Chapter 3

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Caitlyn P.O.V

Lumps in Caitlyn's throat made it hard for her to breathe. Theycame together. Causing an even bigger obstacle in Caitlyn's esophagus. She opene d her eyes. The floor beneath her was ice cold and rock hard. She sat up and looked down at herself. She was dressed in all leather. Leather pants leather jacket, leather boots. It all stuck to her body. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail that flowed down to her hips she never tied her hair up unless it was a messy side ponytail. It was straightened too, she never straightened her hair.

Caitlyn blinked a few times. When she opened her eyes back up again, someone was standing in front of her. She was a pretty girl. Olive skin, short black hair.her eyes were like deep empty onyx. She wsa tall and lean but she looked terribly sick.there were bags beneath the bags under her eyes. A cold sweat practically poured from her forehead.

Caitlyn asked the first thing that came to her mind.

"Where am i?"

The girl didn't answer her. Confused Caitlyn stood all the way up.something about her suddenly felt different, heavier. Caitlyn looked down to see that she wasn't wearing the same clothes as before. Instead she was in a long white dress with a black shirt and rosary beads drapped around her neck. Her boots came up to her knees but her dress flowed down to the floor so she could only see them if she pulled up her dress. Her hair was no longer In a ponytail. Instead it flowed in waves down to her waist.

Caitlyn was baffled. She looked back up at the sickly girl.

But the girl was preoccupied

Caitlyn suddenly felt the air disappear from her lungs it's like she was being chocked.she looked all around her for her attacker, but there was no one there. until she looked back up at the girl again. The girl was holding her hand out as if she were chocking Caitlyn without actually making direct contact.Caitlyn tried to pull away but she couldn't. instead she stood there hunched over and holding her throat as incomprehensible words came from her vocal cords.

As she fell over.she felt a heaviness lifed from within her.

"Caitlyn..." wake up a voie called. I tried to open my eyes but the crust around them had glued my eyelashes together and it was hard to open them. "The train is stopped we have to get off."

I shuddered as I finally broke through the crust around my eyes.finally I could se agin. Sunlight came through the windows on the train. Some of the windows had been opened and I could hear birds chirping. I looked out our window.

Outside was a quaint little village. There were shops and resturants. People looked happy. I could hear children laughing and playing outside.

Verena pulled me out of my seat.

"Come on, we weren't staying here long."

Great, my mind echoed, more traveling

We walked down the aisle and I made sure to keep my eyes down towards the way was I about to look up and see the faces of people. I didn't even know. I tried to stay out of people's way but some people just pushed through me. when he finally got off the train. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Are we staying overnight?" I asked Vernea and Daniel.

Daniel shook his head.

"No. we're leaving as soon as possible," Daniel replied crossing his arms and peering out into the forestry behind the train tracks. It really was beautiful sight. Sunlight was shining through the trees and the big yet comforting coomotion of happy people coming from the village behind me only added to the beauty. I hadn't felt this amazing since I last saw Aaron.

I looked to my left. There was a long boardwalk that strectched all the way down until the trees opened up to a beautiful beach. The setting sun reflected against the water making it glisten pretty oranges and purples nad pinks.

"Where are we anyway?" I asked " this is sp pretty."

"We're in Little Compton, Rhode island." Verna informed then similed. "And trust me you'll see even prettier once we get to where we're going."

I was about to ask wehre we were going but something hit me all of a sudden,. I hadn't been alone when I was sleeping. Something had been there with me lurking in my mind. It always took me a few minutes to remember dreams I'd had when sleeping but this felt like more than a dream. It felt like a reality. Had I travelled somewhere in my dream? I cant seem to remember any details but I remember feeling lonely and far away. I dismissed it. I'd ask Daniel about it later.

"Follow me," Vernea instructed walking down the boardwalk."We need to get going."

I had a millon questions but I was too tired to ask. I just wanted to get to...wherever we were going at this point. So Daniel and I followed Vernea down the broadwalk. We came out into the open by the surprisingly empty beach. We stopped right where the tide was coming in. Vernea took off her scarf and shoved it into her bag. It was still cold out and I wondered why she was taking off her scarf and coat. Daniel was doing the same. He tossed it to Vernea who shoved everything in her bag.

"You fly faster. You carry her. I'll lead." Verena called to Daniel over the sound of the waves.

I looked back and forth between them.

"Huh?" I asked and suddenly Daniel had his arms around me.

Before I could question them any further, I saw Verena's wings protrude from her back. I heard Daniels feathers rubbing together behind me. my weight slipped out from beneath me as I was carried high up above the ground and we shot into the sky,

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