~Chapter 13~

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I let out a yawn as I opened my eyes. I blinked my eyes a few seconds before they stared to adjust to the bright sight of the sun.
     Another yawn escaped my lips as I tried to lift myself up only to be met with a force keeping me down. Slowly, I turned my head to see Jesse, fast asleep. With his arm wrapped around me.
     I felt my face heat up as he held me closer, a sigh escaping his lips. For a few seconds I thought I had woken him up with my struggling, but all those thoughts quickly disappeared when he let out a quiet snore.
"God dammit Jesse." I laughed ever so quietly as his grip loosened. Swiftly, I took my chances and slid out of his touch, slightly missing the warmth. I then made my way over to my dresser, opening it to find more black clothing. Not gonna lie it seemed to be my color. Swiftly I pulled out some black leggings a with the same colored tank top, with a sports bra I might add. I then made my way to the bathroom not risking Jesse waking up and seeing me naked. Though if I did change in there he'd be the one at fault, considering he had taken refuge in my room. Such thoughts caused me to sigh in annoyance as I started to change into the pieces of clothing I had chosen for myself. I stared at myself in the mirror before nodding in a approval. I then brushed my hair out and put it into a bun, musing a bright blue hair clip to keep it in place. I soon finished with cleaning my face and brushing my teeth quickly.
"The female race goes through to Much shit to look beautiful." I mumbled as I put on some mascara. Nothing else though considering I wasent a huge makeup fan in the first place. Though I thought that my eyes were the best part of my face, so I wanted them to stand out more.
With a huff, I opened the bathroom door, expecting ether a sleeping McCree or an awake McCree. Surprisingly I got nether. I guess he left to his room to change into his work out cloths.
     "Eight in the morning huh? Well, not really that hungry considering I missed breakfast, so I guess I'll head down to Uncles Office. Don't know what he's got planned for me but eh. I don't want to be cooped up in this room the rest of the day." I mumbled to myself as I grabbed my two pistols I had stolen from my locker the night before. I threw into the holsters, added the amo, and set the guns in there rightful place. I then opened my door, closing it behind me as I made the small trip to Reyes office.

