~Chapter 2~

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I took in a sharp breath as I looked at his hand. He wore black gloves over his hands and had a belt full of bullets.
Slowly I put away my trusted gun and put my small hand into his own. His grip was soft as he shook it.
"Names (Y/N)... (Y/N) Walker..." I stated as he let go of my hand gently. He then adjusted his hat to a more crooked direction.
"Well If it ain't "the one that keeps her victims alive""he smirked while looking at me. I felt my body stiffen as I looked up at him.
"What do you mean "Outlaw?""I said while putting a hand on my hip. He seemed to blush slightly but it quickly disappeared as he opened his mouth to speak.
"You sometimes shoot those that get in your way, but instead of shooting to kill... you shoot them so that they survive..." he chucked while kicking the ground lightly.
"And you always shoot to kill I might add." I growled as I turned around and started to walk. Honestly, I didn't expect him to do what he did next.
"H-hey Wait! Why you even out this time of night anyways?" He asked while walking up beside me. His smirk never fading from his face. I felt my face scrunch up in disgust. Slowly I stoped and looked at him with an annoyed expression.
"Why do you care McCree?" I spat while glaring at him. Sure, I just personally met him and he did help me out back there, but this guy has been known for picking on girls only to break there hearts, killing men who get in his way, he's even part of a gang... the youngest of them too.... but I want nothing to do with someone like him.
"Well I cant just let some pretty lady like yourself walk 'round without someone watching her." He grinned while winking at me. I swear, I felt something come up from my stomach.
"Ugh..." I groaned as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small round ball. I then pressed a button and shoved it into his hand. I then leaned in his face while smirking.
"It was "nice" to meet you" I said sarcastically. The ball then started to puff out dark black smoke surrounding us both. Quickly, I turned around and ran, swiftly leaving the smoke and taking a right into an alleyway.
"Quick (Y/N) think fast" I whispered to myself as I came to the end of the alleyway. I then saw a wooden piece sticking out of one of the buildings. I then jumped and grabbed the piece and hauled myself up to a nearby roof. I then ran and jumped down behind a building a ways away from where I saw McCree last.
I leaned against the back of the building and let out a long sigh.
"Jeez that guy doesn't know when to stop... good thing I lost em" I mumbled as I dusted myself off. I then looked around and began walking towards home. The only place I'm not wanted for surviving.

~time Skip~

I sighed as I walked up to an abandoned house way outside of town, but hidden by other abandoned houses, too destroyed to be used for anything. Luckily I was very resourceful and was able to make home here. Slowly I walked into the house, that did not happen to have a door, and walked into the living room. It was dusty with a jacked up rug, broken chairs and all that good broken stuff, but it was what looked to be home. Slowly I reached down and lifted the rug to reveal a large wooden door put into the floor. I then lifted the doors and looked down the stairs to see a soft candle light glow. I then walked down into the small den after I closed the large wooden door behind me.
"What Time is it?.. I mumbled while looking at a clock that hung over a bunch of blankets huddled together that I called my bed.
"It's only 11?... damn I thought it would be later..." I growled to myself as I looked at the candle that stood on a broken down dresser. Sluggishly I waddled over to it and sighed. I then opened the dresser and pulled out a large shirt. One that I stole from a nearby store in town. I then changed into the shirt and put my gun and amo on a nearby table. I then blew out the candle and sat on the bunches of blankets and cuddled with myself.
"You know... that McCree fellow probably will find me again and try to strike up a conversation..." I mumbled to myself tiredly. I then let out a yawn and sunk deeper into my blankets.
"Nah... there's more interesting people than me... he probably forgot about me anyways...." I said as I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Little did I know that a certain cowboy was sitting on top of a house looking over the town smiling to himself wondering when he was gonna see me again.
"She sure is something special."

Heya guys! It's me! I just wanted to say I hope you all are enjoying the book so far! If not well, sorry my dudes. Can't be perfect book can it? For those who don't mind it, I hope you'll stick around for more!

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