Chapter 8

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Aaron P.O.V

it was then that Aaron burst through the fluffy pillow soft clouds and into the stratosphere about 100 miles above Earth. His flying was not up to par due to the injuries in his wings. If he didn't heal soon, he might lose them completely. The thought of his wings.... Shiverling up and turning to ash... made Aaron shiver. An angel losing its wings was like a man losing his backbone. He had to get someplace safe, fast and then he would let his sharp instincts lead him to Caitlyn. He wasn't supposed to be visiting her, especially not during a time of such tension. But now especially now he had to see her, before his inner being eroded completely.

Suddenly his thoughts were cut off by a sharp pain in his left wing burning throbbing. He bit his lip to avoid crying out and looked down to see a spear lodged deep into the tissue of his wing. He pulled it out and let it fly then began hurdling towards the ground like a missile spinning in circles like some sort of acrobat. When he hit the ground his body imbedded itself four feet deep into the ground and he made a rut as he slid about 30 feet away from the place he'd landed.

When he looked up, dirt covering his face, he saw three silhouettes floating towards him. The one in the middle had the biggest wings out of the three of them. When they came to a rest on the ground Aaron grimaced in pain and anger. Abbey was rubbing his hands together to get rid of the dirt on his fingers. Dev let her wings rest against her back. And to Aaron's surprise, Blair was there too her feet firm on the ground. They had all scars but Blair was covered in them. Aaron smiled. Yes she was wrong, but he should have known better than to doubt her. Soon Aaron's faith in her was replaced with anger for Abbey and Dev. He shot up out of the ground, dirt falling from his body.

"What the hell was that?" Aaron snapped, zipping with inhuman speed toward Abbey and holding him up in the air by its neck.

Abbey failed around like a dying insect.

"Aaron you're going to kill him!" Dev yelled. Aaron kept squeezing around his throat and laughed. Abbey couldn't klill Aaron and Aaron couldn't kill him. Aaron just wanted to cause him pain.

"Dev...!" Abbey chocked out trying to pull Aaron's hand from his throat.

Finally Aaron grinned and allowed Abbey a bit of mercy. He unclamped his hand from around his neck. Abbey fell to the ground, gasping for air like a fish out of water and pressing his fingers against his bruised throat.

Dev launched at Aaron with her morning star in her hand. She held the mace up defensively standing close to him for comfort.

"On your knees before I bash your head in." she growled.

Aaron wanted to resit but common sense dictated over anger. He fell to his knees just as Blair came forward with a rope, trying it around Aaron's wrists. Aaron let her.

"That should do.for now." Blair muttered.

"This is unnecessary. I have somewhere important to be and your holding me back" Aaron snapped.

"If you're planning on going to her this is very necessary." Abbey growled.

"Who died and made you king?" Aaron scoffed.

Abbey grinned evilly.

"The same person that condemended you for falling for a mortal"

Aaron gulped. God.

"You're coming back with us. But we have to hurry. They're closing the clouds soon blocking off the alterantive portal though. We only have so long before."

A sound that sounded much like a suction cup being pulled off a window erupted through the air, interrupting Dev's words. They all looked up to the sky. Above the clouds swirled turning purple blue, and finally grey until the only other entrence to Heaven closed completely blocking all four of them out. It began to storm.

Silence settle over the group. Aaron swallowed hard, already knowing this was his fault. If he had just remained in Heaven, he wouldn't have gotten them and himself into this. Aaron felt a strng hand pull his hair back. He looked up to see Abbey.

"You see what you've done? Now all of us are trapped here!" Abbey bellowed finally letting go of Aaron's hair and sinking to the ground holding his temples in frustration.

"Maybe the gaurds will let us back in soon" Aaron said trying not to let his anger at himself take over. He narrowed his eyes in Dev's direction. "How long will the portal be closed?"

Dev looked down and muttered the one word Aaron had been afraid of hearing


Aaron Sighed heavily. Poor Blair who had looked broken inside. What a terrible experience for such a young seraph. Irrated Abbey who was clenching his fists in anger. Solemn Dev who wouldn't say a word but instead sat there for her mind screaming loudly.

"So...we're trapped here."

"Looks like you've finally figured it out genius!" Abbey shouted.

"Listen..." Blair mumbled then stepped forward. She pulled out her dagger and freed Aaron from his bonds making Dev and Abbey tremble with anger. "If we're trapped here we need to work together to get back. Which means.... We work together. All of us. Including Aaron but for now... we should rest. Night is falling. " she wasn't wrong. Aaron could see the sun setting between the trees. He could also feel his wings slowly gradually healing each time the light struck their white feathers.

"I have a plan." Aaron informed his voice almost making the ground rumble as he stood unfurling his healed wings once again and rolling his shoulders. "Abbey will guard the forest. He's been doing well filling in for Vernea in Heven he can d it here too and it'll be a liot easier becasuse the forest isn't as sought after as Heaven is. I;m sure. Devn you'll build a fire. Blair you're good with raw materials. You can make a shelter. " Aaron met their eyes each of them. "When I get back I'll put up a protective shield around the forest. For now I'm going to see my Caitlyn. "

Aaron turned his back to them and before he took to the sky he looked over his shoulder at Abbey,

"God's not dead/ you should know better than me."

Then Aaron launched into the air breaking the sound barrier once again.

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