Chapter 9

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Caitlyn P.O.V

Extravagant is not a powerful enough word to describe the inside of the villa. Never had I been in any type of hotel ballroom, that was so untouched. The walls were made of limestone that had cracks in it here and there. I assume it's because the Villa is old maybe even ancient. The floors were white with granite black and gold speckles lightly bedded within the material. The arched windows were heavily shrouded with red velvet drapes and old very old looking chandaliers decorated with gold and silver and red dreams hung from the ceiling. Night's edge academy had felt old very old but not as old as the villa... something drew me into it almost as if the Villa's ancient roots are calling out to me and begging me to never leave.

And that was just the corridor leading up to the big stone doors that opened up to the dining room.

"You will be staying here until the Balance is restored...." Lamia practically hissed, but I think I was the only one who noticed. "That should take a while so please don't be afraid to get too comfortable."

"Why can't I stay at home? And what about my dad? Does he know about all of this?" I asked Verena. I was more comfortable talking to her about anything than Daniel and Lamia. Daniel was too pushy and Lamia sent all types of red flags up in my head.

"Your father is taken care of" Verena vaguely explaned. "Stop asking questions. Pace yourself"

I'd never heard Verena snap at me like that before. She was beginning to look almost as grunt as Daniel had looked when he first arrived. I had no idea where he was at all.

Lamia shoved open the big limestone doors. The doors opened to a gorgeous kitchen with white and gold granaite countertops and limestone floors. The dinning table seemed to stretch on forever with a red velvet table runner stretching down it's length. Daniel was there devouring some type of salad in a huge crystal bowl. He still looked extremely drained. At the head of the table was a very latin, mixed withsome type of middle eastern origian guy with black hair that skimmed over one of his eyes and was heavily coated with hair gel. He had near perfect skin and he was of average height, with a muscular figure but not as muscular as Aaron and Daniel. His eyes were the black of onyx.

"Caitlyn." Lamia seemed to slither over to the guy at the head of the table, who was sipping a glass of what looked like wine. "This is my brother Amar." Her tongue seemed to snake out of her mouth as she spoke.

Most people would just give me a glance and a half grin. Amar didn't. he got up out of his seat, walked o me and got on one knee as he kissed my hand. An awkward haze settle over the room, or at least I thought it did. Daniel dropped his fork and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Why do you have to do that with all women you meet?" Daniel asked then a smirk settled on his face. "You never kissed my hand when we first met."

I wasn't even paying attention. Subconsicously I blurted out, "I'm taken." The instantly regreeted it.

Aamar's smile faded into an awkward straight line.

"I'm aware. I was just being poilte." His voice was deep and accented. Now I felt really, really bad. Was I really so self absorbed to think a polite gesture was flirting?

I opened my mouth to apolagze but my chance was gone when Amar looked at Daniel and srood.

"Daniel If I would have done that i'm pretty sure you would have socked mein the face," then he gathered himself and sat back down. He walked gracefully but again not as gracefully as Daniel and Aaron did. Daniel and Aaron had a strong grace tough yet artistic. Amar was forcing it too much.

"Make yourself at home." Amar said with a warm smile regardless of what had transpired between us, he was a lot more welcoming than Lamia. How were they even related? They're nothing alike.

"I think I'm going to get changed before I eat." I muttered. The sky was getting darker

"Suit yourself." Lamia almost crackled. "Enjoy your stay."

I was given no directions but somehow I found my way around.

As I am traipsing around upstairs a cold chill hits me. some of the arched windows are open. The rising moon hangs almost all the way in the sky. It's a slim quarter moon the first quarter.

I was slightly distracted when I looked forward to see a disheveled woman. She knocked into me and suddenly shockwaves went through me. when our bodies collided the staid electricity was even worse than when Lamia greated me. we were both knocked back about two feet. When we rose we both held our sclaps and groaned. My head was pounding.

I was finally able to get a look at her. She looked exactly like Lamia yet completely different. Her eyes were not dark moonsone, but instead the same ocean blue that Verenas eyes were. Her skin was not tan but olive. Her hair was dark, thick long with loose natural curls. She didn't need makeup. She was naturally beautiful. She was tall, smill and looked to be a couple of years older than Lamia.

"I'm sorry-." She touched my hand to help me up but again we were shocked back away from each other. Was it just me? or did she feel it too?

It must have not been just me because she gave up on helping me.

"Your room is the last door on the right." She yelled as she fled away.

Completely frazzeled I continued down the hallway to my room. Too much had happened today and I was ready to settle in. I no longer had an appetie.

When I walked into my room I finally had peace and quiet. It was when I was facing away from the French doors that opened to the balcony and pulling my nightgown on the familiar flapping of wings caressed my ears. I turned, teady to throw myself into his arms.

And there he was!

The doors hung open and the white drapes flew in the wind. He looked magnificent there with a big smile on his face and his silver eyes ever welcoming. His gorgeous pillow soft wings contracted back into his back. I ran to him. He lifted me and rotated me in a full circle never letting go.

"Aaron!" his name escaped my throat.

I heard him laugh a sound I had not heard the pleasure of hearing for days on end. He put his hand on my check and kissed me hard, passionately. As usual It ened ed far too soon. He lowered me down.

When I saw his face completely I felt broken. He had half healed wounds all ofer his face. I lifted my hand to touch one. He grimaced..

"I'm sorry-" but then my hand started glowing white.

My first instinct was to hell and pull my hand away but something told me to keep it there. Aaron's face relaxed and he seemed more serene. When he pulled my hand away the wound was gone. He felt it his eyes widened in amazement.

"Caitlyn..." he murmed "How did you....?"

"I...I'm not sure." I replied staring at my hand in disbelief.

There was a pause. Then he took hold of my shoulders.

"You have a healing power.... Something that has not happened for centuries, I will ,look into it but for now I have to go. I only have so long with you." He caressed my cheek. "But each second is a minutre eternity."

"why so soon? Aaron....why do we have to be apart?" I asked for a time I'd lost count of

Aaron sighed heavily

"I promise...." He paused and gave me a goodbye kiss on the cheek. Then he let his wings out and backed up onto the balcony, "Daniel will explain."

And he was gone before I could stop him,

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