaron gasped in surprise. The bow wasn't a torso squeasing until the being returned to ash as It should be. For a second Aaron was in awe.

Until someone shoved him down into the ground just thirty feet away from his desired destination, the bridge that extends to the gate,

Aaron flew into the bricks cascading across them with such a force that some of the brocks came out of the ground. Whoever had him had their hand around his neck. Once they stopped sliding. Aaron looked up at his attacker.

Cass. His eyes were still completely amber and the purple and black glow followed him. He was wearing a leather jacket and his black hair was messy as usual. Aaron silently ondered how he had come into possession of such power/ they were right in front of the portal which was not good for Aaron/Cass might be planning on launching him into hell usually the portal was used for angels that had fallen from grace in despicable ways. For those they were sent to Hell instead of Earth. The portal was made like a giant well... but when you looked inside there was no water. Only a glowing red and orange abyss that led to the seventh circle of hell,

He looked back up at Cass

"You look frightened Aaron" Cass unsheahered his sword from his side nd looked down at Aaron with an evil smile. As he spoke he struck and Aaron rolled out of the way."Have you finally realized that you're not the most powerful being?"

Before Cass could step towards him again. Aaron stood and unsheated his sword.

"Power doesn't matter here."Aaron repleid smoothly which in Aaron's opimion the amount of power didn't matter t all. What mattered is how you used it and Aaron was using it right.

That just angered Cass. Cass let out a grunt and run at him holding his sword high above his head.

"It always matters!" Cass growled.

Aaron deflected Cass's strike by holding his sword up in the air. Cass was hovering a few feet above the ground his back to scarlet wings carrying him. When their swords touched, lightening strikes flew from the collision and made a barrier all around them.thats when Aaron kknew that he and Cass were polor opposites in the sameposition/ Aaron looked up at Cass the light hitting his face. Cass's facewas bent into a tight grimace. But that's not all Aaron saw. For a second Aaron swore he saw a silver of something within Cass's eyes... something silver... something pure.

Could there really be good left inside cass?

They tried to push their swords harder but both of them were equal in strenghth. Aaron broke it by stricking again and when his sword left Cass the lightning disappeared frim then on eaxch time their swords touched came back and the lightening appeared until their swords untangled themselves from each other.

Cass And Aaron's fight led all the way up to the stairs of the portal. Aaron looked over his shoulder. The portal was right behind him. And he was standing on the edge

He looked back at Cass,

"Cass....i know there's good in you. I saw it."

"Ha! Good? In me? Cass laughed. "Nice try.... Send me a postcard from Hell."

And then with one push Cass knocked Aaron into the portal. Aaron suddenly became desperate and In everything seemed to go into slow montion. He tried to grab a hold of something but nothing happened. Once he'd fallen a few feet into the portal he lost hope. Everything around him was silent.

Until a memory popped into his head.

A beautifully flawless girl with long, curly black locks. A brown haired angel with wings the colour of porcelain. Standing on a rooftop in a city they embrace.

"I thought I would never see you again..." she muttered her face buried into his wing.

He shook his head and embraced her with open arms.

"You will always see me not matter how long it might be until you do." And his words were sealed

The memory fade. Aaron knew he had to make it back.

For Caitlyn.

Even though he was in his darkest moment he had something that pushed him. Something that kept him from going.he let loose his wings even though they wouldn't fit inside the portal and they were crushed back against the walls. Aaron hovered there feeling the bones in the tips of his wings crack. He shivered...and as he flew up, he knew pain. Bones in his wings shattererd and broke. But he had to do this.he had to get back.

When he came up out of the portal he could no longer fly, he fell to the golden bricks.

And when he looked up Cass was gone.

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