Chapter 20

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Ahoy there and welcome to Darkness Beyond Darkness's 20th chapterversary, hosted by the awfully quiet...

Alright, that's enough. Took me 2 weeks, but hey: Chapter's twice as long.

With Jesse and everyone else from that "gang" right behind his back, Soren was on the edge of falling into a void of self-pity. Why was HE always the one to have to give explanations to these kids? Why didn't THEY do anything? They got themselves into that mess, after all... Unacceptable!

As far as Soren knew, Hadrian was the one responsible for all this ever happening. Hadrian and that... Aiden guy...

Why didn't anyone ever ask THEM a thing? That would make much more sense and would make Soren feel so much better!

As expected, as soon as they reached the surface, Jesse started rapid-firing him with questions:
- Soren, what the heck is going on? What was it with that note? Why did you have to run like a lunatic?

Soren inhaled.

- One: The object, that contains all Old Builder powers and was supposed to lie down there... has been stolen. Two: The note said: "Finders, keepers." And three: I ran like a lunatic because that's what we ALL are supposed to do! Don't you understand? With the Old Builders' powers at his grasp, our good friend Entity 303 can wipe this world without blinking an eye!

Hadrian crossed his arms.

- If he indeed is the one who stole it, then running would be the worst choice possible! Having absorbed our former power, he will not only be able to destroy this world, but also leave it and move on to others! For Notch's sake, he could even free Null himself from his prison!

Soren shrugged and looked around.

- What do you suggest, then?

Hadrian opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind, raised a hand, as if to say "Give me some time" and fell silent.

Aiden spit out the straw he'd been chewing and eyed Soren.

- If we can't run, then we'd better go at him face to face. He'd never expect us to do that, so we could even catch him off guard. How about that?

Soren crossed his arms.

- One: for a guy, who is the most guilty of this mess ever happening, you are allowing yourself too much--

- One - interrupted him Lukas, his face turning red from unexpected by anyone anger - Back then, he was under the control of a being all of you Old Builders could barely take on--

- Lukas, why the heck are you protecting him? - asked Petra, shooting a glare at Aiden.

- He literally tried to kill you last time we met! - agreed Jesse.

- People change, okay? - yelled Lukas - Talk about not letting anyone redeem themselves!

- This is not about redemption, it's about complete blindness! - said Soren - Can't you see that he's playing with you? That he has been all along? Can't you see that he is trying to lead us all into a trap? Go at Entity 303 face to face, he said! I'd have a better chance at making a chicken raise a wolf cub!

- I know him and I know he'd never do such a thing! - insisted Lukas - Summoning a monster by mistake and, as you call it, "Playing with people" are two completely different things!

- If one is ruthless and greedy enough to use The Forces of Chaos as a source of power and then, accidentally or not, summon a monster, then he sure has what it takes to deceive or even mind-control the people around him!

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