~Chapter 1~

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Not a lot of people go around waving guns in people's faces yelling "GIVE ME ALL YOUR MONEY," do they? Well. When you live where I live, things change from rainbows to dark clouds very quickly.
Sorry, I'm being rude. Names (Y/N). I'm Fifteen years old and I happen to live in a very dangerous town. One of bandits and gangs and a lot of men dressing up trying to play hero. Me? Well. I'm just a kid looking to make money. A kid trying to survive in this world. How you may ask? By stealing of course!

"You gotta be kidding me" I mumbled as I looked at the nearby saloon. The place was packed full of people, men women, you name it. On the outside of it was a place where wanted posters hung, and guess who was on it? Me of course.
Slowly I pulled my black hood over my head and made my way to the post. I then scanned over my wanted poster and sighed.
"Pft-" I let out a quiet chuckle at I read the payment of my capture. Did I really cost 500,000? Surly I didn't, I mean... I haven't killed anyone, just shot those who got in my way. Did they survive? Eh, why should I care? In this world only the strongest survive.
"Well, would you look at that" I whispered as I looked up slightly to another poster. It was of a boy, about my age. He wore a cowboy hat, and had a small beard going on. Around his neck was a red bandanna, no designs, just plain red. He also wore a Brest plate on top of a darkish green shirt, rolled up sleeves I might add.
"Really? They had to put me on the standards of the "Great Jesse McCree?"" I mumbled sarcastically.
     "I don't even kill people..." I said to myself at I turned away angrily. My black boots matching my emotions very well.
"Might as well go home... already saw what I needed to see..." I growled to myself as I put my hands in my hoodie pockets. I then walked away from the saloon and onto the dirt road. The only light guiding my way we're the street lights, and the moon of course. I then felt something cold and hard go up against my head and a soft click
"If it ain't the law breaker of New Mexico" I heard a low voice say. Slowly I turned around to be met with a gun in my face, I tilted my head to get a good view of the guy. He had black hair and blue eyes, a cigar in his mouth as he blew it in my face. I coughed as my eyes watered from the smell. People like this are what litter my streets, I'm included.
"Word 'round here is that your pay a lot... dead or alive... Well I'm thinking of shooting ya right here and grading your corps down the the sheriffs station.... I'll just tell em that you drew on me first." he said smiling, the smoke from his cigar wafting into the air through his stained teeth. I scrunched my nose as I felt my hand slowly reach for my pistol. Luckily, the guy didn't seem to notice.
     "Well... Any last words?"The man asked as he shifted the gun in his hand. I felt my lips curl upward slightly as I felt the soft metal of my pistol.
     "Yea, how-"I was cut off by the mans gun gun being thrown out of his grasp and his body being pushed backwards.
     "Now I know for a fact that ya pa taught ya to treat ladies with respect." I heard a soft low voice growl as I saw a tall guy step in front of me. I stepped to the side to see the man that had me at gunpoint shivering with wide eyes. His pupils small and full of fear. I then shifted my gaze to see the side of the boys face. His eyes were pointed downward in an angry way, and his mouth held a cigar that puffed out smoke in a calming way.
     "Now... this is the part where you run before I shoot you in the ass... though I already want to" The boy huffed. Then without another second the man turned around and ran down the dirt road. Before I could say anything the boy lifted up a gun and aimed.
      "Wait-" then there was a gun shot and the body of the man fell to the ground. Honestly I didn't mind, just didn't want to see it.
     Quickly I backed away and put my hand on my gun.
     "Now... that ain't any way to treat your savior darlin." the boy said turning around showing me his full face. I felt my breathing hitch as I looked up at his face.
     "Names Jesse." The boy said smirking as he put his pistol away and put his hand out for me to shake.
     "Jesse McCree"

The Two Gunslingers (Jesse Mccree x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now