~Chapter 5~

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It's been a few days sense I've settled in at the deadlock gangs hideout. I was given a small room with a small bed and desk but I wasn't complaining. It was better than dirty blankets and a small candle.
I added my own flare to the small room, adding a sketch notebook that I had stolen the other day, along with a broken down lamp that still worked. I also managed to take more of McCrees clothing, well the ones that don't fit him just to bum around in. What confused me the most was that the Gang wasn't as ruthless as I thought they would be, but I later found out that they didn't like to harm women unless it was necessary. 'Kill the men, spare the women and children' McCree had told me when I asked. But that doesn't mean they aren't rude as can be.
"Heya (Y/N) ya in there?" I heard McCree ask through my door. Quickly I replied with a yes as he opened the door. He was in his outfit, usual attire with the bandana and everything. He smiled as he walked in. Me on the other hand sat on the bed with a random book I was reading.
"Hey" I greeted as he closed the door. This is what has been happening for the past few days. Him walking into my room and just sitting on my bed or at my seat having a conversation with me. And not gonna lie I enjoyed our little talks.
"Howdy." He replied while tipping his hat. He then grabbed the chair and sat in it, legs spread as he rested his elbows on the top of the chair, he then rested his head on his folded hands.
I closed the book I was reading and set it aside. I then shifted my gaze to meet his and smiled slightly
"What brings you here cowboy?" I asked leaning against the headboard of my bed. His smiled seemed to waver but he kept his eyes focused.
"Well darlin, I know ya haven't been here long but I wanted ta ask ya a question." He lifted his head slightly, staring at me. I felt my body tense as I looked at him.
"What's the question McCree?" I asked while leaning forward slightly, my hair falling in my face slightly.
"Well... your a known criminal, a wanted one in fact. So that makes you an outlaw. And with the Talon incident, you probably wont be leaving. Not that you'd want to I mean I'm here" He smirked while placing a hand proudly on his chest. I chuckled slightly.
"Get to the punch cowboy" I smiled while looking at him.
"I want you to join Deadlock" he murmured quietly as he messed with his hands. His gaze shifting down to them.
I felt my heart stop for a few seconds. I mean, there would be no wrong in joining them, if anything I'll have more protection, a roof over my head, food... not to mention I have a friend here. Probably my best and only friend I've ever had.
"Now I have a reason before you say no! I mean- I want you to be my partner, we can get more things done together not to mention your my only god dammed friend in this world. We would get more money, for ourselves and the gang, we could also improve our reputation! Maybe scare Talon so they leave you alo-" I cut him off.
"McCree will you shut your mouth for one second? First of all I wasn't gonna say no. I mean your right, your my only friend as well, probably best friend. We would get more money, I would have more protection... it just makes logic so... yea I'll join." I told him as I looked down at by own hands. I felt his gaze shift to me and I did the same. He smiled as he looked at me.
"Well darlin, guess that makes us partners. Already talked to boss man, he said yes but your under my wing. Which makes you fresh meat but don't worry. I wont let anyone touch ya, not if I have anything to say about it." He smiled as he stood. Before I knew it I was engulfed into a warm embrace. I felt my body stiffen as he held onto me, but quickly relaxed. I then put my arms around his back and retuned the warm embrace.
"You know... I never got to thank you for saving me..." I whispered as he pulled away. He looked down at me and smirked.
"Don't mention it, I'd do it again if I had ta." A chuckled. He then pulled out a piece of paper.
"By the way, I found this hanging on a post, gives a lot of money for the capture of the guy." He smiled cheekily as he handed me the paper. My eyes scanned over the writing and smirked.
"You do realize the guy was last seen miles away from here right? Maybe a week to get there at most on horseback. Then depending on how well the guy hides, maybe up to a month." I said as I handed him back the paper.
"Then ya better saddle up, I'll pack a weeks worth of food and clothing. You do the same." He said loudly as he walked out of the room.
"Meet in ten!" He yelled.
"Alright..." I murmured to myself as I began to pack all of the clothing I stole from McCree, my favorite by far was the one he gave me first.

_Time Skip Brought To You By High Noot Noot_

Still your POV my dude

I walked out of my base and took a left. There was a back door that lead to the stables, the place where I guessed we would be meeting. I opened up the door to be met with the smell of hay and other aromas of a farm. I walked through as saw Jesse finishing packing up a brown horses pack. She was strong looking, Black mane and tail with black markings near her hooves. He noticed me right away and pointed behind himself.
"I got ya the black one behind me. Got him in yesterday... well... stole him yesterday. He's rough but I thought you would be able to put up with his Since you put up with me" he laughed as he stood.
I slowly walked up to the horse and looked at it. He was pure black. Black mane black coat black everything. He was beautiful. Tall and strong looking. He stood tall as he glared down at me.
I looked behind myself to see McCree finishing up his work. I then turned to my horse. I stared into his eyes, and he stared at mine. He then lowered his head and nudged his nose agains my face, causing me to laugh lightly
"Perfect name for you is Hades... what do you think boy?" I asked him as I put the saddle onto his back. The then swiped at the floor and let out a satisfied noise, causing me to smile.
"Hades it is." I replied as it put clothing into the satchels and lead him out of the barn to where McCree was. He was already on his horse with a cigar hanging out of his mouth. He smiled at me as I lead Hades out of the barn. He seemed impressed.
"Well, not gonna lie I have no idea how you got him to follow your orders. Damned horse wouldn't even let me steal it. Still down know how I did." He sighed while closing his eyes. I then hauled myself onto my own horse.
"You were not worthy of Hades respect." I smiled as I trotted next to him. McCree then looked at me and laughed.
"Hades fits him perfectly." He smiled while looking at me. I then looked ahead.
"So cowboy... where we headed?" I asked. He then pointed west and smiled.
"That way darlin" he smiled as he began trotting forward, me following after.
"Well I'll be right beside ya, the whole way." I smiled as we rode off onto a long adventure...

But we didn't know what was in store for us when we came back home...

Hey guys what's up? Hope you enjoyed this part! I'm very sorry for being late on updating! Hope you all can forgive me! Next part will be out soon so stay tuned!"

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