Chapter 2

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   Sincerely dammit. I hope that I'll be able to keep updating on a weekly basis.

   A ball of black fire started forming in his hand and he threw it into the dark void that surrounded him from all directions.
   The fiery bolt flew further and further away, without ever meeting an obstacle, until the distance between them made it invisible to him.
   His covered in a tattered white robe body trembled in nearly uncontrollable fury, the air leaving his lungs in the form of vicious hisses.
   Another two fireballs came to existence in his fists and he threw them into the abyss as well, unleashing a beast-like roar that shook the ground he was standing on.
   - Save your powers for when you are free, small one.
   His bloody red eyes narrowed.
   He could recognize this soundless voice anywhere.
   He looked around, although he knew that he wouldn't be able to see the shadowy figure that dared come talk to him... Or should one say "mock him".
   - What do you want this time, Null?
   A sardonic laugh, hiding a slight hint of menace, was the only response he got.
   A few minutes, that felt like centuries, went by in complete, tormenting silence.
   At long last, the gravy voice whispered in his head:
   - All I want from you is to save your powers for when you are free, 303.
   Entity 303 grunted in enraged disgust.
   - That means I should waste them all right now! So much for your promises to help me escape!
   - You think that I did not keep my promise?
   - I CLAIM you didn't!
   Null giggled, if the sadistic quiet laughter could be called giggling, and announced proudly:
   - As a matter of fact, you will be able to enter their world very soon.
   303 smirked, sarcasm twisting his growling raspy voice into an exclamation of false excitement:
   - How many years, Master?
   - If my puppet does well... It could take as much as one day.
   303 froze. A single day? Was that it?
Decades of torment could be over in such a snippet?
   - I will explain how I managed to make such a secure rift to that world later...  Now ready yourself.  You will know when to act.
   The voice of Null slowly faded as he spoke the last sentence.
   He was gone.
   But this was not important at that moment.
   "Like in the old times..."
   303 hadn't focused his power on one thing for a very long time, but he quickly managed.
   Now all he had to do was wait. For a few seconds, or for the rest of eternity.

   Bowing politely to Stella, Aiden proceeded to leave the room.

   "Use the gift..."

   Aiden nearly tripped. Why now?

   "Use the gift..."

   He stood in the doorway, arguing internally with the voice inside of his head.
   The voice that had haunted him for a few weeks now.
   "Why now? It will be much more useful later!"

   "Use the gift..."

   - Aiden, is everything okay?

   "Use the gift..."

   Agonizing pain pierced his head and Aiden felt like his brain was being penetrated.

   "Use the gift..."

   Losing balance and blacking out, he barely managed to give the worried Stella a sign to wait.

   "Use the gift..."

