~Chapter 9~

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    (Y/N) POV

     "Jesse..." I murmured as we sat in two chairs that were next to each other. His hand held onto mine as he shifted his gaze over to me, his hat tilted slightly.
     "(Y/N?)" He replied back as we heard a door shut. I turned my gaze to see the three people that had brought us here. I glared slightly as they all three looked at us two, Jesse on the other hand just stared at them.
     "Alright, lets get introductions out of the way. My name is Jack Morrison." The tall blond spoke. He wore a blue and white coat and black boots. On his head was a visor thing, covering his left eye.
     "My name is Angela Ziegler, pleasure to meet you." The female blond spoke. From her attire, I could only guess that she was a medic. Considering her white lab coat. I then shifted my gaze to the Hispanic guy who was looking to the side. The man named jack elbowed him in the ribs causing the guy to grunt. He then looked at us and sighed.
     "Gabe..." he mumbled, causing the blond to elbow him again. The man opened his mouth to speak again as if he were annoyed.
     "Gabriel Reyes, Jesus jack calm the hell down." He growled looking at jack. He then looked at us in a pissed off way, but I think that's how he always looks.
     "I'm guessing your wondering where you two are. Well except for you Jesse-"
     "Mah names McCree." Jesse murmured as he looked at Jack, his eyes wavering slightly.
      "Yes, sorry well. We brought you two here because we had been told that two kids had joins a dangerous gang. You see, we had a spy for us reach out and gather intel on you two. Sooner or later we found out that you, (Y/N) had been attacked by talon and been injected with a needle... now normally we would think it as a sedative so they could move you but no... we looked into it more." Jack spoke while walking to the front of the small room. He then touched a large screen as many pictures showed up. On included a black substance.
     "This is called Ether, or that's what talon calls it. It was a one time experiment they created and they needed a test subject. And that happened to be you." He finished while zooming in on a photo of Jesse and I. It was an old one, him ruffling my hair while I glared at him.
     "So ya decided to kidnap us?" McCree spoke suddenly. His hand squeezing mine ever so slightly.
     "Well kid we didn't exactly want to kill any children that had been led down the wrong path. We had already planned on taking out the deadlock gang so... two birds with one stone." Gabe replied while looking at Jesse.
     "And who exactly is we?..." I whispered while looking at him. Jack then stepped in.
     "We as in Overwatch." Jack stared as if it were obvious. I on the other hand just stared at him.
     "The fuck is overwatch?" I asked while closing my eyes and crossing my arms, letting go of Jesses hand in the process. All of a sudden I heard a loud laugh causing me to jump slightly, along with Jesse. Quickly I opened my eyes to see Gabriel laughing his ass off while leaning on a very surprised jack for support. Jack stared at me for a few seconds.
     "Your serous?" He asked while squinting his eyes at me. I nodded while looking at him. He then sighed and rubbed his forehead with a hand.
      "Alright- blue eyes I got this." Gabriel laughed while pushing his to the side. He then looked at Jesse and I, putting his poker face back on.
     "Ok lets get to the chase. You two are criminals. Wanted ones to be fact, but we have a proposition for you two. McCree we have already talked to you about this but you refused to talk unless she's here so let me explain for her. Join overwatch and we will erase any criminal records of you two. Your not stupid so I'd make up your mind now. Unless you want to spend the rest your lives in a rotting cell." He spoke bluntly while holding onto his belt.
     I sat there for a few seconds taking in was he had just said. Though it's true we were wanted around the world, these people were willing to erase it. Plus they don't seem to be the type of people to take over the world, which makes them hero's basically. If Jesse and I were to join we would probably get better protection, not to mention weapons... considering what happened to my trusted pistol.
     I glanced over to Jesse who looked at me. I nodded slightly while he hid the same. Jesse then looked at Gabriel as smirked.
     "Alright, one condition." Jesse spoke as he stood up, pulling me along with him. The three looked at us as he held onto my hand again.
     "We are not to be separated, or so help me I'll-"
     "You'll both be moved to the backwatch compound. We already have rooms figured for you two, side by side." Gabriel spoke while crossing his arms. I felt myself smile as I looked up at Jesse. He seemed to be quite pleased with himself.
     "And who gave you the authority to do that Gabe?" Jack growled while looking at him.
     "The person that actually went and saved there asses. " Gabriel replied while staring at us.
