Chapter 14

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   Hello there, I almost managed to update in a week!
   Should I be proud of myself...?

     The warm morning breeze brushed the grass around Beacontown and played with the falling leaves, forming little whirls at random places around the field.
   Memories flashed back into his mind.
Him, Fred and Romeo, racing through a meadow just like that one, welcoming the new day in the world they were destined to protect.
   Memories of joy and peace.
   He smirked. Memories of a world, that would soon cease to be.
   "Enough warnings" Entity 303 reached his hand out towards the Terminal Tower, as if to grasp it.
   His eyes squinted and their bloody glow strengthened, as dark energy engulfed his hand.


   They were now strolling along the main town street, that led to the gate.
   The Terminal Tower loomed behind them, bathing in the morning light.
   The citizens already hurried around, greeting them as they passed by.
   There was still work to do, after the demolition the golem had caused, but life in Beacontown would soon go back to normal.
   - So - started Aiden, when the others made him tell his story - when those weirdos came over to "greet us"...
   - You decided you didn't wanna go to prison AGAIN, so you snuck away? - suggested Lukas.
   Aiden frowned.
   - Well, that too, but no. I snuck ALONG.
You see, while that Brotherhood dragged you to their creepy basement, I pulled one of them aside and asked him for his robe in exchange of an emerald. And darn it, wasn't I surprised, when that dummy accepted! Turns out, the crazy old dude is the only one who is serious about their... thing.
   So... I put that kid's robe on and... Went to sleep in the room, that was supposed to be that his. And... I found out why he gave me that robe so easily. That place totally stunk! Not just for my nose, but in every possible aspect of building aesthetics!
   - And how did you "arrange" our escape? - raised an eyebrow Jack.
   - I went to the Elder in the middle of the night, with my hood up, so that he couldn't see my face, and told him I'd had a vision of Soren telling me that imprisoning you was an interference in Fate's paths.
   He asked me what Soren looked like, and I, stopping myself from just saying: "A crazy ol' gingerbeard", gave him a thorough physical description.
   I think I did well, because he said he would free you this very morning. I left the room, dumped my robe and... The rest of the story is happening right now.
   Lukas stroked his chin thoughtfully.
   - This Brotherhood must be some special kind of stupid.
   - I know right? - Aiden laughed - We got away with a trick even a zombie can figure out! Easy-peasy.
   - Too easy - muttered Hadrian.
   - What do you mean with that? - asked Lukas.
   - I've been a villain, young lad. I've used such strategies to lure my victims into an even deeper trap than the one they had been in previously. Remember this: if getting away gets easy: you're doomed.
   - I don't think this is the case - said Lukas.
   - Judging by what?
   - You are an Old Builder, a mastermind, that plans his turns way ahead and predicts every possible situation. That Elder, on the other hand, seems to be nothing, but a little poor old man, that has gone off the rails and thinks he's following one of your colleagues. That's it.
   - Exactly - confirmed Hadrian - seems to be. But who, or even what is he really? We have no idea.
   - Um... Hey? - said Radar, alarmed - what's up with the sky?
   The sapphire dome above them began to darken, becoming a mixture of muddy brown and red on the horizon, and pitch black at the top.
   The shining white clouds grew dirty gray and the sunlight weakened significantly.
   Worried voices echoed around them. The people were also looking up, pointing at the full solar eclipse.
   - So that's why it got so dark... - said Radar, relieved.
   - But that makes no sense - argued Lukas. The next full solar eclipse should be in 32 years, not today!
   - Turns out, it came early this time - muttered Jack narrowing his eyes at the sun - This can't be good.
   - It isn't - asserted Romeo, face almost as red as his hair, fists clenched - AAARGH, HE PROMISED!!!
   - Who promised what? - demanded Hadrian.
   - Tim promised to give us one week to leave this world, before destroying it! - yelled Romeo - Unnngh... You may have told a lie or two, while telling his story, but this... This is just...
   - Alright, calm down - Lukas patted his back - He's going to pay for what he's done, but now all that...
   A thunderous booming shook the ground and nearly threw them off balance.
   Citizens screamed, as fires started randomly all around the city.
   Gigantic stone spikes, twice taller than a human being, burst through the ground and destroyed everything in their way, some of them impaling people, unlucky enough to have been standing there.
   Two collosal burning red eyes appeared in the sky, just above the Terminal Tower, looking the city over like a snake studies its prey.
   An enormous hand, made out of what appeared to be some sort of dark energy, wrapped its fingers around the tower in a crushing grip.
   The walls cracked loudly and lava started pouring out of the tubes, built into the tower.
   The city fell silent, as the hand broke half of the tower off and threw it high into the air.
   The screaming resumed, as the building crushed down on the ground, utterly destroying a few buildings.
   - Everyone! - commanded Radar in his most assertive voice - Our duty and responsibility is our people's safety! We need to evacuate everyone! Jack, Nurm, take the north! Hadrian and Romeo, take the south! Lukas and Aiden will take the west, and I - the east! We'll meet outside this gate! Now move!
   But before any of them could even accept the orders, the black hand wiped across Beacontown, leveling it to the ground completely, not sparing anything or anyone.
   All that was left standing was the gate and a few buildings around it.
   And the only ones who had made it out alive were Radar and his friends.
   - RUN!!! - Jack yelled and sprinted away, followed by the rest.
   Radar ran in the back, still unable to comprehend the truth. Beacontown, his home, the only place where he found peace, was now gone. And so were so many of his friends... What would Jesse say, after he found out? That he had misplaced his trust? He would be furious... No, that was an understatement! Even worse than that... Way worse...
   - Radar, you're falling behind! - he heard someone yell.
   He was going to worry about the future later. Now they had to run. As far as they could go.
   With the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the red eyes appearing over Champion City.

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