Chapter 18

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   At the age of 7 months and 18 days, this story got to 1k reads.
   Am I happy? Yes
   Am I proud of myself?
   Well, writing is a gift, just as much as it is a craft. So I say that the credit should be given to The One, who gave me this gift. No judging.

   It has been quite a fun journey. And more importantly, it is far from over.
   I'd like to thank all the people, who kept me going throughout this time. I'm not ranking them, they all deserve equal gratitude from me.

   #1 bootthesnoot
    I just can't thank you enough for the HUMONGOUS support you have offered me since day one. I honestly don't know if I would've published anything after Chapter 2, hadn't it been for you.
   And, I gotta say, you are an astonishing writer. One of your stories was actually the first MCSM fanfiction I ever read. Guess which one 😉

   #2 wonder_bean
   You've been here for a while and you have always given feedback. It's funny to know this story is actually triggering thought process in people 😃
   I love your sci-fi story and I encourage you to continue on with it. You are a much better writer than you claim to be, trust me.

   #3 Meizawesomez
   Probably the closest to a writing buddy I've ever gotten on Wattpad.
   You have no idea how great it feels to be able to talk writing with an actual writer (um... you are actually very likely to have a very clear idea... Dammit)
   Honestly, I used to hate Herobrine, but the way you presented his evil form in your story (again, guess which one) had me laughing like a psychothic maniac... He was amazing, I mean.
   Thank you once again for being here.
   Now let's get to the point. Chapter 18 is down there.
   Hadrian, Lukas and Romeo all gathered around to greet the stranger.
Or, should one say, Soren himself.
   From them all, time had left its most visible mark on him.
   The bare, hairless spot just above his forehead, which years ago had led Jesse and Lukas to the conclusion he was starting to bald, had now grown even further back his scalp. The little remaining greying hair formed a matted mess, that resembled a nest so much, some almost expected to see a parrot peer at them from its "residence".
   Deep wrinkles covered his face, his clothes, although clean, were bland and tasteless and judging by the grey in his right eye's pupil, it would no longer see the light of day.
   His voice had weakened since the last time they met, but he still chatted with his old friends with a smile on his face and introduced himself to the potential new ones.
   After all reunions, he finally agreed to tell his story.
   - But we need to get moving - he insisted.
   He led them into the bushes he had come from and after a little battle with the countless twigs and overgrown weeds, they came to a path, most probably used by pigs or wolfs.
   While leading them, Soren gave them a brief version of what had happened to him after the Witherstorm:
   - After retreating to my fortress, (Chicken out is an insulting overstatement, Lukas) I spent months, trying to create a new command block. In spite of my great efforts, it didn't work. After countless experiments, which nearly reduced me and my fortress to bits, I gave up.
   I tried to rebuild my flooded residence in The End, which took me a good year of swimming and bucket carrying, but, eventually, I got my home back.
   And just when I thought I had gotten a chance to relax, to ease things up a bit, I discovered the disgusting... Consequences of the Command Block's absence. As you can see - he spread his hands out - I've started to age. Horribly.
   Radar gave him a confused look.
   - Don't all people age?
   Hadrian shook his head and sighed.
   - Soren, I think you should just tell them why you are not supposed to age. Not like everyone here has not had it figured out anyway...
   - Wait, what in the... Ugh, fine. - Soren stiffened up, as of to  hold a speech, and declared - I am telling you, for there is no point in hiding anymore. I, Soren, used to be an Old Builder.
   He eyed everybody, obviously expecting a big reaction, like, for example, a few weak souls fainting. To his disappointment, though , everyone stood nearly motionless.
   Lukas stroked his chin.
   - Why doesn't Hadrian age, then?
   - That's it! - said Soren - The curse of mine! I took a step back from the Old Builders and that made me dependant on the Command Block! I was no longer immortal and had to use it regularly, in order to stay alive!
   But you never stop at little with evil, do you?
   Soon, I started using the Command Block on outside objects, even people. I couldn't help it. I had started to see the world through its eyes: a pile of imperfection, that needed improvement.
   And this is how the first Order came to be. We were nothing, but enhanced human beings. Enhanced by the Command Block... A blessing, yet a curse... You know the rest of the story.
   He sighed and fell silent.
   - That... Explains a lot... - said Lukas - But what I've been wanting to ask you for a while, is: What the heck is that group of crazy weirdos, that say they're your followers? Dudes locked us up in their basement (quite a cosy one, actually) for "interfering in Fate's paths", dammit!
   Soren looked both amused and puzzled, a complete contrary to his previous mood.
   - You got locked up? For interfering in Fate's paths?
   - You heard that one right.
   Soren facepalmed and burst into helpless laughter.
   The others waited awkwardly, while he rolled on the ground like an epileptic.
   After of minute or so, he finally took a breath, dusted himself off and wiped the tears and the sweat from his face.
   - After disposing of the Ender Dragon, The Order and I decided to have some... fun. Each one of us took a disc and recorded themselves talking whatever nonsense they could come up with.
   Magnus discussed making cake with gunpowder instead of sugar.
   Ellegaard claimed how genius it would be to make redstone cows to fight the monsters off.
   Gabriel told a story about how he accidentally sat on a sword with the blade up.
   Ivor, as you know, was mad at us and didn't even come.
   And I, oh my goodness... I made up a rant about how everything is written in stone, how following Fate's guidance was a sure formula for a happy life and other stupid nonsense I'm not about to discuss right now...
   Anyways, we had some fun, then went over to the local library to get some books for Ellegaard. For all that is holy, I must have forgotten my recording there.
   The rest of the story probably goes like this: some naive individual found it, believed every single word and founded a cult... As stupid as it is, however, it feels good to know I'm a deity now.
   He looked up at the sky, as if worshipping himself.
   - Sorry to ruin your pleasant dream - Lukas said - But they're all dead.
   - Excuse me? - Soren said, puzzled.
   Lukas scratched his head.
   - I guess that's... where we tell our story.
   He took a deep breath and continued with great effort.
   - An hour ago, our city... Well... Was burned to the ground. We... Were the only ones to escape.
   Soren took his time to digest the news, so did everyone. They could not face the facts. Not yet.
   Hadrian was the only one, who had no sympathy for any of them.
   "I have my own disasters to reflect upon." he would say, should anyone ask him.
   Aiden tried his best to be there for the others and showed all the empathy he had.
   Thank Notch, that charming spell was still working and made things much easier. But for how long would it work? A day? A week? A few more seconds?
   He didn't know.
   As long as I'm around, you have nothing to worry about.
   Aiden almost jumped and, for some reason, squeezed his eyes shut.
   There, in the depths of his Self, glowed two eyes, engulfed in red flames.
    The spell will work as long as you need it... As long as you act according to plan.
   Aiden grinned.
   - Deal.
   The Entity's eyes narrowed in approval and faded into nothingness.
   The vision ended...
   Everyone discussed something about going to a Vault and using a portal...
   - We must act quickly! - said Soren - Time is not on our side!
   He started preparing the ingredients for a teleportation rift, as he called it and Aiden stood by and watched in amusement.
   Silly man. The whole world is not on your side anymore.


