Chapter 17

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   Too sleepy for a long AN.
So... I'll just say Heya!

   - I'm telling you guys...
   - Axel, can't you shut up for one, precious second?! - complained Olivia.
   - Just saying I'm hungry...
   - For the tenth thousandth time!
   Petra, who was right behind them, pulled a lamb chop out of her inventory and put it in his hands.
   - Help yourself.
   - Um...
   - You're welcome - she cut him off.
   Axel shrugged and ate his small snack in silence, much to Olivia's relief.
   He was just finishing it up, when they left the shelter of the trees and could finally look around without any danger of losing their eyes to stray branches.
   The fresh, chilling air filled their lungs and they could feel their mood raising.
   Axel was just about to say something to Olivia, when they nearly bumped into Jesse and Petra, who had frozen like statues.
   - Um... Guys? - Axel said, puzzled.
   - Oh, no... - Olivia gasped and pointed at the horizon.
   He looked in that direction and almost vomited at the sight.
   Where Beacontown was supposed to be, there were only smoking ruins, dust and ash.


   - Anything? - Jesse asked, wiping the dirty sweat from his forehead.
   - Nothing! - snapped Petra, kicking a nearby stone - The whole place is wrecked! No way to find out if... That freaking... UUURGH! Whoever did this, they're in damn serious trouble!
   She drew her sword out in a challenge to whoever she thought was responsible.
   - More like we're in serious trouble. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't go mess with someone, who just burned my city to the ground... Not without a way to kick their butt.
   Think about it. We needed to give a crazy enchantment to a sword, just to destroy the Witherstorm. We wouldn't have a chance to stop Romeo without that gold gauntlet...
   - Alright, get to the point, please!
   - If we're gonna find that jerk and make their mother cry on their tombstone, we can't do it with Ms Butter!
   Axel and Olivia came to them, breathing heavily.
   - Looked everywhere... Nothing... Oh, damn it... Give me a sec... - barely said Axel between a few frantic breaths.
   Olivia recovered much quicker and stated, trying to stay calm:
   - We haven't found anything. I don't believe anyone survived this... Whatever happened here. I'm so sorry Jesse.
   She pulled him into a warm embrace.
   - Yeah - said Axel, when he finally caught his breath - What she said.
   Jesse took a hissing breath through gritted teeth.
   - Come on, guys.
   - Um... Come on where? - asked Axel.
   - We're about to kick some bad guy butt.
   - I'm so in - grinned Petra.
   - Uh... Wouldn't it be nice if we knew what we're going up against? - insisted Olivia.
   Petra and Jesse exchanged looks.
   - I'm pretty sure we do.
   - And I'm pretty sure you don't want to turn around - said a familiar voice from behind them.
   Jesse did exactly the opposite of what he had just been told.
   - IVOR! - he exclaimed - So glad to...
   But Ivor was nowhere to be found.
   - Oh, come on, are you playing Ninja again?
   - I hugged this guy a week ago. Not happening again - murmured Petra.
   - You have no choice in the matter, redhead! - Ivor replied.
   Before she could react, he appeared behind her and crushed her in a surprisingly tight bear hug.
   - Ugh... IVOR!!! - she yelled.
   - Happy to see you too, Petra, happy to see you too! Get in here, everyone!
   Jesse and the others happily joined the group hug, and Petra once again almost suffocated.
   - Didn't you quit being a ninja? - she asked, when they let her go and she could finally breathe properly.
   - Hey! - Ivor raised his hands defensively - It's not me alone who is a pure ninja! Take her, for example! - he motioned to Olivia.
   - Wait! Me? A ninja? Ivor, are you kidding me right now?
   - I'm afraid he wasn't talking about you, sweetie.
   The last words came from Harper, who had also unknowingly how appeared right behind Olivia.
   Jesse couldn't believe his eyes.
   - You guys, am I happy to see you both again!
   - This is indeed a happy friends' reunion - agreed Ivor - Feels wonderful to see the old gang back together!
   - Well, not all of us are here - murmured Petra.
   Jesse nodded.
   - I really hope Lukas is okay.
   - WHAT?!? - Ivor hollered, gesturing frantically - Do you even consider him a part of the old gang? Aaah, no, no, no and no! That little lad with perfect shiny blonde hair and funny googly glasses has always been suspicious to me! Really suspicious, do you understand? There's something... Suspicious about him, that I can't out my finger on... Something creepy.
   He shivered.
   Petra looked at him with a condescending smile.
   - And who's talking?
   - Hey, you little...! I'm a harmless senior citizen... That happens to be a genius. How can you...
   - Alright, alright - interrupted him Jesse in an attempt to bring some order - Ivor, can you please tell us what you two are doing here?
   - Helping you, of course! Since Harper used to be an Old Builder, she can...
   - Sense when things aren't right?
   Ivor raised his eyebrows in surprise.
   - How did you know that?
   Jesse smirked.
   - A shot in the dark. Go on.
   - I actually think it would be better if Harper takes it from here.
   She started without further invitation:
   - I sensed something dark in your world. Forces we, the Old Builders barely imprisoned ages ago. They are supposed to be in a dimension no one can reach or escape. But, apparently, there has been a leak. A big one. As far as I can tell, here lurks a Being of Chaos, strong enough to shred this world to bits. The situation is damn serious, folks. You'd better take action immediately.
   Jesse weighed his options. He could tell Harper about their encounters with that mysterious figure, or he could keep it zipped...
   - Um... I think we have kinda seen that... Thing - said Axel, before anyone could stop him.
   "Ugh, thanks, friend..." thought Jesse.
   Harper seemed really worried.
   - What was it? What did it look like?
   - White robe, no face, red eyes - replied Jesse as fast as he could.
   Harper's eyes widened in horror.
   - We need to get to The Vault - she ordered in a rushed tone.
   - The what?! - echoed everyone in unison.
   - I'll explain later. Ivor! Can you make a transportation portal like the one you showed me back at home?
   - Wormhole! It's called a wormhole! - he protested.
   - Can you?
   - Yes, I can. I'm going to need a cauldron, eight ender pearls, a potion of leaping, a potion of swiftness and a bottle of firewater.
   - Why do you need firewater? - wondered Jesse.
   - I don't, it'll just make me feel better about ripping a hole in the damn universe! - snapped Ivor and inspected their surroundings - Well... I am sorry about what has happened to your home, Jesse. You have my sympathies.
Now, we have work to do. We need to get the necessary ingredients as quickly as possible. This world hasn't got much time left.
   - Where are we going? - asked Jesse.
   - I know a place. Follow me.
   He set off immediately, along with Harper. Axel and Olivia were going to follow, but Jesse and Petra held them back.
   - Do we trust him? - whispered Petra.
   Axel crossed his arms.
   - Petra, are you kidding?
   - He saved our lives more times than we can count - Jesse stated - he deserves at least that. Come on.