~Very small time skip~

I held my breath as I knocked on his office door, waiting for a reply as I stood there. After a few seconds there was a gruff, muffled sound indicating me to come in. Slowly, I reached down and turned tot eh door knob, allowing myself in.
He was sitting at his desk, a cup of black coffee to his right and a bunch of papers to his left. Does black just run on the family?
     He looked up at me as I closed the door, glancing back down as he finished signing something. He then set the pen he was holding down and looked up at me yet again.
     "Cadet (Y/N) it's about time. Today you will be training with Captain Amari and her Daughter Fareeha. She will be helping you try to control your powers along with combat training. You are dismissed." He mumbled as he quickly got back to work. I nodded, not really fazed that he didn't act like an older family member. After all, this was all new to me as well.
     I quickly then began walking to the training room, hoping that Captain Amari might be there. I let out a groan as it turned out she wasn't. I then felt something run against my leg Causing me to jump and let out a small shriek. I quickly snapped my head down to see Eclipse standing tall as he looked up at me. I felt my face heat up as I realized that I just had a small panic attack from a feline.
     "I'd appreciate it if you would at least warn me before you decide to make an appearance." I chuckled as he let out a purr. He then stared walking out of the training room, me quickly following after.
     "Eclipse! You can't just run off! Wait for me!" I whisper yelled as I ran after him, catching up rather quickly. He let out a chuff as we arrived at a large door. He then pawed at it, making a scratching noise.
"Hey buddy, don't know if you saw but that says "Authorized Personnel Only"" I murmured as he continued to do what he was doing. Then, the door opened revealing little Fareeha
"There you are! Mum and I almost thought you got lost! Gabriel should had told you where to find us, he did didn't he?" She asked, her eyes shining. I took in a breath as I felt my face heat up.
'That sneaky bastard' I growled within my mind as I smiled at Fareeha. I nodded my head
"Of course we found our way here, we just got side tracked." I laughed nervously as the small child ran into the room. I looked down to Eclipse to see him eyeing me down, eyebrows raised.
"What was I suppost to do? Complain to a ten year old?" I murmured as the large cat walked into the room, tail held high in the air as he strutted inside, me following after.
"Ah, (Y/N). It was about time you showed up. We'll begin immediately." Captain Amari smiled as she clapped her hands together. I felt myself tense as I looked at her, then to Fareeha, who was sitting on some containers, watching from afar.
    "Now, I know that Eclipse can summon himself, but I believe that even if he does that he takes away a small amount of energy from you no?" She questioned while looking at Eclipse. I thought for a second, every time he showed up I did feel a little, just a little bit tired, but it quickly vanishes.
     I nodded my head and she pointed at the large Panther.
     "Eclipse go back, we'll see if she can summon you. And don't try and help her from what ever realm you come from." She laughed as the Cat huffed in annoyance. He then disappeared in a dark puff of black smoke.
     "Alright (Y/N) remember the feeling you had when he showed up, remember the power you feel when he was there." She told me as I stood there. For a few seconds I didn't know what to do. I then took in a breath as I felt my finger tips sizzle. I almost tried to stop it but remembered what happened last time I did it. I felt the sizzling reach up my arms and up my chest. It then started to grow stronger within my chest and at the point I thought it was going to burst I opened my eyes and lifted my hands, throwing then to the ground. I felt something let go within my body, and I felt my knees slightly buckle as my energy was drained from my body. I closed my eyes as I felt the energy quickly cut off, allowing me to gasp in some air. I then heard a loud roar, making me shoot my eyes open in surprise. Eclipse stood there, his tail held slightly off the ground and his chest puffed out. His head was held high as his eyes changed white then back to the deep original purple color.
     I let out a sigh as I let my knees give out and fell backwards, onto my rear end. I heard a slight purr as I looked up be be greeted with a sand paper tongue to the face.
"Yea yea, that's for the congrats." I mumbled as I pet his head. I then finally looked up at Ana to see a smile on her face. Fareeha by her side jumping up and down slightly.
"Well (Y/N) I honestly didn't think that you would be able to do it but here we are now. We do need to work on how you are spending your energy, so a better food diet, and more training on your muscles. You will have a special meal plan in the lunch room from now on, and if anyone says other wise say Captain Amari ordered it." She finished as Fareeha ran up to me.
"Woah! That was amazing! I hope one day I can be just as powerful!" The little girl beamed as Eclipse rubbed up against her. Looking at them, they seemed to me the same height. I let out a tired chuckle as I looked up at the little girl. I then lifted myself up to my feat and let out a sigh.
     "Captain Amari, with all do respect I can't train like this." I murmured as I tried to regain at least some energy. Ana nodded and smiled.
     "Yes child, Eclipse was difficult for you to summon because of his size, and power. We will start off tomorrow with very small Carnivores, such as a weasel possibly? But the rest of the day today, we will be working on some easy work out routines for your muscles." She stated as she led me to a different side of the room, where there was a door. She then opened it for me to reveal a small room with dumbbells, a yoga mat and a few other things. She then instructed me what to do and how many to do, which I did. It went on like this for a few hours along with breaks before she had told me I was done for the day. I was thrilled but exhausted. I thanked her for helping me and told her I would be on time tomorrow and left the secured room and down the long hallway to the bedrooms for the Blackwatch agents.
     "Well Eclipse, I think we did good today. How about you?" I questioned as the large cat let out a loud purr, indicating that he agreed with me. I was about to open my mouth to speak again only to be cut off by a voice I knew very well.
     "Come on Boss! You can't really expect me to do this!" I heard an angry cowboy yell from a nearby door. Slowly I walked to the door, that was surprisingly cracked open and peaked my head in. Uncle had noticed me right away, giving me a slight glare before looking back to Jesse who was oblivious to my presence. I then noticed something in Jesses hand. It was a bottle of some sort, and in it was a weird green liquid.
     "McCree, winston said that your immune to the poison, he just wanted to ask what the effects are to your body, there could possibly be a good Out come considering there wolnt be a bad." Gabe sighed as Jesse let out a growl.
     "What do I get out of it?!"" He yelled as he held the bottle. Uncle then reached into his pocket and pulled it what seemed to be a belt buckle. It had a skull on it with wings and actually seemed pretty demonic.
     "You can have-"
"I'll do it." McCree murmured as he opened the the bottle and chugged it down. I let out a laugh as I saw this, making Jesse jump out of surprise and choke on his drink. He turned to me and blushed out of embarrassment as he wiped the poison off of his mouth. He then proceeded to cough, making me laugh harder. Gabe on the other hand only sighed as he watched the scene in front of him.
Jesse then snatched the belt buckle out of his hands and stashed it into his pocket, still blushing out of embarrassment. Gabe then gave up and proceeded to walk past me out of the room, calling out,
"McCree your done for the day, I have to talk to Jack anyways." He yelled as he disappeared behind a corridor.
"(Y/N) why the fuck-" he then shut his mouth and just kind of looked at me. I calmed my laughing quickly and looked at him
"Jesse? Is something wrong?" I asked as his face became redder. He then told of his hat and held onto it, looking away.
"That poison is doing some weird shit to my brain." He murmured as I walked closer to him. He quickly shook his head to stay away, which I did. By now I was getting very concerned. Quickly, I walked over to a nearby com and called into it, signaling it to the lab.
"Winston, that poison or what ever you gave McCree is doing some weird stuff to him and I'd appreciate it if you could come fix it." I growled into the com. Not even a few minutes later Winston burst into the room with a notebook and pencil. He then motioned me out of the room and waddled over to Jesse who was now sitting on the ground, wobbling back and forth slightly.
"When he's... back to his normal self tell him to stop by my place will you?" I asked the scientist as he nodded. I then walked out of the room, closing the door behind me and made my way to my room, laughing at the fact Jesse was won over by a belt buckle... hm... maybe I could get him one as a gift? Eh maybe once upon a time but for now-
"Holy fuck!" I laughed as I closed the door to my room, Eclipse jumping on my bed as I did so.
"Jesus that was the best thing I've seen all day." I said he'd as I wiped a tear from my eye. I then sat down on my bed and leaned back onto the pillows. Eclipse moved and set his head on my lap, purring as I scratched behind his ears. I then grabbed a nearby book and began reading it. Letting it's wonders drift me away to a different world.

There you all are! Hope you enjoyed, next part will be out soon, so stay tuned for more and as always, Wolf Out!

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