~Chapter 17~

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Your POV

I felt myself smile as the small town came it to veiw. But Before I could rush ahead, Jesse let out a whistle, making me turn around to look at him.
     He jumped off of his horse and walked a little further into the woods, tying Rain to a nearby tree. At that moments I understood, and quickly got off Hades. I then led him to the same tree and tied him there, patting him on the neck, I whispered to him.
     "We should be back soon, if anyone tries to take you, leave them a bite mark they wolnt forget." I laughed as the horse nudged my head letting out a soft whinny.
     "Alright darlin lets get a move on." Jesse called out as I turned towards him. I then quickly ran up to him, slowing down as I reached his side. We then made our way to the small town, a smile plastered on both of our faces.

Gonna do a time skip because why not?

"Hey Jesse?" I asked as I let out a sigh into the cold air. He turned his head towards me and let out a hmph... considering his face was filled with some fresh macaroons we had managed to buy.
He quickly swallowed and cocked his head, waiting for me to continue.
"Thanks... for everything..." I smiled as I grabbed his hand, leaning on him as we started to reach the horses. We continued to walk like that until we reached the horses. We both separated and began to mount the horses, after untying them from the tree of course.
We were about to start making our way back to base when I noticed Jesse jump from the corner of my eye. Quickly, I shifted my gaze to him, only to see him reach up to his ear and press something.
'No wonder we were able to leave so easily. Gabe probably made him take a com just in case' I thought to myself as the small pieces in my mind finally began to click. But I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts by Jesses wide eyed face.
     "What?" Jesse called out into the mic, panic laced within his voice. Then without warning Jesse jumped on Rain quickly, pulling her back slightly. He then looked at me and called out.
     "The base is under attack, Boss needs us there. Now." He yelled out as Rain bolted through the forest, leaving me behind slightly.
     I quickly shook off the shock and let out a surprised gasp as Hades launched himself after the two. While the horses sprinted through the dense forest I realized something.
     "Jesse!" I yelled out, my hair waving In the wind. He turned his head towards me, waiting for me to continue. The panic still swept over his face.
     "We will never make it on time! If we want to stop what ever it is that's happening, we need to go faster!" I yelled. He nodded before speaking.
     "What are we suppose to do?!" He yelled out to me. His hat struggling to stay on his head. Quickly, I began thinking of ways that we could get there faster until one popped into my head.
     "Do the horses know how to get back!?" I yelled out to him. He nodded before looking back at me with a confused expression. But before he could say anything, I beat him to it.
     "Then lets hope this works!" I yelled as I stood on top of Hades slowly. I was lucky that no branches had managed to snag me. I then, after wobbling was able to keep balance on the horses back. I then held my hands out and started to put as much energy into my hands. What I was about to do was a long shot, maybe impossible, but I could summon all carnivores right?
     I then shot my eyes open and threw my hands in the air, the black substance growing larger and larger as it flew out of the trees grasp and into the now dark sky. There was then a Loud roar and a blast of burning hot fire
     "YES!" I screamed as I felt myself being lifted from the horses back and thrown into the air. I then landed on something quite large large, scaly to. I heard Jesse scream causing me to smile as I saw him land behind me, his eyes wide open and he held onto what ever we were on.
     "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS THING?!" Jesse screamed out causing me to laugh. I then threw my hands in the air as there was another loud roar, casing the creatures body to rumble.
     "A dragon!" I yelled back as I looked at the huge creature who was speeding towards the base. It's large wings flapping and it's tail swished back and forth.
     "When the hell did you figure out you would summon a dragon!?" Jesse questioned as we began to approach our destination.
     "Just now!" I Hollered back. My head spinning to look ahead, only to have my excitement drain from my face. It was true that Jesse and I grew up without a family, so we couldn't rely on anyone except each other. But ever sense Blackwatch came into view we realized something. We had a family now. A family that we swore to protect.
     "Jesse, get Peacekeeper ready! She's going to land but as soon as she's close to the ground we're jumping!" I called out as the dragon started to decent. I smelt the smoke and gunpowder as I jumped, landing on the ground as I did so. Jesse followed after, pulling out peacekeeper as he started to begin his killing spree.
Surprisingly, the fight was outside, though I knew something right away. Overwatch had sent many of its soldiers to help with the omnic crises across the whole world, leaving the place with only small handfuls of recruits and the main commanders of course.

Let the fight begin

I let out a gasp as a bullet sped past my head and landed on a nearby tree. I then quickly spun around and reached into my holsters, grabbing onto both of my guns. Thank god I brought them with me.
I then loaded them up quickly and began to fire at as many omnics as I could. As I was doing this I was also dodging many bullets somehow.
"ACK-" I felt someone's hands wrapped around my throat from behind as I was pushed to the ground. Quickly, I turned my body in order to look at the large omnics face. A gun came out of its back and aimed at my temple. At this moment I felt energy return to my body and then drain back out, indicating only one thing.
"Eclipse!" I yelled as the large cat pushed down the the large robot, ripping his teeth into its throat. He then pulled out a few wires and such quickly. A loud, low growl coming from his throat.
He then turned to me, his purple eyes wavering as he let out a loud roar. His tail flicked back and forth before he looked at me, nodded, and ran into the battle, taking down many of the robots quickly.
He must had made the large dragon return, that way I would have enough energy for him to come into the world. I'm gonna need to bring her back so I can name, and train with her.
I then continued my shooting, bringing down quite a few before I realized that most of them were dead or had run off, probably going to regroup.
I let out a sigh as I put away my guns, turning to look for Uncle or at lest McCree, but before my eyes landed on anyone I felt something hard hit me in the face, causing me to groan in pain and fall to the ground. I reached up to touch my cheek only to hiss, as it was probably already bruising.
I looked up to see an Omnic, is guns trained on me as he just stared. I reached for one of my guns trying to shoot at him, only to realize I had run out of amo.
It seemed to let it a robotic chuckle as it realized I was helpless, no ammunition, and injured, my head still spinning.
I closed my eyes waiting for the fatal gunshot only to hear a quick slice. I opened my eyes to see a man- or an omnic I think? Standing over the body of what was about to kill me. His eyes glowed red as he put his Katana away, he then turned to look at me.
I began backing away, considering I had never seen this man in my life, I groaned as I lost my balance and fell backwards, my head pounding my my vision slightly blurry.
The man then slowly walked up to me and crouched down, he then mumbled something under his breath and proceeded to pick me up bridal style, carefully I might add. I looked at him for a few seconds, knowing that if I tried to move it would probably make me more dizzy.
He had black hair, or at least that's what it seemed and many wounds over his face. He also had piercing red eyes. I noticed he also wore something over his mouth, like a moth guard or something.
And those were the last things I remembered before I blacked out, my head still pounding, and curiosity poking me.

Annnddd that's it for now, I think ima start the new book soon, because I really need to move accounts. So I might just end it on a cliff hanger and move it to the next book, idk, but that's all for now! Hope you all enjoyed and as always, WOLF OUT!

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