   - FINE!!! I WILL!!!
   His merciless tormenter left his head... For now...
   Sweating heavily and shaking like a rabbit in a blizzard, Aiden rose up from the cold floor.
   Ignoring Stella's questions, he pulled a small chest out of his inventory and placed it half-heartedly on the desk.
   He had found it near the place where the... Heckmouth had emerged.
   Aiden motioned Stella to open it.
   Hesitantly, she placed her fingers on the small mechanism that locked it.
   As soon as her skin touched the metal, the chest swung open.
   Inside, there were things, that looked slightly like Ender pearls, but these were about half as big, and pitch black.
   Something like dark mist covered each of them and made them look like holes. Holes that sucked all existence within their reach.
   - Don't touch them!
   Stella's hand stopped about a few inches away from the small orbs.
   She looked at him curiously.
   - Why not?
   - How thick is the floor here?
   - Wait, what...
   - How thick is it?
   Stella glanced at the floor, as if measuring it.
   - About... A meter?
   Aiden nodded approvingly.
   - That's enough.
   He stepped a few feet away from the desk and gestured towards the chest, as if doing a spell.
   Suddenly, one of the small orbs rose up and flew smoothly to the far end of the room, seemingly following Aiden's orders.
   He loosened his clenched fist and the black orb dropped on the floor... Disintegrating everything, including the air around it and forming a hole, about two meters wide and nearly a meter deep.
   Stella was surprised, yet thankful that the ceiling of the room downstairs hadn't been damaged. That would have been... Inconvenient.
   - This is why I didn't let you touch them.
   Thrilled, Stella nodded.
   - Why do we... You know... Need these... Whatever they are?
   Aiden  looked at the chest proudly.
   - They have the power to destroy... But they also give the most powerful enchantments out there.
   - Where did you find them? I have never seen anything like these before.
   - Do you remember... The Heckmouth?
   - The what?
   Aiden facelalmed. A  hole, slowly eating the world and blasting out charged creepers had emerged a few miles away from her home and she knew NOTHING about it?
   - Doesn't matter... Now let's enchant that damn thing.
   He did thiose gestures again and all of the orbs started levitating and surrounded the Seeking Crystal.
   "Wait... We don't need all of them, do we?"
   He tried to place some of them back in the chest, but a sharp sting in his head let him know what the Voice thought about that idea.
   Frustrated by this... Whatever creepy thing had entered his head, he squeezed his palms together.
   The small orbs sunk into the Crystal all at once.
   Unbearably bright dark purple light
nearly blinded them.
   They both covered their eyes, but to almost no avail.
   The air grew hotter and hotter, paper could be heard burning, wind, sttronger than anything they had ever faced, pushed them backwards with the force of a thousand stormy oceans.


   The rift. He could feel it.
   "You did not let me down this time, Shadow..."
   303 focused all of his power on the small chunk of Void in that world and prepared to go through.
   That puny human... He had no clue what was coming.


   Laying face-down on the floor, they opened their eyes to make sure that the light had vanished.
   Aiden looked up at the desk and his eyes lit up with greedy pride.
   The once violet Seeking Orb was now black, small glimpses of dark purple twisting here and there like lonely sunbeams in a thunderstorm.
   Its appearance reminded of The End, but the forces around it, so strong that even the most ignorant could feel them, pointed towards a presence way more sinister.
   - Get up! Quickly?
   Stella was already beside him, gazing at the Orb in awe.
   - Are we ready?
   Aiden grinned, not taking his eyes off the dark sphere for a second.
   - Absolutely. Stay here! I'll go and summon... - he rubbed his head, then an idea flashed through his mind - I'll go and summon the Old Builders.
   - You mean "call"?
   He rolled his eyes.
   - "Summon" sounds WAY cooler.
   She giggled, hands on her hips.
   - Whatever you say.
   But Aiden wasn't listening.
   He was already standing by the Orb and was focusing his mind on it.
   A moment later, the whole universe laid spread before him.
   Thousands of worlds and the Portal Network, the only connection holding them together... It was all there, in front of his very eyes.


   It was ready. The connection between the universes had been established.
   Entity 303 easily located the human, that was trying to outpower the ones who had created him, and set off.


   Half-heartedly shaking off the amazement, Aiden focused on the reason for him to be there, Aiden tried to find them by simply saying their name out loud.
   Someone or something gripped his throat, not letting any air go neither out, nor in. He started choking and the only cries for help he could manage were the gurgling noises he was making at that moment.
   Right in front of him, a pair of bloody red eyes appeared, glaring at him with hatred no living being could comprehend.
   The creature was wearing a dirty tattered robe, that had once been white, but was now closer to grey.
   Its black hands with painfully thin fingers and long, razor-sharp claws, squeezed his neck as if trying to break it.
   Aiden knew there was no point in begging for mercy. There was no point in anything anymore.
   A raspy voice, that sounded like it had been screaming for ages without ever stopping, growled from the Monster.
   - You will summon me. You will know how when you need to. And don't you worry about whether you should summon me... You have no choice.
   Then it disappeared.
   Aiden felt that he was being pulled back to the normal world.
   Before blacking out, he managed to send a message to all Old Builders he could name:
   Not much left to say, tbh.
   Word count: 1561
   Cheers ;)

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