Chapter 14

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Aaron P.O.V

Aaron flew.

He flew and he didn't stop. He didn't exactly know where he was going his original plan was to try to find Daniel on his own, since no one else trusted him enough to listen to and help him, Dev who saw his ignorance Abbey who saw his anger, Blair who saw his naivety, however the ones that hurt the most were from the people closet to him at the moment Daniel, Verena and especially Caitlyn,

Daniel was gone, and Aaron was the only one willing to find him. Not even Verena would help.

Aaron had to stop sulking though, he knew he had to find Daniel. Not just because they needed him, but also because Daniel was his brother... even though they didn't always agree. Aaron cared about him. He had to find him.... Because Daniel was his brother.

Aaron hovered in midair for a second, pondering the places where Daniel usually went to when he needed to breathe. After a few moments of consideration. Aaron almost felt himself light up with an idea. He remembered the one place they went when it all started; ages and ages before this even happened.

Without another thought, Aaron took of through the sky mistaken for a shooting star by anyone who dwelled just below.

When Aaron arrived at the place of where everything began, the sky had turned an ill shade of grey as if even the clouds rejected his presence. Aaron was in one of the most natural parts of the earth; the fig garden just on the outskirts of Jeruusalem isreal.

The biggest thing that made this place so natural was that it grew on it's own. No human, angel, demon or anything in between had ever touched it. It was simply just a grove that had taken up it's own responsiblites and flourished on its own. Vines crawled up some of the tree trunks and fresh colorful figs pop up between the leaves. The sun beamed through the gaps in the branches and cae to a rest at Aaron's eyes as the clouds finally broke free from each other. Again the fold almost liquid ring around Aaron's pupil was exposed.

As Aaron strolled through the garden wary of his surroundings and searching for Daniel visions and silhoutettes played out in his mind revolving around when Daniel and Aaron were young.... Right after they had been fathomed.

A small boy sitting beneath it, looking to be around the age of ten, even though he had been born barely a month ago. Angels seemed to age twelve times the speed of humans and by the time they reached a year old, than ey looked like grown adults and did not grow and change anytime after that. The boy with the brown hair and white tunic looked down at his feet fiddling with his own hands and thinking to himself. A pass time he always enjoyed. Suddenly a small growing fig landed from a tree and at the perfect moment landed in the boy's hand as he had convenientaly opened it.

The fig should not have fallen yet. The cherub thought. It was just brand new.

Almost seconds later the cherub heard footsteps behind him crunching in the fresh evergreen grass. He looked over his shoulder to see a boy looking only a tad younger than him walking his way. They both wore the same clothing a white tunic sandals and a pendant wrapped around their necks the same one all young angels wore. His blonde hair glistened in the blinding sun.

Instantly the fledging felt a strong connection to him. The boy stood In front of him a look of almost confusion on his face,

"Hi I'm Daniel." The words were so simple.

The boy smiled and reached out his hand.

"I'm Aaron."

Daniel took Aaron's hand and shook it.

"What's with that ring around your eye?" Daniel asked his voice was not deep as Aaron's was becoming.

Aaron shrugged.

"I'm not sure I was fathomed with it."

"I didn't get anything like that." Daniel explained.

"What were you fathomed from.?

"The water" Daniel smiled and pointed east. "From the sea. Just over there."

They both looked at each other for a second pondering what else to say to each other. Then Aaron held the fig out to Daniel.

"Do you want to share this with me?

Daniel grinned and nodded and together they sat picking off pieces of the fig and chomping on it as they watched the clouds roll by together. This was just the start of a powerful friendship between the two brothers who didn't even know their relation to each other yet.

Six months later the two boys now almost men, lingered through the garden again. They were aware of their brotherhood now, Aaron and Daniel had just settled into the subject and they were used to each other. Aaron was now wearing a golden bracelet around his wrist to symbolize his authority strolled among the trees looking for more fresh figs. Six months ago the boys had lookd ten. Now however both of them looked almost around the same age of sixteen the age of adolescence that barely seemed to exist among angels.

While Aaron picked figs up from trees, Daniel set against a tree looking up at the sun his eyes remaning unsquinted.

"Are you going to help me or should we go back?" Aaron asked him from across the garden pointing up at the sky.

Daniel shrugged,

"You never help me anymore." Aaron scoffed.

Daniel sighed and got up,

"Aaron..." he muttered stepping towards him. "I don't want to be picking figs and looking at the clouds for the rest of the time this planet is alive.i want to do something....something extraordinary. Something that could change the very surface of all realms. Something unimagianable.

Aaron caught sight of the book Daniel had been carrying a single journal Daniel had been keeping since he was fathomed. Daniel looked so serious standing there with his book. Then Aaron saw the light in Daniel. The flame that could not be extingusished.almost instantly Aaron dropped the flaf and nodded.

"Lets do something great, Daniel."

Together, without hesitation they launched up in the sky.

Just as Aaron snapped out of it he realized he had tripped on something and caught himself. When he got up he looked down and picked up the old book opening it to see what it was. When he realzised what it was he gasped.

It was Daniel's Journal.

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