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   The description said it all.
   Disclaimer: There will be no fluffy $#!t, all the ships will be slightly hinted, and that's all. Don't know if I'll hit the death count I wanna hit, since this story seems to have no room for OCs... Dammit.  I'll try to make some.
   And... I hope I hit higher word numbers in the actual chapters.(Goal:3000+ words)
   As the title says, this just introduces the obvious, but necessary shit to the story.
   Excuse my English, not my native language.

  Here we go...


     Radar let out one last sigh of goodbye, as he watched Jesse and Petra sprint into the distance, further and further away, until they disappeared.
   Still thrilled that he was now the Hero in Residence of Beacontown, he couldn't bear the fact that he would probably never see neither his former boss, nor the town's most skilled and famous warrior again.
   The quest to take down Romeo, the twisted Admin, had made their small group's bond stronger than ever before.
   Well... Stella never forgave them for choosing the villager Nurm over her llama Lluna back in the Sunshine Institute, but... This can't get too bad and spicy, can it?
   - Hey, Radar!
   Radar turned his head to see who had called his name.
   It was Lukas, who was approaching from the right. He put the book he was currently writing in his backpack and gave Radar a high five.
   - Did you manage to see them from here?
   Radar nodded. The plan to climb on the wall in order to be able to see Jesse and Petra for a few more minutes had worked.
   - Yeah. I could see them until a minute ago, as a matter of fact.
   Lukas didn't respond. He just gazed at the horizon, as if he could still see the duo there.
    The emptiness in the blonde's eyes told stories of their own. Stories of the countless memories he had made with his friends. The breathtaking adventures, which could easily be called myths, the noble quests, that had forged them into the heroes they had become.
   All of this flashed for a second in his blue eyes, then disappeared.
   Just as his friends had.
   Lukas sighed and walked away.
   - Don't forget you're in charge of everything now, Radar! I mean... Don't stay on the wall for the rest of the day, okay?
   - I won't, don't worry!
   As Lukas climbed down the wall, Radar pulled two pieces of paper out of his pocket.
   The first one looked like a formal letter and was addressed to Jesse.
   Aiden, whoever that was, claimed that he wanted to redeem himself and build a place to live in Beacontown...
   Redeem himself?
   That sure was weird, but if this... Aiden... wanted to live here, Radar had no problem in letting him.
   The next letter was way more... Disturbing.
   Radar opened the note to make sure he had not read it incorrectly. He hadn't.
   Under the message there were written the initials W. P.
   "Oh my God, I wish Jesse was here" Radar thought to himself, as he proceeded to climb down the wall.


   "Nah, that sure won't work either."
   Lukas crumpled the sheet and threw it in the fire, then rested his forehead upon his hands.
   No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't write anything that he liked.
   To him the whole manuscript was a total failure. But he only let himself scrap the things that he had been writing today.
   Today he had started writing about the Order's quest to get rid of the... Heckmouth, that had started swallowing the land near Beacontown and had let a fair amount of charged creepers out on the surface...
   But he couldn't write anymore. And he knew why.
   Any other adventure he had written about, was one that he had witnessed.
   He had seen the Witherstorm consume the whole world.
   He had been to Sky City and had been locked up with Jesse and Ivor.
   He had fought the White Pumpkin... He had been controlled by the evil computer PAMA... He had fought alongside with the others in Hadrian's Games...
   But he had never seen the Sea temple or the Sunshine Institute, neither had he been to the world below the bedrock, about which he knew... Nothing.
   Damn it! What could he know about all those places, since he didn't even know OF them a week ago!
   So... This was the true price of missing out. As if Petra... And, of course, Jesse being hurt wasn't benough, now he couldn't even tell the story.
   A loud banging on the door, followed by it being flown open, pulled Lukas out of his desperate thoughts.
   He opened his eyes and turned to the door, only to see the muscular frame of Jack, also known as The Velvet Tornado, standing in front of his desk, and Nurm the Villager, Jack's loyal companion in adventure, carefully closing the door.
   - And if the one before me is not the Freaking Lukas himself, then I do not deserve the name of Jack!
   He slammed his massive fist on the table and patted Lukas' shoulder with his other hand.
   - How's writing lately, buddy? You seem to be feeling pretty low. Is everything okay?
   The blonde forced himself to nod, then decided to change subjects.
   - Been worse, been better. What brings you here today, Jack?
   - Well... - the Stab Walker scratched the back of his head, probably trying to remember - first of all... It's tonight.
   Puzzled, Lukas looked out of the window. And indeed, the street was bathing in moonlight. So much time wasted for nothing...
   - And about what brought us here... Ahem...
   Nurm approached the desk and hummed something in his gibberish-like villager language.
   - Oh, yes! Thank you Nurmie! Radar wants you to meet him in the Order's treasure room... Or whatever it is. You sure know where it is... Right?
   - Yeah, I do. I'll make it.
   Nurm murmured something else. Lukas gave Jack a questioning look.
   - Nurm asks if we two can come with you.
   - Sure. If Radar is fine with that, so am I. Let's go.


   Radar paced around the Order's treasure hall, hoping that he didn't look as worried as he felt.
   Those two letters... Both of them... Gave him way more creeps than they should.
   His only hope now was Lukas. He was a member of the Order, after all. He should know something...
   - What is it, Radar?
   Lukas had arrived. The exhaustion on his face, that made him look ruined, made Radar regret calling him so late.
   Jack and Nurm were behind him, hesitating to come in.
   - Can they stay, Radar?
   - Uh... Sure! No problem!
   They probably couldn't help them, but... Who knows, actually? These two had been through a lot, after all.
   Radar motioned them to a table and a few chairs, trying not to look too awkward. He had put them there... He didn't remember why, but sure enough - they were put into good use now.
   As soon as everyone had sat on his chair, Radar pulled the letters out of his pocket and handed them to Lukas.
   - That would be the reason for me to call you here.
   The blonde read the first letter, the one from Aiden, with curiosity, then put it aside, murmuring something to himself.
   Then, he proceeded to read the second one.
   The very next second, the note slid out of his trembling fingers and fell on the table.
   - Lukas, is everything okay?
   - Yeah... don't worry.
   Despite his words, everyone in the room, including him, was sure that something was not okay at all.
   He took a deep breath, then explained:
   - Now... Aiden is no one you should worry about... Yet. Let him live here, but keep an extra eye on him.
   About the second one... W. P. can be no other, but the White Pumpkin!
   Radar gasped. He had read about that crazy murderer in Lukas' book. Wearing a white pumpkin on her head, the psychopathic former Old Builder Cassie Rose had slaughtered many in an effort to get out of her world.
   And now... She was telling them to look out?
   The new Hero in Residence swallowed and forced himself to look as calm as possible.
   - Alright... We still know too little to take any action, so... I suggest we all go to sleep and... We'll see what comes next.

   Introduction = short af and tells you nothing about the story itself.
   What an astonishing way to start your first fanfiction.
   Hope the next chapter is not another intro.
   Oh... And I hope I manage to draw my cover soon... You might get a hint about the story from it.
   Word count : 1328
   Cheers  ;)

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