Chapter 7

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   Back with a new update! Yay! At least I now know that I need about two weeks to finish a chapter... Damn. At least summer break begins soon and I'll be able to write more... I hope.
   Btw, the picture on top is drawn by me. You guessed it, I tried to draw Entity 303 (yuck, he'd be offended)
   Is it ok that I simply adore his character?
   The downside of liking a villain more than the good guys...(Bad ol' boys die in the end sometimes)
   From all people they could have come across, that was probably the worst option. Holding her diamond axe, glaring at them through her mask, there stood The White Pumpkin.
   Her stance didn't give away as much of her intentions as Jesse and Petra wanted to know. She could be waiting for an opportunity to speak... Or to kill them.
   This uncertainty resulted in a small stream of sweat going down Jesse's forehead. His muscles tensed up and he
readied his sword. His memories of the last encounter with The White Pumpkin did not include easy battles, more like the very opposite.
   Petra twirled her sword a few times and cracked her neck. Unlike Jesse, she did not look bothered by their attacker at all. She had the enviable ability to keep a straight face under the direst of circumstances.
   She lunged at Cassie with power, enough to severe a limb.
   Cassie parried and before anyone could realize what was going on, Petra's sword was sent flying across the hallway.
   Jesse tried to help, but soon enough, The White Pumpkin disarmed him as well.
   - What the...?
   This woman's skills were phenomenal. Without even trying, she had disarmed them both.
They had to give in.
   They took a few steps back, their hands in the air, as if saying "Okay, you got us!"
   Cassie nodded and lowered her weapon.
   - Are you going to listen for last?
   - Wait... What?! Why did you have to attack us, if you just wanted to talk?
   She tilted her head.
   - As far as I remember, your friend - she nodded to Petra - started this fight. But nevermind. I'll ask again: what do you think you are doing here?
   - Do we have to... - Petra snapped, but Jesse interrupted her:
   - Wait - then turned to Cassie - Is this your home? Sorry if...
   She facepalmed.
   - You are as foolish as I remember... This has nothing to do with me! It has everything to do with you! Or should I say, all of you!
   Anyone else's heart would sink after such news, but not Jesse's. He suppressed his grin and asked
   - Are we fighting another Witherstorm?
   Cassie shook her head, her earnest face promising nothing good.
   - The Witherstorm, along with everything and everyone you have ever fought, has been built, or created by someone else and that includes us, the Old Builders. But the threat that is looming in the shadows is older than the Universe itself. When we were at our prime, we needed to combine our powers if only to imprison Him. And yet, he is soon to escape.
   - Who? - Jesse and Petra asked simultaneously.
   Cassie took a deep breath, then muttered in a gravely voice:
   - Null. A divine entity, that seeks the destruction of the worlds. He is currently establishing a rift between his prison and the Portal Network, and it is to be finished soon. Once he has set foot there, all hope shall be lost.
   - So... We wait there and fight him when he... Arrives?
   - No. Fighting him would be needless suicide. We need to break the connection before it is too late!
   Jesse nodded. He didn't understand what they were supposed to do, but if what Cassie was true, they needed to act fast.
   - Alright. Count us in. What do we need to do?
   - Find the others from your gang, or whatever it is. We will need a lot of...
   Jesse froze. Outside the mansion, atop of an old oak, there stood a figure in a tattered white robe, its bloody red eyes glaring at them.
   - Cassie, behind you!
   She immediately drew her axe and turned around. Once she saw the figure, she pointed her axe at it, as if challenging it.
   It did not move. It kept its gaze on Cassie, until, a few seconds later, it vanished into thin air.
   She waited for a few seconds, then lowered her axe and turned to the others.
   - We're safe... For now.
   - What was that? Did you kill it?
   - Unfortunately, no. He fled.
   - Then...
   Petra, who had stayed silent until now, flared:
   - Zip it Jesse! We don't need to know who this guy is. What we need to know - her grim stare turned to Cassie - is if he changes our plans.
   - At least you are practical... And no... Almost.
   Petra frowned.
   - That thing over there wasn't Null, right? - she asked, pointing at the window, as if the creature was still there.
   - No, thankfully not. That was a servant of his... A servant almost as strong and just as dangerous as Null.
   - Then why did you say the plan doesn't change? - Jesse demanded.
   She shickered.
   - I only said the plan does not change much, but I said nothing about no changes.
   Jesse raised an eyebrow.
   - And what is this "not much", we will have to change?
   Cassie glanced at her axe, then replied.
   - Very simple. The speed.


