Chapter 3

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   By the end of the week I said, by the end of the week I published.
   I am literally stunned by the fact that this thing already had 149 views... Didn't expect it.
   Also, huge thanks to ThunderKittey and coolylaurance for following. It is much appreciated :))
   Now, enough annoying chit-chat.
   - Mayor!
   Radar lifted his head off the pile of letters and documents, scattered around the table, and forced his eyes to open and look at the guard.
   - Call me Radar, please!
   - Okay Radar... There is a stranger outside the gates, who wants to settle here. Should we let him in?
   This took him a while to comprehend.
Strength potions hadn't helped him that much with staying awake...
   Nothing ever beats good sleep... Nothing...
   Radar realized that the guard was shifting awkwardly from foot to foot and that he had been staring at him for... No one knows how long...
   Desperately trying to shift his mind to "thinking mode", as he called it, Radar mumbled:
   - Um... Yeah, sure! Also, tell him to come by once he's... You know... Done moving in.
   - Roger that!
   Nodding stiffly, the guard turned on his heels and hurried out of the Treasure Hall.
   Finally alone, Radar slammed his head on the table, not even trying to keep his eyes open.
   "A small nap shouldn't hurt... I'm not going to sleep... I'll just rest for a while... Just one minute... One mere, peaceful..."
   - Radar, are you awake?
   Thank The Creators, there was no need to be formal with him.
   Not looking up, Radar murmured:
   - Not for much longer...
   - Oh, don't worry about that. I came to tell you that Aiden just arrived.
   Lukas' voice was soft and understanding, not demanding, unlike many of the people Radar had talked to recently.
   The Hero in Residence almost felt guilty for not being able to pay much attention.
   - Thanks, Lukas... The guard told me already.
   - Oh, even better. Do you know if he's gonna...
   - Long time, no see, Lukas.
   Before even turning, Lukas knew who was there talking.
   - Good to see you too, Aiden.

   - I am asking for the last time, young lady, why did you summon us here?
   Stella swallowed. The words were already on her mind, but she could not bring herself to say them. She felt like an enormous weight had been put on her jaw and didn't let her move it.
   - Well?
   The tall, wearing a purple suit and glasses old man glared at her, waiting for an answer.
   Besides him, there stood a cyan haired woman, probably his age, her arms crossed, her stern eyes measuring Stella.
   - Well... Um....
   Not even remotely as assertive as she wanted... Congratulations, Stella... You played yourself... In front of the Old Builders...
   She started to feel dizzy and realized she was losing balance...
   Where did you get the idea to faint now, you...
   Before collapsing and blacking out, she only managed to murmur:
   - Find Aiden.

   Radar made an attempt to collect his thoughts while Lukas and Aiden did an old handshake of theirs.
   They looked kind of awkward, but.. An old friends' reunion didn't always have to be full of war cry-like exclamations after all, right?
   - So, Radar, this is Aiden. Aiden - this is Radar
   The emerald eyed man shook Radar's hand and nodded, a vague smile running through his face.
   His dense eyebrows made him look cross all the time, as if those piercing green flames of eyes weren't enough.
   His jacket and boots gave him a thug-like look and as far as Radar had read and heard about him, he indeed was one big thug.
   Or, hopefully, had been.
   As soon as all the introductions had been made, Lukas turned to Aiden:
   - So... What brings you here?
   Aiden rubbed his chin and gave Radar a sketchy look.
   - Well... It's pretty much covered in that letter of mine. I was hoping to meet Jesse in person and apologise for everything I did... But I think you deserve my apologies just as much as he does.
   So... I'm really sorry, Lukas. About everything.
   Lukas sounded more like relieved than anything else.
   - That's okay... The past is in the past.
   Aiden smirked.
   - Let me guess: you haven't given up on that dream to write a book, right?
   They both laughed. The old memories loosened the tension a bit.
   - Yeah, pretty much...
   - And, by the way, where's Axel and... That brownie with the googly glass things...
   - That's Olivia... And please don't call her Brownie.
   - Ugh... Fine... So, where are they?
   - Olivia is in Redstonia and Axel lives in Boomtown.
   - Weren't they here yesterday? - Radar recalled.
   Lukas' eyes flashed.
   - Oh yes! Dude, you should've come like... A day earlier and you would have gotten to see the whole gang in one place! - his face turned somber - Doesn't happen often.
   - Where are Jesse and Petra, then?
   - Went adventuring.
   - Together?
   - Yup.
   Aiden's thoughtful expression gave way to a cheeky grin.
   - Always knew those two were meant for each other.
   Lukas chuckled.
   - Last time I said this to Petra, she almost killed me.
   Radar laughed sarcastically:
   - At least no one tells stories about a relationship between her and a Llama... That everyone, except her, knows about.
   Lukas' eyes widened.
   - Hasn't this joke died yet?
   - Nope.
   Aiden interfered:
   - Wait, what llama?
   - Well, God knows why... The whole town talks about how much Radar loves llamas. A harmless joke. Still annoying, though.
   Radar grunted.
   - I call "annoying" an understatement.
   Aiden nodded, still giggling.
   - Can't agree more.
   All of a sudden, the well-known headache returned.
   "I want you at the place where you summoned us immediately!"
   "Wait a minute, for goodness' sake!" - Aiden snapped back in his thoughts, hoping it wasn't too obvious to Lukas and Radar, who were still talking.
   The pain vanished.
   Thank God... those crazy people had some brains after all.
   But he also knew they lacked patience.
   He had to hurry up.
   "Just make up and excuse to get out of their sight and leave the rest to me."
   "Wait, you're still..."
   "Do as I say, you..."
   "Fine, fine!"
   He searched his inventory, looking for something to use... Nothing.
   Well, let's at least hope they won't be suspicious...
   - Hey, I think I'll go out for a while, is that okay?
   Radar showed a thumbs up, without even looking away from Lukas, who was too busy telling a story to notice any of his surroundings.
   Turning away from them, Aiden walked out of the Order's Treasure Room.
   As soon as the doors slammed shut, the voice returned:
   "Excellent. Now ready yourself..."
   The next moment he found himself teleported to Stella's "Witch Lair".
   She was laying on the floor, two people standing behind her.
   The first one was an old man in a purple suit, eyeing Aiden with probably his most frustrated look.
   Beside him, there stood a cyan haired woman who wasn't even trying to look angry. She already was.
   "Calm down, boy"
   These thoughts never helped, but he had a habit of encouraging himself before saying or doing something important.
   Aiden cleared his throat and hoped he wouldn't sound too silly.
   - Now, I'd bet you are wondering why I gathered you here...
   - If you don't tell us right now - the man cut him off - I bet that no one will be able to put you back together after I am done with...
   A swirl of darkness formed around the man.
   He howled in pain, begging for mercy.
   Aiden clenched his fist a little tighter, until he heard a bone crack.
   Despite wanting that lesson to be that old peacock's last, Aiden let go.
   The man fell on his knees, gasping for breath. His eyes wandered around for a moment, then stopped on Aiden.
   - You win... Continue, please.

   Bruh. I don't think it would hurt to enroll on a course or two. I'm not good at describing.
   Word count: 1286
   Cheers ;)









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