Chapter 15

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   Heya, it has been a long time, hasn't it? I apparently missed MCSM's birthday, and many other things...
   Sorry it took so long, but the plot from this chapter forward is kinda vague to me. I'll have to outline it.
   Just in case if a month has erased the story from your memories, last time we saw Petra having gained some crazy superpowers and torturing a sheep. And last time we saw Radar and friends, they had their city destroyed.
   Now, back to present!

   The ruins of Beacontown were far behind them. So were those of Champion City.
   A thick cloud of smoke loomed over the desolated landscape and the fires, consuming the few standing buildings, gave it a frightening orange glow.
   They couldn't help but look back once every few minutes. They had witnessed so many innocents' deaths and now were leaving all they held dear in the ashes. What they once called home, was now gone forever.
   Hard to believe... Impossible to unsee.
   They were one sad group.
   Jack led the way along with Nurm, followed by Radar and Romeo. Aiden, Lukas and Radar were in the back.
   Jack was leading them to the closest woodland mansion, which, after "a little cleanup", like he said, would be inhabitable.
   Lukas was not sure why they were going to a woodland mansion, considering that Hadrian could probably build one by himself in the matter of minutes, but didn't protest. It was pointless. Conflict was the last thing they could afford right now.
   Aiden broke the silence:
   - Ever been to a Woodland Mansion before?
   Lukas shook his head.
   - No. Never.
   Aiden shot him a glance.
   - Someone isn't very excited...
   - Well, look: It's not like I hate these places, but those... Vexes really give me the creeps.
   - Uh... the flying things?
   - Exactly. I've only seen them in books and that's about enough.
   Aiden giggled sheepishly.
   - Isa showed me one while I was in... Jail there - he shivered - I don't want to see it or any of its friends again!
   Lukas didn't laugh back. He looked straight ahead, lost in thought and completely silent. 
   Aiden knew this condition of his.
   - You haven't changed at all, haven't you... Come on, blondie, what's eating you?
   Lukas didn't say anything for another minute, then peeked at Romeo.
   - If we believe Hadrian, Entity 303 is a selfish vengeful monster, that is obsessed with perfection, or destruction, or... Whatever. If we believe Romeo, he was just a poor fallen hero, that got betrayed. But...
   - Lemme guess: You want the goodie one to be true, but you actually believe Hadrian's version.
   Lukas nodded and Aiden tisked sarcastically.
   - No wonder! That twisted freak just wrecked the whole city!
   - Plus Champion City - added Lukas.
   - Yeah. And...
   - Not so loud! - hissed Lukas, glancing worriedly at Romeo - No one must hear us!
   Aiden lowered his voice to a whisper, but still asked:
   - Why?
   - If any of us starts...
   A loud, unknown voice of a male made him stop mid-sentence.
   - Now, now, gentlemen! None of you is getting any further without my permission!
   The whole group came to a stop.
   Jack stiffened up and squinted at the stranger, that was standing about ten metres away from the group. Since he was hopelessly outnumbered, he didn't exactly block the way, but they had a feeling they needed to keep their distance.
   He was rather slim, wearing simple brown and green clothes and a red bandana for a mask. A leather cowboy hat with a wide, flat brim shadowed the rest of his face.
   His lazy posture spoke of a harmless person, but no one knows whether someone of the sort could go through your throat with a dagger.
   His tone was mocking and slightly muffled by the mask, when he asked:
   - Long way from home, ain't ya?
   - What do you want? - growled Jack.
   The sheepish shicker that escaped the stranger's chest boiled his blood.
   - I'm a man of simple taste. You give me all the goodies you have, and I just might let you pass.
   Jack popped his knuckles and strolled
towards him, heating up with every step.
   - Out. Of. My. Way.
   - Oh, come on, are you now gonna beat up a helpless hungry little man, so very much outnumbered by you? Just give me your goodies and I'll be on my way...
   Jack barely dodged the dagger, that the stranger swing at him and disarmed him with a hit to the elbow. Gathering all his strength, he slammed his fist against the stranger's jaw.
   The bandit's teeth clicked and screeched, his head whipped backwards and his body made a full roll on the ground, face-first in the dirt.
   Jack grunted in despisement and stepped back a bit.
   To his surprise, the stranger stood back up immediately and looked him in the eye.
   - My turn - he whispered and his eyes evaporated, igniting in a bloody flame.


   Radar and the others were just about to cheer for Jack, when the bandit stood up, as if no one had hit him.
   He exchanged some words with  Jack, who, like his friends, seemed surprised, almost terrified, then, as fast as a flash of lightning, landed an uppercut in Jack's chest.


   One moment he was standing firm on the ground, the next - flying like a ragdoll.
   Jack crashed on the ground right in front of Nurm, shock embedded on his face, blood literally pouring out of his mouth like a fountain from hell, his chest caved in like a smashed strawhat, broken ribs sticking out like needles in a pin cushion.
   Lukas and Nurm immediately knelt down to help him, but there was nothing they could do. He was lost.
   His empty gaze slowly faded to nothing. The gurgling sounds of him choking on his own blood grew more and more quiet until they finally stopped.
   He was dead.
   Not letting them even comprehend their friend's doom, the stranger let out a maniacal laughter and ripped his clothes off, revealing a dirty-white, tattered robe, rotten black flesh and hateful red eyes.
   - What?! - shrieked Radar.
   - Not good - murmured Lukas.
   Hadrian clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes at the monster.
   - Entity 303.


   Romeo was being torn apart between the desire to beat his former friend to death for breaking his promise and the natural urge to run.
   It took him a lot of courage to step forward and point his finger at the cloaked figure.
   - You promised! You gave us seven...
   - Seven days before this world ceases to exist - 303 interrupted him harshly - Never said a thing about not burning certain areas and... - he trailed off and glanced at Jack's corpse - ...disposing of unnecessary obstacles.


   Lukas watched the argument between the two heaten up with every second. He made every attempt to find a connection between Tim the Hero and the fiend, that had just killed Jack. He couldn't.
   Romeo's voice raised to a yell:
   - ... Here I am, trying to show them that you were not a traitor, and THIS is how you thank me? By murdering...
   - Romeo, wait - said Lukas, then turned to Entity 303 with a dark glare - I don't know--
   - Exactly - 303 cut him off - You know nothing. Am I a victim, or a traitor? A peaceful sheep or a hungry wolf? A misunderstood hero, or a haunting menace? You have too many questions... and none of them will be answered.
   Lukas took a step back when a ball of dark flame engulfed 303's hand.
   - But it does not matter. It never did. Order has its past, its present, and its future. But I... I am Chaos. Chaos knows no yesterday, for it is long since gone, and it knows no tomorrow, for there is no tomorrow. Chaos reigns NOW!
   With a deafening roar the fireball left his hand and darted towards Lukas.
   Not having time to react, the blonde froze, his eyes wide open and his mind preparing for the inevitable.
   Just before the dark flames reached his face, a golden flash of light blurred his vision and everything faded to black.

   I don't know why, but Entity 303 is really hard to write. Glad he finally killed somebody "on-page", though :D
   (Don't wanna be a jerk, but votes and feedback are much appreciated :) )

   Word Count: 1303 (kinda short, but I'm happy)

   Cheers ;)

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