   He ran. The sun burned his skin and the sand tried to pull him in its embrace. The forces of nature had turned against him, but he kept running, ignoring the cactuses and the dead bushes, that opened small cuts in his body.
   An enormous chunk of sandstone tore off from the ground and flew up to the sky, defying the laws of gravity. Vaguely, he could see other boulders follow it.
   The world was falling apart. All because of him.
   A whirl of dust and rocks formed in front of him.
   He grasped a branch, but it was as slippery as if covered with slime.
   The tide pulled him in and the rocks tore through his body...
   - Oh, he's waking up! - exclaimed a young man's voice, that Aiden found familiar.
   - That one worked, old man. Good job - the second voice was deeper and harsher and less emotional than the first one.
   The next person talking was certainly the old man the other had referred to. His hoarse voice was full of anger as he blathered something about a boy that had a lot to explain...
   - Okay, I think he is falling unconscious again... - warned the first voice.
   - No, he is not. - snapped the third voice and Aiden instantly felt a rush of pain starting from his chest and spreading all over his body.
   Little by little, his sight returned. The blurry images soon became faces, some staring, others glaring, directly at him.
   He tried to get up as soon as he could feel control over his limbs... And fell on his back again.
   The whole world was spinning, and his breakfast threatened to come out of his stomach in a disgusting stream of vomit that felt like lava in his throat.
   Hadrian threw a portion at him and the dizziness vanished immediately.
   He jumped on his feet, happy to be alive.
   But Hadrian gave him no time to celebrate his survival.
   - Now, you little rascal, I expect a meticulous explanation about where in the blasted Obsidian Kingdom your darned brains were when you decided to cooperate with the Forces of Chaos! Do you understand what you have done?
   Aiden understood, but had nothing to say. There was no way to explain the fierce powers, that had forced each and every of his choices all along. There was no way to explain the fear of that bloody eyed figure in a tattered robe he had encountered between the worlds. There was no way to explain how much he wanted to prove himself worthy. Worthy of respect... Worthy of acceptance... Worthy of friendship.
   All he could do was remain silent and pray for the earth to swallow him whole.
   Hadrian continued, getting more furious with every word:
   - You have no idea, do you? You have no idea about what you have done! The whole universe is at risk, and all because of you! I knew there was something suspicious about you the moment I saw that Orb! I...
   - I don't think he deserves the punishment you give him, Hadrian.
   Startled, they both turned to the newcomer. His hair and beard were unbelievably red and his eyes glimmered with anguish.
   Hadrian's eyes flashed with anger at the sight of him.
   - And who are you to correct me, Romeo?
   Romeo, despite his miserable look, stood upright and his face lit up with defiance.
   - I am the One, who remembers the last time you refused to give a second chance.
   Hadrian shivered and his irritation vanished.
   - You are right on this one, redhead. But what are we supposed to do?
   - Tell them about Tim.
   Lukas, who had kept silent until now, intervened:
   - Wait... Is that the Tim...
   - Correct, lad, we are talking about Tim from The Games. - nodded Hadrian.
   - Wait, wasn't he non-existent?
   Romeo sighed and walked over to the altar, staring blankly at the dark abyss inside.
   - He's my brother. And your friend, Aiden, just summoned him.
   I just wanna say DUN DUN DUUUN, but... That one was too damn obvious after chapter 6.
   Damn, if my fighting is as bad as my battle scenes, I'm screwed and dead.
   Hope you like the direction I'm going in with this story and I hope I'm not being too stereotypical.
   (Btw, if you have oneshot ideas or ideas for this story, I'm open)
   Word count: 1520
   Cheers ;)

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