   He led them to the southern part of the town. The street they were running down was covered in smoking debris. The cobblestone still felt hot under their feet and the ashes in the air made them cough.
   The dense smoke blocked almost all of the sunlight. They barely found their way through the darkness, even though it was merely the early afternoon.
   Where was Ivor leading them?
   As swift as a cat, despite his age, he made his way into what was once a house or a shop, but was now only a pile of burned planks.
   He stopped in one of the "corners" of the wrecked building and looked up at the others.
   - Come on! We need to clear these debris away!
   They had no choice, but to help him.
   - Dang it! - cried Olivia almost immediately - these planks are still hot.
   - If you can't bear it, just wait and rest - suggested Jesse - We can manage.
   A few minutes later, they were dusting their hands off and stared blankly at the freshly opened trap door.
   Jesse grinned, although he didn't want to.
   - You have a secret storage room in Beacontown?
   - I still have a few surprises up my sleeve - smirked Ivor, while descending down the ladder.
   - Do we need to go down as well? - asked Olivia, fear in her eyes.
   Harper shook her head.
   - No point. He'll be back up in a minute. By the way...
   Jesse decided not to pay attention to the rest of their conversation.
   Instead, he strolled away and stayed alert for any noise out of the ordinary. Which meant: any noise.
   A footstep, a voice, even the creaking of a plank. Anything that would let him know that there were survivors left out there.
   That little... Worthless... No, no, no... No matter what the cost, no matter of he was burned alive on the way, he was going to find that piece of chaos-worshipping garbage and send it back to the hell it had run away from... In way more than one piece.
   He almost laughed at the thought. He nearly felt the warm, sticky blood painting his sword, almost heard the monster's frantic howls... It was only about time... See if someone ruins Beacontown again...
   He was certain he had heard someone speak just now.
   He looked at his friends. They had all gathered around the trap door. So... It couldn't be them...
   There it was. Again.
   Actual human voices, coming from his left.
   Unless it was a trap, this was the happiest moment in Jesse's life.
   He called out to the strangers, scaring his friends with the unexpected noise, but it did not matter to him.
   Especially when he heard the overjoyed responses of the survivors.

   Word count: 1784
   Cheers ;)

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