Chapter 19

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Merry Christmas to all of you, folks!

Best wishes and be blessed!

Sorry for late update, kinda working on 2-3 projects at once(I actually finished one of them. Yay)

The journey between the so-called "portals" reminded Jesse of when he had been sent to the Sunshine Institute. Like then, there was a feeling of falling down, while indistinguishable colors and shapes raced around him. His eyes could have been lying to him, but he thought he had caught glimpses of whole worlds, and would later even swear he had seen their own home, floating in the Void.

A light appeared in the far front, growing brighter and brighter. The closer they got to it, the more the white glow would turn to an undefined shade of blue.

Moments before reaching it, Jesse realised the light was a portal, just like the one they had gotten through a few seconds ago... Or was it minutes? Months? Millenniums? He couldn't decide.The concept of time seemed odd and inappropriate in this place.

He tensed up, expecting a hard, crashing landing. But the worst thing, that happened when he and his friends fell face first on the ground, was that Ivor landed right on top of Lukas, who had magically appeared in the same spot.

- Ugh, get off me... IVOR!?

- Blond Guy! What are YOU doing here!?

Petra drew her sword, glaring around.

- Leave the happy reunion for later. We got a problem!

She was right.

Radar and many other familiar people Jesse had no time to recognise, led a hopeless battle against a herd of black monsters. The same monsters Petra had faced mere days ago. Even with Jesse's group arriving, the demonic entities outnumbered the gang at least three times.

They had to act fast.

- Come on! - yelled Jesse - We gotta help!

- Way ahead of you! - said Petra and sprinted to the heart of the action.

The rest joined in a second later, weapons out.

Slowly, but surely, the battle turned in their favour. One by one, the ender-like demons fell. Not too long after, there were only a few more of them left.

One let out a desperate scream and pounced high in the air, landing behind the gang. With dark drool dripping from its mouth, it charged at the small family, who stood in the back because of their injuries.

Jesse gasped. He had forgotten about them.

Running like never before, he melted the distance between himself and them in the matter of a few seconds, swung his sword and split the monster's trunk in half.

It shrieked in agonising surprise and collapsed to the ground... its jaws sunken deep into the child's throat.

The woman covered her mouth.

- Oh no... Notch, please, NO!

She picked its small body up and squeezed it into an embrace, sobbing in silence.

Jesse put a hand on her shoulder, but could not bring himself to look her in the eye. The helpless anguish, that complete despair, displayed on that dusty, covered in dry blood and tears face, tore him apart.

There was no time for grieving, though. A cry for help pulled him out of his trance.

Surrounded by the remaining monsters, Nurm fought like a lion, but was soon to run out of strength. His arms could barely lift the axes he was wielding and he managed to dodge fewer and fewer hits from the demons' spikes, that opened more and more wounds in his body.

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