"Plus Ana said that overwatch dosent need any more sharpshooters so I already got paper work ready. Along with rooms and other things. So if you don't mind." Gabriel then motioned is to follow after him which we did. Jesse allowing me out the door first while I glanced at a pissed off jack.
     "I'll be taking my newest recruits. By blondie." Gabriel waved while raising his hand as tilting it slightly. Jesse and I on the other hand still held onto each others hands, walking side by side. I looked up at his face to see him still quite calm, or his face was at least.
"So, what are you two? siblings? I wouldn't know sense I didn't-" we both cut him off by laughing loudly, both of us stoping and hunching over while our bodies heaved from the lack of oxygen.
"I'm guessing that's a no?" Gabriel asked while looking at us, his face wearing a bored expression.
"Hahah, no. We're just great friends is all." Jesse laughed while fixing his hat. I felt my heart clench at his words, but quickly ignored the pain as Gabriel began walking some more, us following after.
"We have already gotten you gear and such ready, McCree your revolver has been cleaned with new bullets and (Y/N), we took the liberty of getting rid of your old gun. One of the agents that went with me to pick you guys up broke it in means of stoping you from attacking... apparently that didn't work." He mumbled the last part quietly, enough for us both not to hear.
Eventually, we entered a different part of the building. One with darkish walls but was pretty nice compared to the rest of the establishment. Gabriel stoped in-front Of two doors. He then turned to us.
"The one on the right is (Y/N)s and the other is McCrees. Go ahead and get conferrable until tomorrow. Sense your new I'm not gonna make you two get up early, but as soon as your awake head down to my office. It's just down the hallway so it shouldn't be hard to find." He stated while waving his hand slightly down the hallway. Jesse nodded while I stared at him.
     "Why are you being so trustworthy? I mean you just recruited us from a dangerous gang hat killed for a living so why?" I asked while looking up at the tall man. He stared down at me and smirked.
     "Because your smart. Smart enough not to make stupid. Besides, what do you have to go to? I mean, we know nothing of you two because your gang decided to write jack shit about you but by the fact that you were part of them, I can only guess you have no family. Anyways, have a nice sleep I guess." He finished as he walked away. His hands in his pockets as he rounded a corner and disappeared.
Jesse and I stood there for a few seconds, not moving, or not knowing what to do. He then loved to his room as the door slid up, allowing him to walk in. Before I could say anything the door shut behind him, cutting me off from him.
     I sighed as I turned to my room and walked up to it. The door slid open just like Jesses and allowed  me to enter. Slowly I walked into the room, stoping when I was a good foot away from the entrance. The door shut as i looked at my room. It had a nice King sized bed, which compared to me looked huge. Next to the bed was a plain dresser with a mirror and a bathroom. There as also a small miniature kitchen in case u wanted to whip up a snack or two. Then there was a TV along with what seemed to be a... box... it had cables on it and what looked to be DVDs next to it. One was named Skyrim... weird.
     "Woah..." I whispered as I looked at the huge window above my bed, with a curtain and everything. I pushed away the price of fabric and slip open the window, allowing a soft breeze to meet my face. I then looked at myself in the mirror that came with the dresser and gasped in surprise. I was still in that gown... embarrassing...
     Quickly I shuffled my little self towards the small compartments and opened up the first drawer. Underwear... like not mine but brand new...
     "Yo, not gonna pass up free clothing" I said to myself as I slipped a pair on. I then went down the line of clothes and found out that all of Jesses clothing that I had stolen wasn't here. All the clothing was new and meant for females. Then I came across the Nightwear Compartment. I slowly slip it open to find a large hoodie. One of Jesses. I quickly pulled it out and threw it on, enjoying the heat of it. I then started to make my way to the bed, which had light blue sheets and a darker blue comforter. Slowly I sound into the bed and pillows and laid there for a few minutes, staring at the ceiling.
     All I really remember before I blacked out was Jesse injured and my body sizzling... if that makes any sense. Jesses been kind of avoiding me as well.... only talking to me if necessary. Then again we did get into that fight before the attack....
     I let out a sigh as I hugged a nearby pillow close to my chest, my eyes getting heavy as a squeezed it tighter. My mind started to waver as a conferrable silence welcomed me to soft dreams... but....
              Nightmare soon await for those
                           Who live them 

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this part! Sorry there coming late, I've been kind of busy lately! Anyways stay tuned! Wolf out!

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