   - Ivor, you done yet? - asked Olivia.
   - One last sip - he said, finishing the bottle of firewater.
   With the gracefulness of a burning skeleton, he threw it away and stumbled towards the cauldron.
   Harper took the ingredients from his hands and made him sit.
   - You ain't getting us nowhere with that drunk head o'yours.
   Within a few seconds, she had poured everything in successfully.
    A beam of blueish light exploded from the boiling liquid and nearly blinded some of the group.
   - Off we go! - yelled Ivor.
   - Wait, where's Jesse? - asked Olivia.
   - Over here - he replied, appearing from the smoky fog, three people following him.
   - Ha! Jesse found some new friends! - remarked Axel.
   - They're coming with us. I'll explain later.
   A man, a woman and a child. Eyes wide, knees shaking, clothes dirty and tattered.
   A black, pus infested wound covered the man's left shoulder, the woman was missing an eye and the kid - one of its legs from the knee down.
   Olivia felt the urge to go and comfort them and was about to do it, but Harper gathered the whole group around the cauldron and started instructing, after shooting a shocked empathetic gaze at the newcomers.
   - Alright, you hear me? If we want to teleport, we'll have to jump in.
   - WHAT again? - squeaked Olivia. They had to JUMP? In THIS?!
   - No questions. Now... I go first, Ivor goes last. The rest, jump in whatever order you like. Am I clear?
   Without waiting for an answer, she dived right into the cauldron.
   The light grew brighter for a moment, then got back to normal, as if nothing had happened. Especially not a person completely vanishing.
   - Alright, everyone. I go next. - said Jesse and jumped in. Followed by Petra, Axel and Olivia.
   The man helped the woman get in, then lifted the child as well. As soon as they had gone through, he climbed up with the help of Ivor, wincing every time his bad arm moved.
   Ivor waited, until the glowing tides in the cauldron settled, then raised his fist in the air.
   Then leaped head-first into the boiling blue beams.

   I just love writing Ivor yelling "ADVENTURE!!!". Probably because he's my favourite character in the series. Or is it Petra? Nah, more like Ivor.
   Word count: 1582

   Cheers ;)

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